Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1506 Nine Yin Entrapment Immortal Formation

Everyone stopped dancing. Their eyes were red, flashing with desire. They couldn't wait to pull their companions around and kissed them crazily. They quickly took off each other's clothes and belts... and saw scenes of live erotica about to take place. .

Most of the members of the tour group were lovers, except for three naughty young men who were single.

The bald and flat-headed man hugged each other. The long-haired young man turned around in a daze, and suddenly found Qin Na who was also alone. His eyes lit up and he walked over quickly.

Qin Na also discovered him at the same time and trotted over to meet him.

"No! Their medicine has taken effect!" I ran over quickly.

Qin Na was the customer who found my door. Out of her trust in me, she dared to return here.

Although she was hypnotized the last time she came here and didn't know what happened, her experience afterwards was extremely terrifying. She mustered up the courage all because of me.

I will never let her get hurt in the slightest!

What's more, when she came last time, the old man didn't cause any harm to her except giving her a murder number for some unknown reason. I can't let her lose her innocence just like that.

I ran over and stopped Qin Na, grabbed her shoulders with both hands and shook her hard, shouting: "Xiao Na, Xiao Na, wake up! Wake up!"

But she had no idea at all, she looked at me lustfully, hugged me tightly, and pressed her bright red lips to my face.

Her body felt hot, as if she had a high fever.

"Xiao Na, wake up!" I pushed her away hard and shook her desperately, but it still didn't help.

The long-haired young man ran forward full of desire. When he saw Qin Na being stopped by me, he immediately rushed towards her like crazy.

I flew up and kicked him on the head, and he fell down immediately.

At this moment, a white shadow flashed out of the mound in the distance, looked this way, then turned around and ran away.

"No, that old guy wants to run away!" I just wanted to take a step forward, but Qin Na stopped me and hugged me. She fumbled for my belt with both hands and kept mumbling something.

No time to think too much!

I turned around suddenly and slashed Qin Na on the back of her neck with my knife.

She immediately lay down softly along my thigh and fainted on the ground.

"Come here!" I pointed at the fat tour guide and ordered loudly.

When the guy saw me calling him, he was extremely frightened, but he didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly crawled over on his hands and feet.

"You take good care of her for me. If anything happens to her, I will cut you into pieces, roast you and feed it to the mountain dogs!"

"Yes, yes, yes..." The fat man nodded in response.

I turned my head and glanced at Pike. This guy seemed to be extremely satisfied with the messy scene in front of him. He enjoyed looking at the chaos here and the killing over there. His face was filled with an indescribable happiness.

I don't expect this big pervert to help anymore, as long as he doesn't cause any more trouble.

Fortunately, he had already dealt with the group of strong men, and although the situation here was chaotic, he couldn't care less.

Seeing that the white shadow was about to run out of sight in three leaps and bounds, I no longer hesitated and hurriedly chased after it.

This place is full of deep pits and grass is waist-deep. I chased the white shadow for a long time, stumbling all the way, but he kept wandering around in front of me, and I couldn't catch up no matter what.

After chasing after me, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why does this guy keep running around the mound?

If he saw that what had happened was exposed and wanted to escape from this place, he should flee in a straight line and get further and further away from here.

How is this going?

Could it be... is this a trap? Did he lead me here on purpose?

When I thought of this, I immediately became alert, stood upright, and took another look at the large mound in front of me.

I was chasing so fast that I didn't notice anything special about the terrain. Now I took a closer look and couldn't help but be surprised.

This mound of soil varies in size and height. It looks chaotic and haphazardly piled up, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a lot of secrets in it!

Surrounding the Eight Diagrams in the light and nine palaces in the dark, with ghosts and walls on the outside and a mind-numbing array on the inside, it turned out to be the legendary Nine-Yin Entrapment Immortal Array!

Although I recognize this formation and know how to break it, I am now trapped in it and have no way of identifying my current direction. I cannot break through it for a while.

At this time, the white shadow stood on a mound in the distance, looking at me from a distance.

Not only on that mound, but in all directions, densely packed and endless.

These white figures were far and near, and they were all blurry. It could only be seen that they were roughly human-shaped, and their facial features were not clear. Amidst the shadows and darkness, it was so blurry that it was impossible to tell which one was the real body.

The white shadows were still dividing, and in the blink of an eye there were hundreds of them, surrounding me.

Soon, I couldn't see any darkness in front of my eyes. It was all white illusions, layer upon layer, covering the mountains and plains.

not good! It's an illusion!

I immediately took out a magic talisman and lit it quickly. With a bang, the magic talisman exploded.

But the illusions surrounding him still existed, not even swaying.

its not right.

This talisman of mine is specially used to break the illusion. Even if it cannot break it, it will at least cause some shaking in the formation. How could there be no change at all?

Who is that old man in the white tunic suit? How could he have such means!

Looking at the entire Yinwu Realm, I'm afraid only Taoist Master Yiqing's illusion skills can match his, right?

If you have such great ability, why would you hide in such a small place and do such shameful things in secret?

There are more and more white shadows, and they are getting denser and denser, and gradually they are connected into one piece. It is no longer possible to distinguish the number, just like a white world.

Suddenly, the white lights spun rapidly, like countless tornadoes, spinning wildly around me. My eyes were dizzy, my head hurt, I stumbled several times, and almost fell to the ground.

I quickly took two steps back and held on to the big mound of soil beside me.

There was a big stone on the mound, which felt cold to the touch. My vision suddenly became clear, and my head seemed to be less painful.

Hey, this is it?

I turned around and looked at it. It was just an ordinary big stone. Because it was stained with some dew, it naturally felt cool to the touch.

oh! I see!

I suddenly woke up. This was not an illusion at all, but hypnosis.

The biggest difference between illusion and hypnotism is that in illusion, there is no touch at all. Just like in a dream, you can't feel the pain at all. You are in the illusion, even if it kills you, you won't feel it.

But hypnosis is different. The hypnotized person is like taking a sweat medicine. Once he is touched and stimulated by a foreign object, he will wake up. Even if he is hypnotized by a clever hypnotist, he only needs to throw the person into cold water. In the river, you will wake up soon.

right! Pike said the same thing, this guy's hypnosis is very powerful.

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