Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1499 Tour Group

Although this guy looks very ordinary, he is inconspicuous in a crowd.

But his eyes are very strange. I don't know if I have been in this industry for too long and am a little too sensitive. I always feel that when he looks at every passenger, he seems to be staring deeply into the soul, and he has a sense of arbitrary domination.

Just like a butcher facing a lamb to be slaughtered, who will live and who will die can only be determined by his thoughts.

Especially when his eyes glanced at Qin Na, there was still a trace of surprise. Then he glanced at me very alertly and quickly moved away.

"No! There must be something wrong."

I pinched a pinch of cinnabar secretly, drew a warning mark on the corners of Qin Na's and mine's clothes, and exercised great caution.

It is said that this travel route has just been developed, and only this travel agency sends one every half month. Counting this time, it is only the third one.

The destination is a primitive village close to the China-Vietnam border. It is said that it still maintains the style of hundreds of years ago, so there are no shopping spots at all.

I didn't sleep all night and worked hard for a long time. I was really sleepy and fell asleep as soon as I got on the plane.

After getting off the plane, I closed my eyes again in the swaying bus.

"Wow! So beautiful!" In my daze, I was suddenly awakened by a cry.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was almost dusk outside the window, and the sky was full of red sunset glow, as if someone had poured a can of oil paint on it, and it would drip down at any time.

There are numerous grasses and trees on both sides of the road, with pieces of nameless flowers blooming - yellow like brocade, blue like the sky, under the afterglow of sunset, like a magic lantern curtain, surrounding it on the left and right.

We were traveling quickly among the fairy-tale colors.

Those people who were complaining or feeling sleepy because the hotel did not arrange hotel accommodation immediately became excited and took out their mobile phones to take photos.

But at this time, Qin Na was uncharacteristically stunned. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened, looking at everything in front of her stupidly.

"Friends! Now you know why we don't rest in the hotel?" The pudgy tour guide looked happy: "If we stayed in the hotel, how could we see such beautiful scenery? We will stay in Zaguli Village tonight. Have you remembered all the precautions I told you before setting off? I will repeat it again..."

Even before setting off, he repeatedly emphasized that this village was extremely ancient and remote.

This most primitive way of life of the villagers has lasted for hundreds of years. A long time ago, they did not welcome outsiders to set foot in the village, and would even regard outsiders as enemies. Even now, only their travel agency can enter the village.

In his words, those who can participate in this trip are the happiest people.

The village is primitive and old-fashioned, and naturally retains some very weird customs. He told us not to be too surprised no matter what we saw, let alone break the rules of destroying the villagers.

For example, you are not allowed to go out at night. Even if you have to go out, you must not talk to the villagers. You are not allowed to pick or break flowers, nor are you allowed to leave or engrave your name. Most importantly, you are not allowed to take photos with the villagers.

Because the villagers believe that taking pictures will kill the soul, they may regard you as your enemy, and the consequences will be very serious.

If anyone doesn't follow the rules and something happens, you will be responsible for the consequences...

Humpty Dumpty was very serious and stressed over and over again. Every time he said something, he asked: "Do you remember it?"

Everyone was a little tired of hearing this and responded feebly. Their thoughts had already gone to that ancient and mysterious unknown village.

The bus drove forward for a while and suddenly stopped.

The fat tour guide said that the road to that village is not currently open to traffic, so everyone has to walk for a while and climb over a mountain to get there.

Everyone was already suffering from backache and leg pain after taking the car. When they heard that they had to walk, they all muttered in displeasure.

However, after mumbling, he still carried his backpack and dragged his luggage down.

Qin Na brought nothing but a bag of snacks, and I walked at the end carrying a backpack.

Most of the people in this group are young people, and they are basically young lovers.

In addition, there is an old couple with glasses and gray hair, three naughty young people, and the most eye-catching thing is that there is a tall and thin foreigner.

The tour group had already made preparations. The hats we wore and the small flags in our hands were all luminous and shiny. They matched the surrounding flowers and plants and the sunset in the sky, which made it quite interesting.

It's just that the road is really far. As we walked, everyone lost interest in watching and taking pictures, and gradually started to complain. The complaints became louder and louder, and they asked from time to time how far it was.

The fat tour guide kept saying: "Come on, come on, we'll be there soon."

The surrounding light slowly faded, and the sunset glow also set. The sky was like an upside-down black pot, completely black without revealing any gaps, and everything was pitch black.

The light spots on our heads and hands are the only lights shining in this emptiness.

Everyone complained and tolerated it, but the anger in their hearts was gradually increasing.

After finally climbing over a bald hill, a steamed bun-shaped hill appeared in the darkness ahead. Everyone immediately started shouting: "Didn't you say there is only one mountain?"

"That's right. Why haven't we arrived yet after walking so far!"

"Hey, can you be more reliable?"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, everyone, don't be anxious!" The fat tour guide waved the small flag in his hand: "There is no need to go over the mountain anymore. There is a tunnel at the mountain pass. When we get there, we can take the bus."

"Who are you fooling?" One of the young men with long hair said angrily: "In such a remote place, there are no roads, where are the tunnels? And what kind of car are you taking?"

"That's right!" Xiao Pingtou, who was walking with him, also answered: "I keep saying it's not far, it's not far. How long have we been walking? Are you making fun of us?"

Another fashionably dressed young woman also complained: "What about high-end tour groups, the most perfect service, the most unforgettable enjoyment? Is this the most unforgettable service you have given us? I have participated in so many tour groups, and this is the best one." I’m the most tired this time.”

"My feet are swollen."

“I haven’t even eaten a meal since we set off!”

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not leaving! Quit the group!"

Their resentment spread and everyone surrounded the fat tour guide.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, everyone, don't be anxious! There is really a tunnel! There is really a car!" The fat tour guide stretched out his hands and explained in embarrassment.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered some new target. He pointed at Qin Na and me standing behind the team from a distance and said, "If you don't believe me, ask that girl. She was here during the last shift." .”

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