Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1500 Bronze Train

After hearing what he said, everyone's eyes glanced at Qin Na.

"Beauty, is what he said true?" The long-haired young man grabbed the fat tour guide's collar with one hand and turned to ask.

"Well, yes, I have a car." Qin Na nodded and answered very mechanically.

"Well, since the beauty has said so, I will believe you again for her sake!" The long-haired young man finally let go of his hand.

Everyone also looked back at Qin Na, their eyes filled with doubts.

But fortunately, the mountain pass is right in front of you. You can tell the truth at first sight. Besides, if you really have to walk back, it might be further, and there is no village in front of you, no store in the back, and it is even more difficult to do in the wilderness.

The crowd continued to surge forward, fluorescent lights shining and twisting like snakes.

But I felt something was wrong.

I have seen the true temperament of this girl Qin Na early in the morning, she is quite a different kind of naughty. Why did you become so dull all of a sudden?

He didn't complain at all along the way, he just followed me expressionlessly and hardly said anything.

"Xiaona, are you tired?" I asked with concern.

"Yeah." She just nodded slightly and then said nothing.

After walking for more than half an hour, we finally arrived at the hill.

This hill is not very steep, but it is extremely tall and bare with no trees.

There was a large stone tablet standing at the foot of the mountain. Someone turned on their mobile phone and took a picture. There were three characters "Zhaguli" engraved on it, and there were also a bunch of dense words, but it was hard to tell what was written.

"Where's the tunnel? Where's the car?" The long-haired young man looked around and found no sign of a tunnel at all. The entire mountain was completely dark. It looks like a giant beast squatting on the ground.

"Right now, right now!" The fat tour guide took out something and knocked on the stone tablet.

A very clear sound was heard, echoing far into the wilderness.

"What the hell are you pretending to me? You can create a tunnel by knocking on this piece of shit." The long-haired young man took a step forward and was about to get angry.

Suddenly, bursts of roaring came from the mountain, as if a giant bell was ringing.

woo woo woo woo……

Immediately afterwards, the sharp horns sounded one after another.

The long-haired young man suddenly froze.

Everyone was shocked by the sound, looked at each other, and scanned everywhere with their mobile phones held high.

The whine is getting louder and louder, and the tone is getting longer and longer, as if it is the horn of an ancient battle - we are now surrounded by thousands of troops!

"What...what is this?" The fashionable woman who complained anxiously before moved closer to the man with some fear.

"Attention, everyone." The fat tour guide shouted loudly: "Don't mess up yet, the tunnel will open soon. You must remember what I said. Don't go out at night, don't talk to the villagers, don't pick flowers and plants, and don't take photos together." "

Click, click, click...

There was another sound of the stone lock mechanism vibrating, and then the hill in front of us shook violently. A huge stone more than three meters wide slowly rose upwards, revealing a long passage in front of us.

On the stone walls on both sides of the passage, pitch-black skulls hung, with red flames in their eyes, illuminating the cave.

Blah blah blah, accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, a dark shadow quickly rushed in front of us from far away.

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly backed away, but the black shadow suddenly stopped at the entrance of the cave. Only then did we see clearly that it was really a car.

The entire car is made of bronze, and its length, width and height are exactly the same as the passage, leaving about half a foot of space on each side.

Under the car body, there are two long rails, which stretch out far away and are submerged in endless darkness. No one knows what is at the other end?

The fat tour guide walked up to the bronze car with ease and clicked on it. With a click, the rear of the car fell down, revealing a sloping upward staircase.

The lights at the end of the stairs are bright and magnificent.

The four walls are all golden and inlaid with countless bright jewels, and there is a thick red carpet under the car.

The entire carriage is extremely spacious and dazzling, a hundred times more luxurious than an emperor's car!

For a moment, everyone was stunned, unable to say a word in shock.

The fat tour guide enjoyed watching the astonished expressions of everyone for a while, then clapped his hands and said: "Friends! Don't be stunned, get in the car quickly! The mysterious and ancient Zaguli Muramasa Waiting for us.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Na walked over and stepped straight up the steps.

"Nice!" The long-haired young man also woke up and stretched out his thumb at the fat tour guide: "This look is really tricky!" With that, he also walked in.

“This scenic spot is really high-end, and this trip is really worth it.”

"so amazing!"

Everyone has forgotten how they were noisy and complaining just a few minutes ago. At this time, they were all very excited. They each took out their mobile phones and kept taking photos and photos, with faces full of surprises. Inexplicable.

"Strange, why is there no signal?" The fashionable woman seemed to want to post this extremely shocking scenery to Weibo immediately, but suddenly found that her mobile phone had no signal.

"There's no signal."

"That's strange. Was there another one just now?"

"Stop inking and get in the car quickly!" The long-haired young man sat boldly in the middle of the car and shouted to everyone: "We have walked so far in the mountains and can't receive a normal signal. Do you still want to get in?" Are you in the village? You’re not even hungry, are you?”

"Come on, hurry up. Once you've taken the photo, it'll be the same when you go back and send it out." The crew-cut man next to him also greeted.

These boys have always been the most aggressive and almost attacked the fat tour guide, but now they have become his best assistants.

Everyone got on the bus one after another. They all stood in the car and touched this and looked at that. Their eyes were full of novelty and their faces were in disbelief.

But I feel more and more that this place is extremely abnormal!

Is this a primitive village?

So what is this bronze car?

I took two steps forward, turned the brightness of my phone to maximum, and carefully examined this extremely weird bronze car.

The bronze on the car is brand new, with no patterns or patina.

The production process is more like mechanical pressing, which means that this bronze car was built recently and has absolutely nothing to do with any ancient village.

"Don't eat food from the village." As I was checking the room, the tall and thin foreigner walked up to me and said in a low voice in my ear. He didn't say a word along the way, and when he said this, he didn't even look at me, and just passed me by as if nothing had happened.

Um? Who is this foreigner?

How did he know?

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