Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1502 Mountain God Dance

Qin Na, like everyone else, was among them dumbly. The foreigner also stood up and got into the queue. When no one was paying attention, he gently shook his head at me.

He was signaling me not to act rashly, lest they see any flaws!

I got out of the car right behind Qin Na, and the seven or eight strong men were guarding us like wolves and tigers.

"This girl is great! Look at those long legs, how damn sexy they are!"

"I want the one with big breasts! They'll be delicious once you see them."

Those strong men stared at the women in the team and made unscrupulous comments. But the whole group didn't seem to hear it. They were all indifferent, and followed the fat tour guide with expressionless faces.

What exactly is going on?

I didn't notice any yin energy at all? The warning symbols painted on the body didn't respond at all. Isn't this a magic spell?

But what happened to these people? How could a foreigner discover all this in advance?

"Wow, hasn't this red-haired girl been here once? I fell in love with her last time, but Mr. Bai gave an order that no one is allowed to touch her. This time, no one can compete with me. Maybe it will still happen. It’s just a baby.”

A bald man with a scar across his face stared at Qin Na closely and said with shining eyes.

Things are not going well!

I'm ready to take action at any time. No matter what their purpose is in luring these people here, I will never let them succeed!

But this time I was traveling with a tour group. In order to make it easier to take the plane and pass the security check, I put the ghost-slaying swords and the ice jade gourd in the store and did not take them with me.

If we really take action, we can only adapt to circumstances.

"Look, everyone, this is the destination of our trip, the mysterious and ancient Zaguli Village. Look, how enthusiastic the villagers here are and how beautiful the scenery is!" The fat tour guide stopped and pointed around. Pointing, he said very forgetfully.

It was pitch black all around. There were more than a dozen large mounds of varying heights standing far and near, and a row of low adobe houses were built further away. The ground was covered with lush wild grass, which was no different from ancient tombs in the barren mountains. I took advantage of them not paying attention and glanced back secretly from the corner of my eye.

The car we just stepped off was not made of bronze at all. Only the rear part of the carriage was covered with a layer of copper, and the rest was pitch black. Under the illumination of the flashlights of those strong men, patches of old rust were revealed.

And the actual shape... looks very much like a rail car used to transport coal in a mining area.

"People say, is it beautiful here?"

"Beautiful!" Everyone responded in unison, mechanically.

"Okay." The fat tour guide smiled with satisfaction: "The villagers have prepared a unique bonfire party for us, let's all have a good time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a pillar of fire rose in the distance. Someone lit a large pile of wood over there.

There were already more than a dozen people sitting around the fire.

"Come on, let's have a great time!" the fat tour guide said, waving the small flag in his hand and striding forward.

After taking two steps, he seemed to feel that these people were silent and very boring, so he turned around and shouted: "Are you happy?"

"Happy!" Everyone shouted in cooperation.

"Where is your applause?"

"Where are your screams?"

The crowd clapped and shouted, each one looking like a puppet with dull eyes and no expression.

I was deeply afraid that they would see any flaws, so I also clapped and screamed along with me.

Under the leadership of the fat tour guide, we sat in a big circle around the campfire.

In addition to the seven or eight big men in front of the car, there were a dozen or so near the campfire, all of them with fierce expressions on their faces, their eyes shining, staring straight into the flesh of the women in the group.

Sitting among them was an old man wearing a white Chinese tunic suit. His face was covered with wrinkles like pine bark. He glanced at all of us with half-lidded eyes, and then whispered something.

A strong man sitting next to him stood up, pulled out a sharp long knife from his waist with a swish sound, circled the bonfire twice, and walked straight towards me.

Have I been discovered by them? Want to get rid of me first?

Like everyone else, I put on a dumbfounded expression, but I was struggling fiercely inside.

"This is the most famous mountain god dance in Zaguli Village. They worship the mountains and love nature. Whenever guests come to the village or during major festivals, they will dress up as mountain gods, sing and dance, praying for safety and peace..." This fat man has a serious attitude. He said it as if that was really the case.

The big man walked up to me, suddenly stretched out his long knife, and stabbed straight into my chest.

I was about to avoid it as if it was a reflex, but suddenly I figured out something.

Although this tour group is weird in every aspect, after all, it has already started three times. If they kill someone every time, even if all the passengers are mesmerized by some unknown method and won't reveal it, the family members of the deceased will definitely investigate!

Once the police intervene, how can they succeed?

Moreover, the fat tour guide was still talking nonchalantly just to deceive everyone.

If they really wanted to take action, there would be plenty of opportunities, and they would never act so recklessly.

When I thought of this, I remained motionless, but the nerves in my whole body had collapsed into a thread, and I secretly activated Zhao Zilong's gentian armor. If this guy really kills me, I will definitely make his death even more ugly!

With a shout, the knife came with the wind, and it was a few inches away from my head, and it swung away diagonally from my ear.

Immediately, he ran towards the long-haired young man again.

Sure enough, this is a test!

At the same time, two strong men came out carrying a large iron basin, and another small man held a stack of small copper basins in his hands. He scooped something out of the basin and placed them one by one in front of us.

I don't know what is in the basin, but from a long distance, I can smell an extremely pungent smell of blood.

When the small copper basin was placed in front of me, I saw that it was actually blood!

It was bloody and sticky, and there was a bone of an unknown animal inside. The inside and outside of the basin were dark, and it had not been washed for an unknown period of time. A group of flies were attracted and kept flying up. Fly down.

"This is the best wine in Zaguli Village - Dirty Bagu. It is specially used to entertain the most distinguished guests. Come! Friends, let's drink this glass of wine together! This will be the happiest and happiest day in your life. "The fat tour guide was holding a clean white porcelain bowl in his hand, with a bright smile on his face.

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