Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1515 Feng in Germany, Van in the Netherlands

Liu Laoliu and I hid in the bathroom and talked in a low voice with the help of the sound of the faucet. But apart from the poison, we didn't find anything else.

When we came here, this huge icebreaker was parked on the river, and it was frozen all around. It had obviously been parked for a long time.

This is the border between China and Russia, and the border troops of the two countries can be seen across the river. If this icebreaker with other nationalities wants to sail here, it must have obtained the consent of the two governments.

This shows that these guys have a lot of energy and courage!

Liu Laoliu and I studied for a while, but we didn't understand what these guys wanted to do, so we had to act according to the circumstances.

After sending Liu Laoliu away, I took a hot bath comfortably. I was lying on the sofa, watching the satellite TV without a glance, when there was another gentle knock on the door.

"Mr. Zhang, the dinner has begun. Mr. William invites you to the banquet." Li Minghan's extremely polite voice came from outside the door.

"Okay, I'll come right away." I responded, turned off the remote control, pretended to wave my hand accidentally, and threw the bath towel on the picture frame opposite the bed - there was actually a pinhole camera embedded in the picture frame. .

I changed my clothes, put all the invisible needles and charms close to my body, and then I went out.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that the door opposite me was also opening, and there was a strong man standing at the door.

The uncle is about fifty years old, about 1.95 meters tall, a full head taller than me. The temples are a little gray, and the stiff stubble is also stained with a layer of white frost. The lines on his face are like knife cuts, with sharp corners.

He was holding a large steel fork nearly two meters long in his hand, which was all black and faintly shiny.

This guy stared at me with two sharp eagle eyes, glanced at me twice unkindly, then slammed the door and walked out.

The door next to me also opened, and it was the dwarf old man who got on the boat with us. He was wearing a bright red nightcap and still holding a giant backpack. He raised his head and looked at me, then swayed over.

Liu Laoliu happened to open the door as well. When he saw this guy, his expression changed. He walked up to me and lowered his voice to remind me, "This is a ghost. The real master is in the bag."

This is a slang term in the trade of ghost merchants. It means that the guy you see now is not a human being, but a puppet covered with a layer of human skin. He is actually hiding in the big bag behind his back.

Although Liu Laoliu is old and his skills have deteriorated a bit, his experience and knowledge are among the best in the entire Yinwu Realm. Since he is so sure, he will never be wrong.

When I heard this, I was a little stunned. I walked forward pretending that nothing happened and took a closer look.

Sure enough, from the outside, the little dwarf looked no different from the ones seen along the way, but with the help of the light in the corridor, there was no shadow! Moreover, his feet landed very lightly, as if he would float up at any time; even more strangely, there seemed to be a pair of eyes on the back of his head, staring at us coldly.

It seems that not only us, but these people also seem to be a little careful, and each of them brings his best weapon with him.

Li Minghan stood at the end of the corridor, greeting everyone with a smile on his face, bending slightly and pointing to the other side.

When we first arrived, the door to the living room was closed, but now it is open, and the fragrance is flowing.

The lights inside were brilliant, with huge tree-like glazed golden lamps hanging across the ceiling, reflecting the golden leaves all over the wall.

In the main hall, there is a giant round table with gold and silver knives and forks shining on it. There are Australian lobster, American abalone, French foie gras snails, Italian pizza, Irish potato meat, Chinese Kung Pao chicken, and lion head. …It’s all available, which is mouth-watering.

William sat at the table and nodded slightly to everyone who entered.

To his left sat the gentle-looking zoologist Pike. Next to Pike was a guy with a black cloth hood, a skull mask, and a big black cloak, like the god of death.

A dwarf old man carrying a big baggage and a strong man carrying a steel fork were also among them.

There were already about ten people sitting around the long table, with only three empty seats on William's right.

Liu Laoliu and I looked at each other, said nothing, and sat down at the table.

I had just sat firmly when I suddenly smelled an extremely pungent fragrance. Before I could turn my head, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of me. Immediately afterwards, a blond beauty sat next to William next to me.

She smiled politely at me and put the things in her hands on the table.

That's a skeleton! The whole body is golden and sparkling, and a small white snake pokes its head out of the skull's eye socket, spitting out bright red snake breath from time to time, making a sizzling sound.

"Mr. William, all the guests are here." Li Minghan stood outside the door and said respectfully.

William nodded, slowly stretched out his hand, and two black bodyguards closed the door from the outside.

He stood up with a cane and picked up the wine glass: "You have worked hard all the way. I am very honored to see you all on the Guangming."

There were at least half foreigners at the table, but strangely, he actually spoke Chinese.

Only the uncle holding the steel fork seemed to be confused. Li Minghan was standing behind him, translating in Japanese in a low voice.

"You are all the strongest in every industry. Being able to gather together here really makes our Feng family flourish!" He said with a smile on his face and was extremely polite.

The Feng family?

As soon as I heard him mention this surname, I immediately understood that this guy was German.

As the saying goes, Feng in Germany and Fan in the Netherlands are both well-known nobles in Europe. They have been inherited for hundreds of years. Modern European history is almost their family history!

Speaking of their origins, they are even more glorious than the two surnames of China's Aixinjueluo and the United States' Rockefick.

"Everyone here may be meeting you for the first time, so let's introduce ourselves first."

"Well, let's start with myself! My name is Alotel William Feng, and I am the boss of this joint expedition team. Although this ship is new, the Guangming has a history of hundreds of years. People in our family are always unwilling to be lonely and like to take risks. For example, my leg was broken in the last adventure."

He smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly and continued: "But I still adhere to what my grandfather said before he died - lying on the bed peacefully and crying, how can it be better than standing in the wind and waves and crying happily? So, this This time I brought my daughter with me." As he spoke, he pointed to the side.

The blond beauty sitting next to me stood up gracefully, nodded to everyone with a smile on her face: "Hello everyone, my name is Lina, and I am a psychiatrist."

Everyone turned their heads and glanced at her, but no one said anything. Everyone's eyes seemed to be holding back a sentence, "Believe in your big-headed ghost!"

Psychiatrist, has anyone seen a psychiatrist with a skull?

Everyone here is a master, and they have all seen that this woman is not simple!

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