Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,495 I'm by your side

The circuit was under maintenance recently, and the power went out that night, leaving the entire antique street in darkness.

I have long been accustomed to opening after midnight, and I will sit alone until dawn regardless of whether there is anyone or not.

I lit two candles on the table and continued to study the Yin Fu Sutra.

Although "Yin Fu Jing" only has a few thousand words, its content is extremely profound. Until today, I barely finished reading it.

I stretched hard and was about to pick up the cup and take a sip of water. At this time, a cold wind blew from nowhere, blowing the candle over with a puff, and it fell on the sutra.

Although the "Yin Fu Jing" is made of iron and is not afraid of being burned by wax or oil, I felt very distressed and quickly reached out to wipe it.

However, when I finished wiping it and looked at it again, I was suddenly stunned.

The place where the candle fell was the end of the scroll!

It reads: "The excess of yin becomes yang, the excess of yang becomes yin. For those who are destined, the two volumes will be opened."

When I first saw this sentence, I was a little surprised, why is there a second volume? Is this just part of it? Where is the second volume?

But at this time, because I was in a hurry to wipe off the wax oil, I took down the scripture. When I turned it over and looked at it, it was: "Open Volume 2."

It turns out that reading it backwards is the second volume!

I suppressed my joy and read a few more paragraphs, and sure enough--

The "Yin Fu Jing" is the first volume when you read it, which tells about all kinds of weird and evil forbidden arts in the world, and their power is unpredictable; but when you read it backward, it is the second volume, which teaches the Zhiyang secrets of Zheng'erba Jing, how to correct and destroy them. All evil.


When Senior Gray Pigeon was dealing with the Father of Satan, he once said something similar: "The curse is still the same. As long as the order is changed, you can still kill demons."

It seems that the "Yin Fu Jing" is indeed the secret treasure inherited by the Yin Fu Sect, and it actually contains such a wonderful technique!

I was so happy at the moment that I continued to read regardless of the fatigue of studying hard.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, there was a burst of extremely hurried footsteps outside the door, and I heard that the sound was heading straight towards the door of my store.

"Well, who could it be in the middle of the night?" I immediately became suspicious.

Although I know that famous animals from all directions are quietly guarding me in corners I don't know about, and no matter what kind of master comes, they can't cause any trouble, but I can't take it lightly. What's more, there must be no mistakes in such an important and precious "Yin Fu Jing".

When I thought of this, I immediately put the "Yin Fu Jing" in my arms and held the invisible needle in one hand.

The footsteps were getting louder and louder.

With a pop, the store door opened wide, and a figure slammed in.

I flicked my wrist and the invisible needle flew out!

But at the last moment, I forcefully turned my direction and passed by the figure, close to her throat.

Because I found that it was true that this person bumped in, but after entering the door, she knelt down straight.

This is a young girl in her twenties. Her short hair is dyed red. She wears thick earrings as big as the bottom of a bowl on her ears. There is also a silver ring hanging on her nose. Her clothes are extremely avant-garde. There is a wild smell everywhere.

Judging from her outfit, she should be an unconventional little girl, or an alternative artistic young man.

It stands to reason that such people, regardless of gender, are naturally disbelievers in evil and extremely courageous.

But at this time, she was trembling all over, shivering constantly, and the metal jewelry on her body hit the ground from time to time, making a crashing sound. The extremely pretty face was bloodless and pale with fright. Tears were rolling down her face. She was only wearing one shoe, and she didn't know where she dropped the other one.

"Who are you?" I asked in surprise.

The girl was also frightened as if she was frightened by the silver needle that passed by her throat. After hearing my question, she came to her senses and immediately fell to the ground, kowtowing non-stop. His whole body was trembling, and he shouted in extreme panic: "Zhang...Master Zhang, help, help me...Please, help me!"

I looked at her quietly for a while. She probably wasn't pretending to be like this. Then I walked over to help her and said, "If you have anything to do, please get up first."

As a result, the girl refused to get up and insisted on kneeling on the ground and said, I had no choice but to let her go.

She was trembling for a long time, and then she started talking intermittently.

It turns out that her name is Qin Na, a rock painter, and an amateur racing guitarist.

Well, this combination of profession and hobby is quite strange, but that's how she introduced herself.

Now she encountered something extremely strange, yet extremely unbelievable -

When she was eating, the food in her rice bowl would slowly disappear by itself, dripping all over the table. Her friends would make fun of her and ask her when she had her mouth pierced. But she knew very well that it was not for her to eat!

When she was taking a shower, water sprayed from the faucet, but it didn't fall on her and instead splashed everywhere.

When she was sleeping, she would feel that there was an extra person next to her, and she could feel the coldness of being touched on her body, but she could not see anything.

What's even more frightening is that when she looks in the mirror, there will be another person in the mirror.

A woman with disheveled hair, pale face, a high-heeled shoe in one eye, and blood on her face grinned at her.

At first she thought she had a mental problem and went to see a psychiatrist, but after she left, the psychiatrist jumped off the building and committed suicide.

She told her best friend that her best friend had a car accident the next day, and her entire upper body was shattered, and she couldn't even put together a complete face...

She doesn't dare to tell anyone about such things now. She lives in extreme fear every day and wants to commit suicide several times!

Finally, by chance, I heard that the shop at the end of Antique Street could solve all the strange things in the world, so I came to visit.

Just now, when she got out of the car, she saw that terrifying woman's face again in the rearview mirror, and the sound of high heels hitting the ground slowly drifted from behind.

She was so frightened that she rushed in without looking back. She didn't even know she had dropped a shoe.

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but be a little stunned. There was indeed something wrong with this situation!

As long as it is contaminated with something dirty, it will just happen in a series of strange things, and at most it will cost people's lives, but how can it be so vicious?

After she finished speaking, her mood gradually calmed down.

"Then have you come into contact with any weird things recently? I mean older objects, or things of unknown origin." After thinking about it, I could only start with vaginal objects to see if she had come into contact with anything. .

"No." She shook her head firmly: "My clothes and the things I use at home are all brands bought from specialty stores, not even the ones from roadside stalls, and I have no interest in these antiques. interest."

"So how long have these weird things been happening? Or, roughly when did they start." I made two cups of tea and sat in front of her and asked.

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