Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1491 The Magic Pillow

Li Xiaomeng told the reason intermittently.

It turns out that the problem did lie with that pillow!

A classmate in their dormitory got a piece of news from somewhere, saying that there is a very magical pillow. As long as they sleep on it, they will dream of a very beautiful woman who actively seduce them to sleep and do that kind of thing. It's so exciting.

He wanted to buy it, but he didn't have enough money, so he discussed it with a few other people in the dormitory. They all pooled their money, and then everyone took turns sleeping there for a week.

Li Xiaomeng waited for three weeks before it was his turn.

I knew that he was possessed by a sex demon, and no matter how much I warned him, it was useless, so I immediately used an invisible needle to break his dream.

But this thing is very bad. In addition to him, there are several children who are also fascinated. I can't give all the children a dream charm to help them resist the invasion of the sex devil at any time, right?

There is no way to go on like this. We must find the nemesis of the Nine-Colored Demon as soon as possible.

At this moment, my phone rang again. I picked it up and saw that it was Wu Laobao, a senior in the circle.

Wu Laobao is old and rarely shows up. Basically, his grandson helps take care of business. However, once someone in the circle asks for help, as long as he can help, he will always help.

His skills are very weak, but his experience is extremely rich. He traveled to every corner of China when he was young. In particular, his network of contacts is very complex, and he can always get some information that ordinary people can't find even if they dig deep in the ground. He helped me as early as Zhao Yun's Longdan Armor business.

So when I saw that the call was from Mr. Wu, I couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, have you found what you want?" As soon as the call was connected, Mr. Wu asked in a hoarse voice.

"Not yet. Does Mr. Wu have such a thing?"

"I don't have one, but there is a clue that may be of some help to you..." Wu Laohui said, coughing repeatedly.

According to him, there is a place called Huangma Village three hundred miles outside Wuhan, and a strange thing happened recently.

There was a Widow Zhang in that village. She was very handsome, but she was extremely unruly. Less than a year after her husband died, she had one after another and became a laughing stock with many of her neighbors.

A few days ago, she ran into town to dye her hair. There were many customers in the shop at that time, so she just flipped through magazines while waiting.

She fell asleep while waiting. When it was her turn, the barber didn't respond no matter how she called, so he pushed her gently. Unexpectedly, with just such a push, the widow Zhang suddenly collapsed to the ground, her head fell off, blood splashed all over the room, and everyone ran away screaming...

There were many people sitting in the barber shop at that time, and no one noticed how she died. What's more, the incision on her neck was extremely smooth, as if someone had cut it off instantly.

After the police station intervened, they were still helpless.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, outsiders don't know the secret, but we all know in our hearts that this is a typical dream murder! Combined with the unruly temperament of Widow Zhang, it is very likely that it is exactly what you want. You might as well go to Juma Village to hunt for treasures." Wu Laohui suggested.

This clue is extremely valuable!

I immediately thanked Old Bad Wu and set off directly for Huangma Village.

Huangma Village is more than 300 miles away from Wuhan city. By the time I arrived, it was almost evening.

Although it is the slack season in early winter, most of the villagers have gone out to work. The rest are old people and children who go to bed early, and the whole village is dark. Only the two-story building built at the end of the village still had lights on.

When I walked in, I saw that it was a small shop in the village, and four aunts were playing mahjong.

As soon as I pushed the door open, they were all stunned for a moment, but there was no strange expression at all, just some inexplicable awe.

This makes me very curious.

This village is far away from the road, and there are no passers-by at all. On such a dark day, an outsider suddenly comes. They should be surprised, but what does this expression mean? It's like they already knew what I was doing.

I pretended to be serious and bought a pack of cigarettes, stood behind them and watched the card game, and was thinking of borrowing some words to inquire more about them.

The aunt who sold me my things glanced at me, pushed the empty chair next to me and said, "Comrade, sit down. You have worked hard enough."

"Ah, it's not hard." I wasn't sure what she meant by this, so I had to sit down with a vague answer.

At first, some of them were a little reserved, but I was very gentle, and I would add a few words about cards from time to time, and they gradually relaxed and started chatting.

"Comrade, is this case difficult to solve? I see that there have been several groups of people coming and going." As I was talking, an aunt suddenly asked me.

"Let me tell you, don't investigate! She deserves it. If a man dies, he will either remarry or become a widow. He spends his whole day like a bitch in spring, seducing other people's husbands. What's going on? She's dead. The village has been wiped out." One of the aunts said angrily.

After she said this, she felt something was wrong and looked at me very carefully.

Only then did I realize that they thought I was a policeman from the police station visiting the village.

So, I quietly got into the role and learned some details.

It turned out that Widow Zhang was from another province. Her parents died young and she was raised by her uncle. Her uncle met Er Shuanzi from Huangma Village at the construction site. Seeing that he was loyal and honest, he married his niece.

Half a year later, there was an accident at the construction site, and both her uncle and Er Shuanzi died.

According to the aunt, Widow Zhang did not leave the village for the time being because Er Shuanzi was the only one left with her mother. The old lady had been seriously ill and collapsed in bed. Now that his son is dead, he is even more anxious and anxious, and it seems that he will not be able to survive for long.

As long as she waits for the old lady to die before leaving, the pensions of both of them will belong to her.

This widow is not only greedy for money and immoral, she is also very frivolous and seduces many people with her flirtatious behavior all day long.

It is said that she kept her bedroom door open every night, and she could be seen swaying on the window while standing on the road. Her loud screams made the wild dogs and donkeys in the village noisy, and she was deeply attracted by these left-behind aunts. They hate it!

It can also be said that Widow Zhang's death is a good thing in the eyes of these aunts - the village is finally as clean as a village.

It's just that this thing is indeed a bit strange. There were so many people sitting in the barber shop. She fell asleep under everyone's noses and lost her head. No matter how you say it, it's a bit weird and spooky.

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