Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,490 The bold and unrestrained woman of the Tang Dynasty

The woman was sitting in a dark red wooden barrel, her delicate white flesh looming in the swirling smoke.

She is extremely beautiful, with long wet hair hanging on her sexy collarbone, long eyelashes, charming eyes, and moist lips that make people want to bite her.

And the half of the thigh exposed above the water reveals all kinds of charm all the time...

At this moment, she was gently shaking her pink gauze scarf while seducing Li Xiaomeng with her charming and silky eyes.

Li Xiaomeng swallowed several times, her eyes widened, and she walked straight forward as if she had been fascinated.

As he walked, he couldn't help but take off his clothes. With a few brushes, he stripped himself naked, stumbled into the barrel, and got entangled with the woman.

Seeing something bad, I quickly used the invisible needle!

With a bang, the illusory scene in front of me was directly punctured by an invisible needle, and the red building, wooden barrels, and beauties all disappeared.

Li Xiaomeng lay naked on the ground, with a face full of surprise, and then disappeared out of thin air - his dream was interrupted by me, at least nothing will happen tonight.

When I opened my eyes from meditating, I took a look at the door god pictures posted outside the door. As I expected, they all turned into paper dust.

It seems that this Nine Colored Demon is extremely difficult to deal with!

I carefully recalled the scene in Li Xiaomeng's dream just now: the manor, the small building, even the wooden barrels, the lotus lanterns... all seemed to be of the craftsmanship level in the late Tang Dynasty.

I vaguely memorized a few lines of the song that the woman sang when she seduced Li Xiaomeng. I opened Baidu on my phone and found that it was a seven-character poem "Late Spring" by Yu Xuanji.

The meaning of the whole poem is probably that I live in a deep alley, feel lonely physically and mentally, and desperately need a lover.

Most people may not know when it comes to Yu Xuanji, but she was actually a famous female poet in the late Tang Dynasty! Yu Xuanji has loved reading since she was a child, and is especially good at writing poetry. She can be said to be a talented woman with both beauty and wisdom.

Even the famous writer Wen Tingyun was her lifelong friend, and Yu Xuanji was later regarded as one of the four most talented women in the Tang Dynasty.

It is a pity that the fate of most women in the old society was tragic. Under the introduction of Wen Tingyun, Yu Xuanji married her first husband Li Yi as a concubine. Originally, the two respected each other as guests, but because Yu Xuanji was so beautiful and talented, Well, he was jealous of Li Yi's wife and was eventually kicked out of the house...

Frustrated, Yu Xuanji became a female Taoist priest. However, how could the forward-thinking Yu Xuanji endure the hardships of Taoism? She started looking for men everywhere, sometimes she would change men every month, sometimes she would change several men a day, and she became what the world sees as a 'bold woman'.

In the end, Yu Xuanji became jealous and killed Lu Qiao because his new man fell in love with his maid Lu Qiao, and was sentenced to be beheaded by the government. The 27-year-old youth was thus ruined.

Judging from the scene in Li Xiaomeng's dream, all the artifacts should be from the late Tang Dynasty, which is exactly the opposite of the era when Yu Xuanji lived.

However, because her poems were too explicit, they were criticized at the time and have not yet spread. The real spread period should be after the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

In other words, this Yin spirit is most likely Yu Xuanji himself!

I don't know what kind of changes she went through before she died, and her resentment turned into a Yin spirit, and even turned into a nine-color erotic demon.

With my current strength, it is not difficult to eradicate her, but now she has entangled with Li Xiaomeng. If I kill her so hard, Li Xiaomeng will definitely suffer a lot. A serious illness is inevitable, and you may even stay awake and become a vegetative state forever.

If Li Xiaomeng really has three strengths and two weaknesses, then Li Mazi...

This is really a bit tricky!

The current situation is like a 18-ban movie, with Li Xiaomeng and Yu Xuanji playing the male and female protagonists respectively, and I am the only audience who can see all the plot.

The heroine wants to suck the hero dry. This is an unchangeable fact. Even if I use an invisible needle to break the dream, it will only temporarily turn off the movie. Once Xiaomeng falls asleep again, the plot will continue to unfold. This ending is simply impossible. Change.

The only way to solve it now is to find another Yin spirit to enter the dream.

In other words, the script must be completely tampered with, and a hero who hates evil must be added to drive away Yu Xuanji.

I thought for a while and posted this news to the WeChat circle, asking the femininity dealers from all over the country to help find out who had clues about similar femininity.

As soon as they saw shopkeeper Zhang Da's opening, everyone actively helped and inquired around.

I stared at the screen until dawn, but still didn't get any valuable clues.

Just after breakfast, Li Mazi called again: "Brother Zhang, I know what the vagina is that is wrapped around Xiaomeng."

"Oh, what did you find?" I asked pretending to be casual.

"It's a pillow!" Li Mazi lowered his voice, and whispered as if he was afraid that Li Xiaomeng would hear: "I think he must have been entangled in something dirty. In order to eliminate bad luck, I bought a new batch of clothes, curtains, bedding and so on, and planned to put them away Replace everything in his house."

"Xiaomeng didn't object at first, but when I changed to the pillow, he immediately became anxious! He snatched it from my hand, hugged me tightly and refused to give up, and even said that I would throw the pillow away. Just sever the father-son relationship with me."

"I saw that pillow! It's indeed not from our house. It's just covered with a new pillowcase. It feels cool when I hold it in my hand. Little brother, does the method you mentioned really work? Why do I feel so cute? Instead, he became more and more obsessed."

"It's okay, don't worry." I was afraid that Li Mazi would be worried, so I continued to comfort him: "The pervert in him has indeed been driven away, but he needs a recovery period. He will be fine in a few days."

"Is this... really okay?" Li Mazi was still a little worried.

"It's okay, just do as I say." I put down the phone pretending to be relaxed and continued to stare at it.

The person who harassed Li Xiaomeng was the pervert in his dream. Even if he found the vagina, it would be of no use. Even if he threw the pillow abroad, it would not solve the problem at all.

The femininity dealers in the circle are still helping me look around, but it’s just that it’s too hard to find targeted femininity.

I made it through noon, and I was a little sleepy. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw Li Xiaomeng again!

The spell I left at Li Mazi's house has locked Li Xiaomeng's dream. As long as he falls asleep, I will feel it at the same time.

He was still wearing a brocade robe, sneaking into an alley, looking back from time to time, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

"Stop!" Seeing him pushing open the small wooden door again, I suddenly shouted and walked out.

When Li Xiaomeng heard the voice, she trembled violently. She turned around and saw that it was me. She turned around and ran away in shock and embarrassment. But where could he run away?

I caught up with him in a few quick steps and pinned him firmly against the wall.

"Tell me, what are you going to do?" I asked sternly, my face darkening.

"I...I don't need you to worry about it, let go of me." Li Xiaomeng's face was red, and the veins on his neck were popping high. He roared loudly, trying to get out.

"No matter what? No matter what, you will die here." I grabbed him tightly and scolded: "Tell me clearly, where did the pillow come from?"

As soon as she heard me talk about pillows, Li Xiaomeng lost a third of her arrogance.

He was exposed by me and wanted to run away, but he defended himself very arrogantly: "Uncle Zhang, I really don't know what you are talking about..."

"You're still trying to show off to me!" I slapped him on the head, pointed to the wooden door in the distance and said, "You think I don't know what you want to do? Isn't it just to hang out with that promiscuous woman? That's no use. In a few days, you will be squeezed dry. Now tell me the truth, there is still hope, but in a few days, you will not survive! Boy, do you want to watch your father cry to death? Tell me, what on earth is going to happen? thing."

Although Li Xiaomeng is stubborn, he is still a child after all, and he is very much like his father, with a big heart but little courage. Being so frightened by me, he finally lowered his head and said quietly: "Well, that pillow doesn't belong to me alone..."

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