Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1505 The killing is in progress

Upon hearing this, the group of strong men were particularly surprised.

"How did these two guys get out?"

"Do you still have to ask? I'm just pretending to be bleeding, and I'm not hypnotized."

"He, he can't be the police!"

"Whoever he is, kill them!"

After a brief exchange, the strong men showed their fierce looks and rushed forward, shouting wildly.

"I'm really speechless." I cursed secretly. What did this guy think? He didn't want to fight a sneak attack, but he had to play it so thrillingly.

But the matter had come to an end, and I couldn't allow myself to think any more, so I quickly took out my magic talisman and went forward.

Plop, plop, plop...

However, I had just taken two or three steps, and the few strong men at the front fell to the ground one after another, like tree stumps that had been kicked down, standing upright without any warning.

"What's going on?" I was suddenly stunned.

"Dear Zhang, haven't we discussed it? Let me handle these guys. Just be careful about the old man in white." Pike waved his arms lightly like a band conductor and said calmly. , he smiled calmly and looked confident.

As his arms danced, red ants flew out from his jacket pocket one after another. I think those strong men were knocked down by these little things.

I noticed just now that the old man in the white Chinese tunic suit was not here at the bonfire. I was thinking of helping him get rid of these strong men before going to find the old man. But when he saw this, the foreigner realized that it would not be a problem to deal with these strong men, so he felt relieved.

After six or seven strong men fell to the ground in succession, the people who followed were all frightened and stood still with panic on their faces.

"Damn it! This foreigner is weird! Sanzi, take out your gun." A thin, dark man in the crowd shouted loudly.

These guys probably didn't expect that there were such powerful characters in the tour group, which was like fat sheep. Most of them didn't have anything on them, and only three or five of them had long knives in their hands. But now they had no idea what was going on. There were six or seven people lying on the ground, and they started to panic.

Hearing his shout, a man with a scarred beard in the crowd pulled out a gun from his waist and filled it with gunpowder with a click.

"Since you are so anxious, let me send you to death first!" Pike said coldly, and then pointed at the man sharply.

The bearded man raised the gun, turned his arm, inserted it into his mouth, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot and the guy raised his head and fell.

Half of his head was shattered, blood and brains flew out, splashing all over the faces of everyone around him.

"What the hell is going on?"

These guys were completely frightened!

It’s true that they are desperadoes, but have you ever seen such a scene? From a long distance away, people can fall to the ground in pieces, and even people can shoot themselves with guns. This kind of unknown horror is simply indescribable.

"Ghost, ghost!" Someone shouted loudly, turned around and ran away.

This group of guys also woke up immediately and fled as if they had lost their souls.

Seeing them running out for more than thirty meters, Pike did not pursue them. He spread his shoulders and said, "This is what you said, this is a beautiful night, what a pity it is wasted." As he said that, he suddenly raised his arms. Trembling, as if the music he was conducting suddenly became passionate.

The crowd that had already run away turned around and ran back, killing each other just ten meters away.

This is a real fight, waving the knife in your hand, picking up stones on the ground, inserting it into the opponent's chest, and smashing the opponent's head.

Under the firelight, everyone turned into a bloodthirsty demon - the remaining dozen people regarded each other as enemies, like a group of ancient Roman gladiators, fighting fiercely and crazily. Slaughtering. Extraordinarily shocking and extremely bloody!

And beside the bonfire a few meters away, the tourists were dancing happily. They were no longer as stiff as before, and everyone's face was filled with bright smiles.

They held hands, laughed and danced around the campfire.

Each of their faces was slightly red, and their eyes showed an extremely uncontrollable desire. They were jumping and dancing, and several couples hugged each other tightly on the spot.

"Dear Zhang, look..." Pike took back the ant and smiled happily: "On one side there is singing and laughter, but on the other side there is bloodthirsty fighting. This is the nature of the world, this is the instinct of animals, killing Sex is the eternal truth of the law of survival, and it is the thing that best stimulates the primitive desires of animals. Ah..."

Pike spread his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and said intoxicatedly: "This world is really wonderful!"

Although his method was miraculous and we won; although we are now on the same front and those villains indeed deserve to die, seeing this scene and hearing what he said again, I couldn't help but shudder.

This guy must have some mental problems, and he's also a complete pervert.

The fat tour guide did not participate in the attack that surrounded us, and Pike did not attack him.

But this guy was so frightened that he slumped down on the ground, staring directly at the two of us, trembling all over his body.

"Tell me, where is the old man?" I stepped over to him, grabbed his collar and shouted loudly.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me..." Fatty was so frightened that he was as weak as mud, and kept pleading: "I am only responsible for bringing people here, other things have nothing to do with me."

"It's okay?" I waved my hand and slapped his mouth so hard that several teeth flew out.

"This is simply hell on earth! You acted as a collaborator and tricked everyone into coming here, and you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you? Who else is there besides that old guy? Where did he go?"

"No... there's no one left." Fatty's mouth was full of blood, and he responded with great fear: "Master Bai, no, no, no, that old immortal is going to open an altar."

"Open an altar, what kind of altar are you opening? Where is it? If you dare to tell a lie, I will throw you into the fire." I shouted angrily.

"No, no, no, I don't dare, I don't dare..." The fat man trembled and pointed forward: "It's just behind that big slope. I don't know what they are doing, and neither do other people. Anyway, everyone As soon as everyone finished drinking...the blood water, he went there."

I looked in the direction he pointed and saw a large pile of tall and short dirt piled messily in the distance from the campfire. The fat man was pointing to the largest one among them.

I kicked the fat man away and was about to turn around. Suddenly, the group of passengers who were having a carnival shouted in unison and became really crazy.

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