Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1516 Master Alliance

William seemed not to notice the strange looks from everyone, and continued: "This is Lina's first time going to sea, so please take good care of her."

After saying that, he sat down and said, "Mr. Parker, it's your turn."

Pike adjusted his glasses, stood up, and smiled at everyone: "Good evening, everyone. My name is Pike. I am from Italy and I am a zoologist."

He behaves elegantly and speaks politely. On the whole table, he seems to be the most gentleman-like - if I hadn't seen him chewing on human hands, I might have believed it!

Ghostface Mask knocked on the table: "Hill, wizard."

His voice was strange, like a metallic sound made by machinery, but what was particularly strange was that he also spoke Chinese.

A pale old lady, wearing an old-style black flower cheongsam, said in a hoarse voice: "My surname is Shen. My ancestral home is Jiangsu. I ran a paper horse shop."

When I heard these four words, I couldn't help but look at each other.

Although the old lady didn't give her name, she was from Zhimadian, Jiangsu, and her surname was Shen. As soon as these three keywords are mentioned, we immediately know who she is!

Mrs. Shen, nicknamed ‘Guanyin of Destruction’!

As early as that year, this was a well-known veteran among the eunuch merchants.

Even though she is only in her fifties or sixties now, she had lost her temper more than thirty years ago - she broke into Macau on her own for her unlucky son, and annihilated Macau by herself. Seven great Feng Shui masters. It is said that Tai Ziye, a well-known gang leader who was active in the local area, was beaten to death by her with vaginal objects.

For so many years, Mrs. Shen has not shown up, and there is no news even from the underworld.

Everyone thought she was dead, but they didn't expect that she was not only alive, but also so alive.

Who is this guy William, who actually invited Mrs. Shen out of the mountain!

"Nine fingers lock Hanjiang, Fan Chong." A one-eyed man said angrily.

He is not tall, and his body is like a bamboo pole. He has a broken little finger on his left hand, and half of his tattoo is exposed under his half-rolled sleeves. It is so long and thin that you can't even see what it is.

"The ghost on the water, the big fish in the river."

"Underwater ghost, Jiang Xiaoyu."

Two almost identical old men, holding identical long pipes in their mouths, then spoke out.

"Karloff, he is a Russian tracker by profession." A bear-like man with blue eyes and curly hair said with a cold snort.

I don’t know if everyone is really being humble, or they were inspired by the words of a psychiatrist, Lina, who was the first to introduce herself, or no one wants to reveal too much about themselves. Everyone spoke extremely briefly and vaguely, and I couldn't even understand what they were doing.

When it was the turn of the Japanese man holding the steel fork, Li Minghan helped translate and said that his name was Fujita Tsuyoshi. He was Japan's number one ocean hunter and had once hunted an adult great white shark alone in the water.

The little dwarf carrying a big backpack rubbed his little hands and made gestures. Li Minghan also said on his behalf: "Master Liang is not convenient to speak. He is very famous in the Mekong River area. He is known as Zhenhe Tai Sui and Liang Mingli."

With the person in front making proofs, it would naturally be much easier for Liu Laoliu.

"Green devil's hand, Liu Laoliu."

In fact, he doesn't even need to say it. He has been in this industry for so many years, and his hands are his signature. Everyone can see it clearly, even those who don't know him have heard of this nickname.

When he blurted out, everyone turned their heads to look at him unconsciously. Only the grimace wizard who called himself Hill never glanced at Liu Laoliu from beginning to end.

I said it more simply: "I am a fetish dealer."

As soon as I said the words "feminine goods merchant", everyone else looked at me very dissatisfied.

Seeing what they meant, they all felt resentful.

Needless to say, who among you here does not eat this meal? Are you hiding it too deeply?

You are not as good as Lina. At least you can know another identity. You are saying nothing, not even revealing her name.

Including William, there were a total of thirteen people sitting at the table.

Aren’t Westerners very taboo on the number thirteen? Because there were only thirteen people at Jesus’ last supper, why did they just get this number?

When he saw everyone, no matter how perfunctory they were, they had all been introduced for a week. William clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Now that you have gotten to know each other, we will all be friends in the next few days! There is a Chinese saying, "On a rope" Grasshopper, we are now considered grasshoppers on the same boat. No matter what we encounter, we must work together. Come on, let’s drink this glass of wine together!”

As he spoke, he raised his glass.

He found everyone. He is the master here, so he still has to give him this face.

Everyone raised their glasses.

Liu Laoliu shook the wine glass gently and nodded quietly, indicating to me that the wine was fine.

Not only the two of us, I paid careful attention to other people, and they all used their own methods and tested them very cleverly.

It seems that everyone here is not a fool, and they are all wary of William.

After finishing the drink, William swung the empty glass and said, "Maybe even now, everyone is still a little strange, right? I brought you all here to see what exactly I want to do."

He paused for a moment and slowly scanned everyone's faces with his two bright blue eyes, as if he really enjoyed the feeling of holding on to the answer to the mystery without everyone knowing.

"Okay, I'll tell you now." As he said that, he put down his wine glass and snapped his fingers.

With a click, the lights in the room suddenly dimmed, and a row of small candles rose up in the middle of the table, dancing brightly.

On the ceiling, the chandelier that had lost its luster suddenly turned inward, revealing a projector, and a wisp of white light shone on the opposite wall.

"This is a candlelight dinner carefully prepared for everyone." In the darkness, William joked softly, and then said: "Everyone eat while watching. This is the purpose of inviting everyone here."

Lina held up the wine bottle extremely elegantly and filled it up for her father. Then she stood up again, turned around, and filled it up for everyone.

But except for the gentleman-like Parker, no one thanked him, and everyone was staring at the screen!

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