Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1507: Soul Leaving Technique

I should have thought of this a long time ago, but I was just confused by this Nine Yin Entrapment Immortal Formation, so I naturally thought it might be an illusion.

Just like eating dumplings, you must dip them in some soy sauce and vinegar. No one would think of salad dressing as a matter of course, but this is really what this old guy does.

Who would have thought that the Nine Yin Trap Immortal Formation could be used with hypnosis?

No wonder my magic talisman doesn't work anymore. It turns out the problem is here.

I have only heard about hypnosis and don't know much about it.

But if I don't want to be hypnotized, or wake up from it, I have many ways.

The most common ones are to plunge into the water, or find a sharp object to pierce the skin, or hit the wall hard to activate the pain nerves, thereby awakening the brain to free itself from it.

But this is just what ordinary people do. If a fetish dealer uses this method to get rid of hypnosis, he will definitely be laughed at. What's more, my goal now is not just to wake up completely from this hypnosis, but to counterattack him.

This old guy's hypnosis skills are indeed very powerful, but this also exposed his weakness.

Otherwise, I am already trapped in the formation at this time. He only needs to use some small methods. With the help of this formation, the power will increase exponentially. By then, let alone escaping, I am afraid that he will not even be able to save his life. .

Although this formation was extremely mysterious and made it impossible for me to escape for a while, it couldn't do anything to me without the cooperation of evil magic.

From this point of view, it is very likely that he cannot perform evil magic at all, or does not know how to do it at all.

In this case, I will let him see my methods!

Let him take a good look at how to use the Jiuyin trapped immortal formation.

I made up my mind, sat down cross-legged, took out three talismans one after another, placed them on the left and right in front of me, forming a three-talent formation of heaven, earth and man - the three talents merged with the three souls, locked onto Liyang's body, and then closed my eyes slightly.

"Open!" I shouted suddenly and flew up.

The white light in his eyes immediately dissipated, revealing the original simple mound of earth.

I had already left my body and my feet were floating in the air. I looked back and saw that my body was still sitting in the same place with my eyes slightly closed.

This is a soul-leaving technique learned from the "Yin Fu Jing", but my cultivation level is far inferior to the supreme god level. Although I know the secret deeply, I have never been able to use it.

But it was different in the trapped immortal formation.

This formation was extremely sophisticated and very conducive to the Soul Leaving Technique, and it had been refined by the old guy for who knows how many days, so its aura was particularly dignified. Although it was my first time to use this soul-separating technique, I was able to control it with ease.

I was just a soul floating in the air at this time, and all the methods of controlling my nerves and paralyzing my body were completely ineffective on me.

Those white light shadows are illusions and naturally no longer exist, and the direction of the magic circle can still be felt.

Looking back at it now, the Eight Trigrams Nine Palaces and the ghost wall are just a big mound!

Within the entire radius of the mound, there was only the old guy.

Souls are extremely sensitive to souls, so I immediately found this guy's place and floated straight over.

He was hiding on the small mound diagonally above me, holding a white handkerchief and shaking it constantly.

When he saw that I was still sitting there, not unconscious, a trace of doubt appeared on his old face. It may be strange, why doesn't hypnosis work on me?

I am just a soul now, no different from the cold wind and air, and this old guy has no way of noticing.

After standing next to him and observing for a while, I found that this old guy is indeed an ordinary person. There is no trace of spiritual power on him. No wonder he has already introduced me into the formation, but he used hypnosis and so on. He is a heretic, but does not use evil magic.

I floated directly in front of him and slapped his Tiangong point with my palm.

The old guy's body softened and he lay on the ground. I took a picture of his soul.

As the saying goes: The body is like a boat and the soul is the boatman. A normal blow is just a collision between the boat and the boat. If someone pushes the boatman out, the boat will naturally become unbalanced.

Obviously, the old guy didn't expect me to be able to play this trick!

As soon as his soul came out of the body, I clamped my neck tightly and threw him several times, until he was on the verge of death.

Once your soul is damaged, no matter how powerful your body is, it is of no use.

Before he woke up, I quickly floated back and returned to my true body. Although I succeeded in leaving my soul with the help of the great formation, my cultivation level is still shallow after all, and I cannot yet leave my body for a long time.

As soon as my soul returned to its original position, I hurried towards the top of the mountain and stepped on his chest.

After quite a while, the old guy opened his eyes slightly, staring at a pair of dim yellow eyes, looking at me half in shock and half in confusion.

"Say! Who are you? Why are you doing evil here?" I yelled.

The old guy gasped and muttered something.

But the voice was too low and the tone was a little weird, so I couldn't hear it clearly for a while.

"Speak louder!"

The old guy took a breath, gathered some strength, and said it again.

His voice was louder this time, and I heard it clearly, but I didn't understand even a word, because what this guy said was not Chinese at all, but Japanese.

"You the hell are you still pretending to be a devil with me?"

Now I was even more filled with hatred. I put more weight on my feet and cursed loudly: "Fuck you, talk to me like a human being!"

Although this place is located on the border between China and Vietnam, it is still within China after all. Those strong men also speak Mandarin. This old man is with them all day long, and he is also their leader. There is no reason for him to be Japanese.

The old guy didn't seem to understand what I said, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he still forced himself to be patient and spoke again, still speaking Japanese.

It seems that this is indeed a devil.

Although he doesn't know any magic, he can be considered a number one person in terms of hypnosis and formation techniques. How could he end up in such a remote and remote place?

What on earth was he doing here?

Also, if he doesn't know magic, where did the murder number that haunted Qin Na come from? Could it be that there is someone else besides this?

When I was confused, the old guy suddenly flipped his wrist, and a blue light flew out and went straight to my throat!

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