Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1501 Foreigner’s Reminder

"Hey, buddy, are you leaving yet?" I was in a daze when the long-haired young man stood at the door and looked at me sideways.

"If you don't want to leave, stay. Don't delay our schedule." Pingtou also said very dissatisfied.

I already noticed something was wrong here and didn't want to leave. But after taking a look at Qin Na, who had already boarded the car, she gritted her teeth and got on the car.

It was me who proposed to come to Yunnan. Even if something happens, I can never leave her behind. Besides, if this place is really a harmful place, I can't just watch so many lives being lost.

"Okay, everyone, sit tight, we'll start driving soon!" After the fat tour guide finished speaking, he pressed something, and the step door slowly closed.

Then the bronze car made a rattling sound and rushed forward with a roar.

Many people were still looking around with their necks raised. If one of them failed to stand still, he immediately fell down, or bumped into someone or stepped on someone's foot. The carriage suddenly became a mess.

I squeezed through the noisy crowd and came to Qin Na.

The snack bag she had been holding tightly fell down and scattered all over the floor.

But she seemed unaware, not even looking, as motionless as a wooden figure.

"Xiao Na, are you okay?" I asked extremely worriedly.

But this time she didn't even look at me, as if she didn't hear me at all, and didn't even blink.

What's going on? Has she been possessed?

I quickly checked the warning charm painted on the corner of her clothes. The charm was intact, with no trace of damage at all.

This means that there is definitely no Yin Qi invading the body, so how did she suddenly become like this?

Also, there are so many people in the tour group, how come nothing happens to others?

It seemed that the closer she got to Zaguli Village, the more something was wrong with her.

Even from the moment I saw the fat tour guide, she became silent. But I was a little sleepy at the time and didn't pay much attention to her changes. I thought she wanted to behave more like Xiaojiabiyu in front of outsiders.

At this moment, I suddenly felt like there was something in my hand.

I turned around and saw that the foreigner had his hands behind his back, pretending to admire the gems on the car wall, and walked past me.

"It's him again!"

He was silent all the way, why did he secretly talk to me just now?

What does his kind reminder mean?

Did he also find something wrong here? And it’s clear what’s going on.

Also, how did he decide that I was also here to find out the truth?

Who is he guarding against by being so mysterious?

"Everyone, please sit down. Just sit down and you won't be so shocked." The fat tour guide kept pressing his hands down to signal everyone to sit down.

This time everyone was very cooperative and sat down against the wall of the car.

Except for the moment when it starts, the bronze car doesn't go very fast. But the noise was not small, and the rumbling sound kept reaching my ears.

Several bright headlights hung in the middle of the carriage, illuminating the entire room. By now, everyone could see clearly that the golden thing inlaid in the carriage was not gold, but gold-plated bronze. Those shiny gems are just plastic glass products.

Everyone looked at it as novel at first, but once the novelty wore off, they became bored again. In addition, we have been traveling for a whole day, and we are a little tired now. Especially the elderly couple, leaning on each other and taking a nap.

I helped Qin Na sit in the corner. I closed my eyes slightly and looked around. I found that no one noticed me, so I unfolded the things in my hands as if nothing had happened.

It was a small paper bag with some milky white powder wrapped inside, and there were a few lines of small words written on the paper bag.

"Be careful, this is a sinister conspiracy!"

What does this foreigner want to express?

A sinister conspiracy? Is he referring to this village, this tour group, or Qin Na?

How did he know? What's his purpose of being here?

I was full of questions at this time, but it was not convenient for me to talk to him. Didn't even look towards him.

The bronze car continued to move forward, and all the passengers gradually became quiet.

At this time, I suddenly felt dizzy and my eyes were a little blurry. It was as if the jewelry and jade everywhere were moving, shining and circling... I felt like I was floating in the night sky, surrounded by a A twinkling little star.

My body completely relaxed and I felt indescribably comfortable. This feeling was incredible and wonderful.

But I immediately became alert, this was an illusion!

There is indeed a problem here.

I pinched my thigh hard to wake myself up from the illusion temporarily. Just as I was about to pull out a magic talisman to light it, I suddenly saw the foreigner sitting diagonally opposite me shaking his head gently at me, and then he casually dipped something into his fingertips and wiped it under his nose.

I hesitated for a moment, then came to my senses.

That packet of powder!

The situation here is much more complicated than I originally imagined. I can't figure out what the situation is at all, and it's hard to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Can this foreigner be trusted?

There was another blur in front of my eyes, and the little stars shone again.

I didn't have time to think about it anymore, so I also took the powder and wiped it under my nose, and held the talisman tightly with my other hand - just in case there was something wrong with the powder.

The powder is ice-cold, like fine snow-white frost, and melts away as soon as it touches the skin.

But at the same time, I also came out of the vague hallucinations and became clear-headed.

How did this foreigner know that something like this would happen? What is this powder?

"Everyone, we are about to arrive. Let me repeat the village rules." The fat tour guide said it again.

The strange thing is that everyone became quiet this time, even the three extremely dishonest young people stopped making noise.

The whole car was silent, except for the fat man's chatter, accompanied by waves of rumbles coming from outside the car.

Gudong! The car shook and came to a sudden stop.

Everyone was knocked around and fell to the ground, but what was different from before was that there was not a single exclamation or complaint or curse.

The fat tour guide smiled with satisfaction and immediately opened the door. There were seven or eight strong men standing outside the car, holding flashlights high and scanning the car.

"Ha, not bad! There are quite a few chicks on this trip." One of the bearded men said with a lewd smile.

The fat man smiled and did not reply, but still said seriously to everyone: "Friends, we are here! Residents from the primitive villages are lining up to welcome you! Follow me, drive slowly, and be careful not to fall. "

With that said, he took the lead and walked down. The other passengers all stood up dumbly and automatically lined up and walked down.

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