Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1509 The truth comes out

Now I finally figured out why he was here.

This place is desolate, it looks like just a wasteland, but I don't know which master left such a magic circle.

In addition to requiring the lives of twelve people as sacrifices, the Yang Returning Formation also needs the blessing of the magic circle, otherwise the Yin spirits will dissipate before they can be recalled from the underworld.

This old guy is not good at magic, and he doesn't even speak Chinese. How could he learn such a mysterious formation in just a short while?

But he didn't know where he got the news about this formation, so he hurried over.

Although he had mastered the killing number and could claim people's lives, it was extremely difficult to find people with specific birthdays, so he slowly gathered such a group of strong men.

Strong men seek pleasure and do evil here, but those innocent dead are very pitiful.

I took out the cinnabar and drew a requiem on the stone slab.

Wisps of black smoke rose. The black smoke was slightly human-shaped, and there were adults and children. After they bowed deeply to me, they gradually drifted away.

These souls are released and can enter reincarnation again.

I stepped forward and kicked the small magic circle made of gravel into chaos. I picked up the small wooden sculpture and turned around and walked back.

When passing by the old guy's body, he put the wooden sculpture in his hand, lit a fiery talisman and said: "You killed innocent people indiscriminately, causing several people to die. It is an unpardonable crime! But for your sake My lover has traveled across the ocean, and for the sake of never forgetting my love, I will reunite you. However, evil people like you must not re-enter reincarnation. I will punish you to be trapped here forever, keeping company with this barren mountain."

With that said, he threw the Explosive Talisman out.

The old guy was immediately swallowed up by the raging fire, and I walked towards the bonfire without looking back.

A little further away from the bonfire, the ground was in a mess and there was blood everywhere. More than a dozen vicious gangsters died miserably. At the last moment, they were biting each other's necks and pulling out other people's intestines.

Everyone near the campfire was exhausted. They were all naked and hugging each other tightly. They didn't even have the strength to breathe, but they still couldn't bear to let go of each other. Shoes, stockings, and belts were all over the floor, and the naked flesh was covered with white flowers...

I looked at Qin Na and saw that her clothes were still intact and she was still lying quietly by the bonfire, and then I felt relieved.

Parker sat on the travel bag opposite the bonfire, swinging his legs leisurely, holding a big wooden stick in his hand and roasting something.

The fat tour guide's face was pale, his head was covered with sweat, and his bitten lip was bleeding. He sat next to Pike in great horror, trembling constantly.

Seeing me coming, he looked at me with teary eyes as if asking for help, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"The boss really chose the right person." When Parker saw me approaching, he greeted me warmly: "Dear Zhang, you came back just in time. I just baked it, do you want to try it?" As he said that, he took the cake in his hand. The stick was raised.

What was roasted on the wooden stick turned out to be hands.

A human hand!

The skin had been burned away, and the bones had been smoky black. Only the palms and forearms were sizzling with oil.

Only then did I realize that the fat tour guide’s sleeves were empty and dripping with blood.

The hands that Parker roasted belong to this fat man, he is really a big pervert.

There must be a lot of food in the passenger's backpack. Why don't you just eat whatever you want when you're hungry? Do you have to roast cannibal meat in such a bloody way?

"You're welcome, you can eat first, and then I'll chop off his left arm." Pike shook the wooden stick at me again, and glanced sideways at the fat tour guide: "These people haven't had a bath for who knows how long. They are all too dirty, but this guy is the only one who is cleaner."

The fat tour guide shivered with fright, grinned and cried again, but did not dare to say a word.

God knows what kind of pain the old devil suffered when I was chasing him.

However, he deserves it!

If it weren't for him, how could these travelers come to such a ghost place?

However, I don't want to take his life, after all, I have to rely on him to take these people out. The scene here is too horrifying, and I really don't want them to know what happened that night.

"That's enough, it's over." I stared at Pike and said coldly.

This is a pun, not only saying that everything that happened here should end, but also a warning to him!

Pike shrugged his shoulders and said no more. He gnawed on his arm with great enjoyment. Under the swaying light of the fire, his seemingly elegant face looked particularly ferocious.

The fat tour guide looked at me very gratefully. While trembling and crying, he stared at Pike in great fear, watching helplessly as he chewed on his arm.

I sat down next to Qin Na. She was sleeping soundly. I don't know if she was roasted by the bonfire or dreamed about something. Her face was red and she still had a sweet smile on her lips. It was just that the smile was at this time. There is something really uncoordinated underneath.

Fortunately, she hadn't woken up yet, otherwise I don't know how frightened she would have been.

"Come here!" I turned to the fat tour guide and ordered.

This guy was so frightened that he turned around to look at Pike. Seeing that he had no objection, he hurriedly crawled over.

Although one of his hands was cut off, Pike didn't know what method he used. The bleeding had stopped long ago. The blood stains on the sleeves were just residual. It didn't seem to hurt that much, but he was scared enough. , the mental pain is far greater than the physical pain.

"Tell me carefully, what is going on? If there is even half a lie..."

"I don't dare, I don't dare...I'll tell you everything." The fat man was so frightened that he trembled all over and spoke honestly.

It turns out that this fat man is lazy and has no skills, and he is timid. He just relies on his sharp tongue and smooth tongue, and hangs around the train station, reselling wigs and tickets, and helping others to pimp his life.

A month ago, someone suddenly found him and asked him if he wanted to make some fat money. It was neither risky nor difficult.

Fatty had always thought about this kind of thing, but he just didn't know how to do it, but he still cautiously asked what he was doing.

As soon as the man said he wanted to be a tour guide, the fat man immediately agreed. It's not a big deal for a shady tour guide to trick tourists into buying things. This is what they do all over the country anyway.

But when he got on the pirate ship, he realized that that was not the case at all!

This group of people used hypnosis to trick tourists into coming here, having fun, and then taking photos for blackmail.

They even asked these people to sign IOUs and mortgage properties.

He was a little scared but was threatened by these people. If he dared to withdraw, he would kill his whole family. Then he was fascinated by the large amount of money.

The fat man himself doesn't know any hypnosis skills, he just wants to coax the passengers into the car.

What he had repeatedly emphasized before was that he was not allowed to talk to the villagers or take pictures. This was just a cover-up to prevent everyone from becoming suspicious after they woke up.

This group of vicious gangsters were all Vietnamese-Chinese gangsters near the Chinese border. After losing the gang war, they sneaked into China and were recruited by the old man for some reason.

The old guy is indeed Japanese and cannot speak Chinese. But he has a very strange ability. After hypnotizing someone, he can understand what he means.

He doesn't take advantage of others, and he doesn't take any money. He only has one mandatory requirement: he will write down a birthday every time, and only the person with this birthday can start a tour.

This request was strange, but the fat man had to comply.

However, such people are hard to deal with, so until now, they have only opened three tours.

Huh? This isn't right.

The old devil had obviously killed eleven people by relying on the killing number. How could he only open the group three times?

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