Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1508 Kimono Wood Sculpture

As soon as I saw the blue light coming, I knew something was wrong and quickly turned around to avoid it.

The light grazed my ears and flew out. The old guy no longer looked like he was dying just now. He turned around and rolled down the mound.

Although this old guy can't perform any magic, he is full of tricks. If I hadn't captured him with the soul-separating method, he might have fallen into a coma under his hypnosis. The fat tour guide said, this guy is secretly refining some kind of magic circle here. I think there must be something strange here. If he escapes, he might come up with some new tricks, which will be troublesome. .

I took out a magic talisman and chased after him, but I didn't know what kind of strange footwork the old guy had practiced. His figure was weird and erratic. He had already escaped a long distance in a few leaps and bounds, and he was about to run away. Out of my sight.

If I had the invisible needle in my hand, I was sure I could control him in one go, but I don't have it with me now.

This is how to do?

Time is tight and I don’t have time to think too much, so I can only try my best.

I took out cinnabar and smeared it on the soles of my shoes, then stepped on his footprints one by one. Then he bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood. Using the blood mist, he drew a running curse in the air.

"Stop!" I shouted loudly and put my feet together.

With a bang, the old guy's figure suddenly stopped and followed my movements.

This is the body-binding technique I learned from the "Yin Fu Jing". Although I have experimented with it several times, it was all done with small animals. This is the first time it has been used on humans.

The body binding technique can use footprints to control other people's movements within a hundred meters, but there is a certain danger -

Not to mention the consumption of your own essence and blood, if that person's Taoism is higher than yours, or his spiritual power is stronger than yours, you will still be controlled by him; even if the other person's physical strength is not as good as yours, you still have to fight him to the death. Until one party is exhausted. In other words, it is equivalent to binding two people together through a spell. Who can win has to be determined through a fight. Except for the preemptive strike, the caster does not take any advantage.

The old guy seemed weak and had no spiritual power, but judging from the speed of running, his physical strength was not bad at all, and he was even much stronger than the strong men killed by Pike. Once tied up with him, a fight to the death is inevitable.

But time is pressing now and he must not be allowed to escape, so I used this trick.

I quickly turned around, pressed my legs tightly, and took the lead in exerting force, but strangely, I couldn't feel any resistance.

What's going on?

When I first experimented with this spell, I did the experiment with a small rabbit. Even if it was as weak as a rabbit, it would still struggle hard and generate a lot of strength. But why is such a big living person so quiet?

Is this old guy trying to show off to me? Want to take advantage of me when I'm not prepared?

I waited for a while, but there was still no movement, but I didn't dare to lift the forbidden technique, so I stood up and jumped over.

Until I walked to him, the old guy remained motionless.

I pulled out a rope and tied his hands to prevent this guy from suddenly attacking.

But I saw him lying on the ground with his legs together, staring at the vast night sky with his big eyes, and a bright red blood oozed from the back of his head.

This is?

When you fell down just now, did the back of your head hit a rock?

I stretched out my hand to feel his breath and then touched his carotid artery. He was indeed dead.

I took every precaution and was always on guard, but I didn't expect this old guy to die like that.

Who is he? What are you doing here? Before I could ask clearly, he died in an accident.

I rummaged through the body and took out everything.

Cigarettes, lighters, and a very delicate little sleeve arrow on my wrist. The quiver is shining with blue light. This should be the blue light that attacked me just now.

There is a small cloth bag hidden close to his heart. Inside is an old black and white photo. The photo is of a young couple. The man should be the old guy when he was young; the woman is wearing a Japanese uniform and smiling very much. Sweet, with a dense cherry blossom forest behind it.

Below the photo is half a piece of white silk, with many routes and marks densely sketched on it. It is obviously a map. The only text labels are also in Japanese, and they are even more difficult to read.

It seems that this old guy is really a devil, but why did he come all the way here? Did he find it based on the map? Is there something else beneath this wasteland?

I checked it carefully again and found nothing, so I had to temporarily put away the map and sleeve arrows. After thinking about it, I put the photo and cigarette back.

The fat tour guide said that the old guy has been practicing some magic circle here, and the Nine Yin Trap Immortal Formation is indeed real. Thinking about it this way, there must be something fishy here.

I walked around the mound several times, and finally found a very strange place in a very inconspicuous corner, where there was a pile of rubble in an extremely messy manner.

I didn't pay attention at first, and even walked back and forth in front of this stone block twice. When I walked back again, I suddenly realized that the stones seemed to be arranged in a disorderly manner, but in fact they had a different world -

It turned out to be exactly the same size and location as this large mound.

In other words, this is a small Nine Yin trapped immortal formation!

I walked closer and squatted down to take a look. There was a wooden sculpture the size of a thumb placed among the rocks.

The wood carving is lifelike, showing a woman wearing a uniform with a smile on her face. Isn't this exactly the woman in the old guy's photo?

Underneath the wood carving is a stone slab, the surface of which is bright red and dripping with blood.

The bloodstains were of different levels, some were new and some were old, and seemed to be caused by dripping at regular intervals.

There were still some vague writings engraved in the blood. I picked it up and saw that it was neither Japanese nor Chinese, but numbers.





At a glance, these numbers are all birthdays.

I was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered something. I took out my phone and opened the information Xiao Wu sent me.

Sure enough, these numbers were all dates of birth, and they were those who were killed by asking for their life numbers. The last one belonged to Qin Na.

It was really the old guy's fault, but what was he going to do?

I pinched my fingers and calculated, converting everyone's birthdays into horoscopes, and suddenly woke up.

This is the Yang Return Formation!

Before a person dies, he can use magic to place a ray of his dead soul in a vessel. Then he can select twelve people with special birthdays and pay tribute in order, so that he can recall the three souls and seven souls of the deceased, eliminating the need for reincarnation. Become the ghost in the vessel.

Did this old guy originally want to use this method to keep his lover alive despite his death?

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