Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1511 Green Devil’s Hand

With a whoosh, another strong wind roared past, making the window lattice snap.

Since the beginning of winter, it has become increasingly cold, and even Wuhan, known as the "human furnace", looks particularly desolate.

I rubbed my hands, put down the "Yin Fu Sutra", and prepared to practice the Yin Yang Knife technique again, so that I could move my muscles and bones and feel warmer at the same time.

At this moment, three people walked over from the other end of Antique Street.

I know half of these three people!

The one standing on the far left with silver hair and a pair of weird black gloves is Liu Laoliu.

He is a very famous ghost dealer in Sichuan. He is nicknamed: Green Devil's Hand! In his early years, his hands were bitten by a green-haired zombie and he contracted greening disease. His palms turned green, which was particularly scary. Therefore, he wore a pair of black gloves all year round to avoid scaring others.

He is very old, but he entered the industry a little later, and he received a lot of guidance from my grandfather. Although my grandfather is as old as him, he always considers himself a junior. When my grandfather was alive, he often came to Wuhan, but he became old and frail, so he rarely visited Wuhan.

However, whenever he heard that I needed anything, he would always go out of his way to help me! The last Qixi Festival letter incident was also thanks to him for providing clues.

The other half is Pike, an extremely perverted zoologist.

And between the two of them, there was a foreigner standing.

The foreigner was about forty-five or six years old, with a high nose, bright blue eyes, and meticulously combed golden hair. He was wearing a black trench coat, holding a cane in one hand and tapping his left toe slightly on the ground. That leg was soft and a bit unruly.

Although he was lame in one leg, his momentum and style were huge. His face was full of smiles and he was not angry or intimidating, which gave people an extremely strong sense of oppression.

"Hi, dear Zhang, we meet again!" Parker greeted me with a smile on his face, very familiar with him.

I am extremely disgusted with this guy, even a little disgusting.

I ignored him and looked at Liu Laoliu with confusion: "Master Liu, what are you doing?"

Liu Lao is six years old and still has hidden wounds accumulated in his early years that have not healed over the years, so he almost never goes out. When chatting with him some time ago, he even revealed that he wanted to retire.

But why did he suddenly come to Wuhan? And he even got together with this guy Pike.

"Ahem..." Liu Laoliu coughed twice in embarrassment and said, "Xiaolin, I'm going to show my shame this time and come to beg you." His attitude showed that I disliked this guy very much, so I was very embarrassed.

"Master Liu, what are you talking about? If you have anything to do, sit down and tell me slowly." I pulled up a chair and gave it to Liu Laoliu.

Liu Laoliu glanced at the foreigner in the middle, hesitated for a moment, and still didn't sit down.

Only then did I realize that the lame man with his slicked back hair was not only standing between the two of them, but both Pike and Liu Laoliu had subconsciously stepped back half a step and stood behind him.

The lame man vaguely seemed to be the leader of the two.

Although Parker is extremely perverted and has a somewhat twisted human nature, his abilities are not bad at all. If I really want to fight him, I may not have a good chance of winning; Liu Laoliu is an old man in the world of ghosts, with his experience and ability. Needless to say, let's talk about his personal connections. He is also a well-known figure in Sichuan and Shu. How could he be willing to fall behind?

What's more, the other party is still a foreigner?

Grandpa said that when Liu Laoliu was young, he was a master who was not afraid of anything. Long before he entered this business, he was a powerful thief who often robbed drug dealers at home and abroad. A shipload of international gangs reselling arms was brought down at sea.

In normal conversations, he is also a white-skinned pig and looks down upon these foreigners, but what's wrong now?

When the foreigner in the middle saw my eyes turned to him, he nodded slightly towards me, put the crutch under his armpit, stretched out his hand and said with a slight smile: "Hello, my name is William."

His Chinese is extremely pure, his words are correct and his accent is full of energy. Not only is he much more fluent than Pike, but there is no foreign accent at all.

I couldn't figure out his purpose for the moment, and seeing him being so polite and reaching out to me with his remaining leg, I couldn't keep a straight face anymore. Besides, he came here with Liu Laoliu after all, so I have to give Mr. Liu some face no matter what.

"Hello." I shook his hand politely.

Since they can find my antique shop, they naturally know who I am, so there is no need to give my name.

This guy's hand was soft, but extremely cold. The middle part of the two fingers was slightly hard. This was the callus worn out by the trigger from handling guns all the time.

Who is this guy? An extremely ominous premonition suddenly arose in my heart.

"I said Zhang, this is not the way Chinese people treat guests." Pike turned around and closed the door, and said with dissatisfaction: "Don't you have a saying in China that when you come in, there are always guests? How come you don't even There are no seats, so our boss is just allowed to stand like this?"

After he said it, I suddenly remembered.

This guy had already held a photo of me in his hand, saying that I was the one chosen by his boss and would be his partner in the next operation.

I didn't take it seriously at the time, but now it seems that this foreigner should be the boss he calls me.

But what does this guy want to do with me?

"Please sit down." I pointed to the chair next to me, keeping my eyes on the foreigner, and said in a gentle tone.

Pike moved a chair behind William and moved another one for himself.

Only after Liu Laoliu saw William sitting down did he dare to sit down.

This Parker didn't regard himself as an outsider. He took the teapot directly, poured a cup for William first, and then poured it for himself and Liu Laoliu, and started drinking.

"Mr. William, I wonder why you came here late at night?" It seems that both Liu Laoliu and Pike are just followers, and this foreigner is the main person, so I will go straight to the point.

"Mr. Zhang is really a cheerful person." William smiled and said: "I heard that Mr. Zhang is very researched on antiques. I am here specifically to seek cooperation this time. As long as you are willing to help, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will give you my sincere thanks. Thank you! No matter what conditions you propose, I will never counter-offer."

I stared at him quietly, still without saying a word.

William saw that I had no expression on my face, and had no intention of agreeing at all. The muscles on his face jumped unnaturally, but immediately turned into a smile again: "I came here this time because I wanted to see Mr. Style, secondly, I want to show my sincerity."

As soon as he finished speaking, Parker took out a gold card and put it on the table: "Zhang, our boss never comes to ask for help. You are the first of all!"

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