Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1510 There is a kind of beauty called forgetting

"Are you sure you only did three tours?" I interjected and asked.

"Yes, just three times." The fat tour guide answered honestly.

But how and how did the old guy find the people before him?

I frowned in confusion and instructed him: "Continue talking and focus on the old man."

"I'm not sure about this, don't blame me, even..." He said, looking towards the corpses on the ground outside the campfire, trembling with fear, and then continued: "Even..." They didn't know much about it. They only knew that the old man was a Japanese and had just arrived in China. And he seemed to have been injured before. No one knew anything about it, not even his name. . We saw him wearing a white tunic suit all day long, so we always called him Mr. Bai."

Seeing that I couldn't ask any more questions, I stopped talking, pointed to the passengers lying on the ground and asked: "Then how do you clean up the mess every time? The old man is already dead, you can still take them out ?"

"Yes." The fat man nodded, "As long as you get in that car, you will be hypnotized to the end. You won't wake up until you get out of the car again. I drank a bowl of soup when I first came here, so I'm fine. No matter what happened during this period, they don’t know. They only take my words as facts and imagine another scene in their minds. That is to say...that is, only I can take them out, and I promise There won’t be any holes left.”

This guy said it confidently, highlighting his own importance.

This is indeed the case. When we first got off the bus, it was clearly a deserted mountain and weeds, and there were seven or eight strong men with fierce looks. The fat man said it was a beautiful primitive village with simple villagers to greet him, and all the tourists nodded blankly without any doubt.

It seems that the old guy's hypnosis is really weird!

And it’s weird and abnormal!

"I...I've wanted to leave for a long time. That's...well, after I go out, I will definitely be a good person and never do anything harmful to nature again." The fat tour guide expressed his determination to me.

He now sees clearly that although I look very difficult to mess with and even killed the old devil, who may be more terrifying than the foreigner, I don't seem to have the slightest intention of harming him, and I have no concern for the safety of these passengers. More concerned. As long as you hold my thigh, you will definitely survive.

"You ask them to put on their clothes." I said to the crowd lying on the ground: "We will leave here at dawn."

"Yes, yes." The fat man quickly stood up, cleared his throat, and greeted loudly: "Dear friends, the bonfire carnival is over. Everyone, follow me back to the room and have a good rest. We will have more exciting programs tomorrow. Keep everyone!"

Strange to say, as soon as he finished speaking, those people all got up, put on the clothes and shoes on the ground in an orderly manner, each picked up a small bag, and picked up a backpack - not even one person wore it backwards and picked up the wrong one. .

Only the long-haired young man who was knocked unconscious by me was still lying on the ground upright.

The fat tour guide led these people towards the small earthen house in the distance.

Parker took out a tissue and wiped the oily face, stood up and smiled at me: "Zhang, this is really a pleasant trip, and we cooperate very well. I hope next time..."

"There will never be a next time." I gave him a cold look, picked up Qin Na and walked away.

The row of small mud houses was divided into more than a dozen small rooms. After I gently put Qin Na on the bed, I walked out of the door and sat there blankly smoking a cigarette.

This trip was very unexpected, not that it was thrilling, but it opened another window for me.

Originally, I thought that the weird things in this world were nothing more than monsters and monsters. But after doing this, I realized that in addition to these, there are many mysterious powers that I have never seen before, such as Parker's ants and the old devil's hypnosis.

If Longquan Villa also recruits such people...

The mission I shoulder is extremely heavy and carries the hopes of too many people. So many people have silently sacrificed for me and even sacrificed one after another. I will never allow any accidents to happen.

No matter what difficulties and obstacles I encounter, I must complete it!

And the only way is to continuously improve your strength and become stronger.

When I was lighting my third cigarette, the fat tour guide came back with his empty sleeves dangling.

He said there was a lot of money here, which was extorted by the gangsters, and asked me what to do with it.

I said without raising my head, give some to the passengers and do some good deeds with the rest! You have harmed so many people, and losing one of your hands is retribution. For the rest of your life, just think about accumulating more virtue.

The fat man nodded heavily, and then sat next to me without saying a word, glancing towards the cabin where Parker lived from time to time. Maybe they were afraid that Parker would be hungry in the middle of the night and want to eat him again?

At dawn the next day, the fat man greeted everyone.

Everyone was here, but Pike was missing.

When the fat man saw that Pike was not around, he took a deep breath and announced to everyone that he had encountered a wolf in the middle of the night and had an arm bitten off. He was really sorry. This trip was originally scheduled for three days. It can only end early.

Then amidst everyone's complaints, the bronze car started again and sent us out.

When no one was paying attention, I lit a bunch of grass stalks wrapped with detonating symbols and placed them at the entrance of the cave.

As soon as they came out of the cave, everyone became active.

Originally, the trip ended early, and some people were complaining. It was obvious that the fat man had lost an arm, and he took out money to compensate everyone, so they were relieved.

Unlike when we came, we were greeted by the bright sun on the way back.

Everyone seems to have remembered the beauty of last night, and they are full of praises about how beautiful the village is and how honest and hospitable the villagers are.

Then they saw that the clothes were covered with dust, mixed with grass roots, flowers and leaves, and they all recalled their own madness. Well, getting drunk and partying all night is extremely enjoyable for both men and women...

The lovers were talking in low voices, slapping each other and laughing happily.

The flat-headed and bald-headed men actually took the gay man's little hand, which made the long-haired young man very confused.

Qin Na is no longer indifferent, she has turned back into the lively little girl, bouncing and following me all the way, but she is no longer naughty, but her face is red, and she peeks at me from time to time. The eyes, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, and the eyes are very strange...

I knew what she was thinking, so I coughed twice in embarrassment and said, "Can you turn on your phone and see if the number is still there?"

Qin Na turned on her phone and saw that her phone number had been changed to 185.

"Ah? Changed! How did you do it?" Qin Na asked in surprise.

"This is a secret." I smiled at her and said with more emphasis, "This is a secret between the two of us. Just pretend you have never been here."

My words meant something else.

Qin Na was stunned for a moment, then looked at me very unhappily: "What if I want to put the secret in the photo album?"

Her words were also meaningful and even had a hint of threat.

"Then listen," I counted with my fingers.


There was an explosion.

Everyone was startled, and turned around to look, only to see that the hill had completely collapsed.

"A secret is a secret, and there is a beauty called forgetting." After I finished speaking, I strode forward without looking back.

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