Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1494: Persuading gamblers to know good things, persuading people to indulge in sex and makin

As the saying goes, gambling is not recommended but prostitution is recommended.

Encourage gambling people to know good things, and persuade people to be disgusted with sex!

How many heroes in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, have been seduced by beautiful women and ruined by a word of sex? What's more, Li Xiaomeng is just a child.

The ignorant young man tasted it for the first time and couldn't help himself.

I appeared in a dream yesterday and caught him in his act. I just wanted to force him to tell the whole story. I didn't expect him to quit just like that.

Li Xiaomeng walked very fast, for fear that I would catch her if she were slower.

As soon as he fell into the dream, Wu Song immediately transformed into his original appearance.

He is seven feet tall, with a sturdy back and a strong waist. His hair is spread loosely. He is wearing a gray patchwork monk's robe. He is holding a gleaming sword in one hand, and his other hand is empty starting from the shoulder.

He raised his chin towards Li Xiaomeng, as if asking me, is this the child?

I nodded.

Wu Song tiptoed and landed lightly on the walls on both sides of the alley, bending down and following closely behind without making a sound.

As soon as I saw Wu Song following him, I also slowed down and watched from a distance.

At this time, Li Xiaomeng had learned from the past and was extremely vigilant. He looked back from time to time, but how could he find Wu Song?

Approaching the wooden door, Li Xiaomeng turned around and looked back. After confirming that no one was following him, he quickly flashed in.

Wu Song seemed to have rich experience in catching rapes. He waited deliberately, then jumped in, and then gently pushed the door open for me.

The two of us followed Li Xiaomeng along the rockery to the front of the red building.

Seeing Li Xiaomeng step into the red building, I was about to take a step, but Wu Songyi stretched out his hand to stop me.

I was surprised when I saw him wink at the trees under the red building.

Only then did I realize that there were many figures hidden in the bushes.

They were all dressed in black, with pale faces, dull eyes, and their toes were suspended on the ground.

I could tell at a glance that these were all dream servants who had been completely subdued by Yu Xuanji and turned into mindless slaves. Most of these dream servants are young men in their youth, and they were probably squeezed dry by Yu Xuanji earlier.

When I came here last time, these dream servants didn't exist!

That time I saw Xiaomeng crawling into the bathtub, so I used an invisible needle to ruin her good deeds.

However, she might still have a bit of luck, thinking that Li Xiaomeng was disturbed by something and woke up in reality, which led to the fragmentation of the dream.

Li Xiaomeng has been pestered by her for a long time, and she is about to become the next Dream Servant. She will definitely not give up, so she released a group of Dream Servants to visit the home and nurse the home.

Wu Song saw Li Xiaomeng entering the building and then walked around gently.

Cover your mouth, wipe your throat! Wu Song's movements were both swift and ruthless.

In one breath, a dream servant turned into black smoke and dissipated.

This is why I have to find a dream spirit to help - if I do it, the dream will be shattered again, and it will be too difficult to catch her, and I can't always follow these children to protect them in their dreams.

Wu Song was extremely tall, but he shuttled through the forest with extraordinary dexterity. With his sword in hand, he silently eliminated all the dream servants. Then he winked at me and jumped upstairs.

I followed closely and walked into the building.

There were red brocade gauze hanging on both sides of the stairs. Li Xiaomeng had been holding it in for two days and two nights but couldn't do anything good. She must have been anxious inside, so she ran up the stairs at a trot.

This time there is no more smoke and a bathtub on the roof, but a bed.

It's such a big bed with pineapple carvings, and a pink gauze hanging outside the bed. A very graceful figure in it gently swayed her waist, driving the graceful lines of her body to sway slowly, hazy. It's so sexy that you can't help but close your eyes.

Li Xiaomeng swallowed hard, rushed over impatiently, opened the gauze curtain and got into it.

The figure inside immediately took him into his arms, wrapping around Li Xiaomeng like a water snake.

"My little friend, why did you come here? I miss my slave so much." A soft voice came from inside.

"This, this is coming, isn't it?" Li Xiaomeng's breathing became heavier, and he responded continuously, then put his hands and mouth together and rushed forward.

Why doesn't Wu Song take action?

I was filled with anxiety when I saw him, and I looked around but couldn't see Wu Song at all.

Seeing that Li Xiaomeng was about to fall into the beauty trap again, I immediately used the invisible needle to break the dream again, but I heard a series of clicking sounds, the windows in the room were closed one after another, and a black shadow rushed directly from the window.

It was Wu Song, with his stride as fast as flying and his sharp sword as sharp as a sword!

People say that Wu Song is cruel and careful, and it is true. He went to close the surrounding windows first to prevent Yu Xuanji from escaping - after all, this was her territory.

With a tearing sound, the long knife tore through the pink tent and burst out from the other end!

A sweet voice had just gone out, and when I leaned over to take a look, I saw that Yu Xuanji's ghost had been pinned to the wall by Wu Song's Jiedao.

Shock was written all over her beautiful face, her tongue was hanging out, and her neck bones had been pinched.

On the bare chest, there was a slash that was more than a foot long, but there was no trace of blood at all, and there was just a continuous stream of black smoke.

Li Xiaomeng lay naked under the bed, her face full of shock.

Wu Song snorted coldly, took two steps forward, and pulled out the sword inserted into Yu Xuanji's chest.

The beauty who was so stunning just now turned into black smoke and disappeared.

Has Li Xiaomeng ever seen such a scene? He was already shaking with fear and huddled tightly.

"Kid, remember, prostitution is the first of all evils, don't bury yourself." Wu Song reminded coldly.

I walked over, picked up the quilt on the bed and threw it over. I sighed and said, "Xiaomeng, have you ever thought about it? If something happens to you, what will your father do? You know that these days, he What are you worried about?"

"Zhang, Uncle Zhang..." Li Xiaomeng finally felt relieved when he saw it was me. Then he hugged the quilt tightly to cover his body and lowered his head: "I, I know I was wrong."

"Okay." I nodded and said, "You are still young, and you can correct your mistakes if you know them. Don't worry, I won't tell your father what happened in the dream."

"Thank you, thank you Uncle Zhang..." Li Xiaomeng blushed and lowered her head.

I immediately used the invisible needle and tore open the dream in front of me.

All the dreams disappeared, and in front of me was the small courtyard again. The old lady stood opposite me, holding a sword in her hand.

"Master Wu, thank you very much!" I stood up and gave him a fist.

"Where are brothers now? Take me there quickly." Wu Song said impatiently, lying on the bed and closing his eyes.

The snoring started again, but it was not as rough as when I was first admitted to the hospital. It was getting softer and smoother.

The old lady seemed to have dreamed of something extremely happy. The corners of her mouth curled up, revealing a very peaceful smile.

I made a special trip to Shandong and put this sword into the pile of rocks at the White Tiger Tomb.

The knife circled around me three times, nodded slightly, as if thanking me, and then disappeared into the pile of rocks.

On the way back, I received a call from Li Mazi. He said happily: "Brother Zhang, our son is fine! And when he wakes up, he seems to be more sensible than before..."

"Yes." I replied with a smile: "Children will grow up eventually. When they grow up, they will naturally become sensible."

From beginning to end, Li Mazi didn't know what happened. I think this is what a true friend should do.

After I came back, I made a special trip to Jute Village to see how the old lady was doing.

As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the village, we found a group of workers paving the road, and many villagers were also helping.

The aunt at the small shop recognized me and said hello to me.

After I asked, I found out that the old lady's illness was completely cured and her body was much stronger than before.

His son's pension money was lost, and Widow Zhang's uncle had no heirs. After Widow Zhang's death, the money also went to the old lady.

The old lady took it all out and did a good deed, building a new road in the village. But the strange thing is that she insisted on naming the road: "Wusong Road."

It seemed that she knew the whole story, so I didn’t have to go see her. I just bought a few boxes of cigarettes in the store and returned to Wuhan.

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