Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1517 Amazing Video

The picture projected on the wall gradually became clearer. It was a fish!

The narrator introduced: Sturgeon is one of the earliest extant vertebrates in the world. It existed as early as the Triassic period more than 200 million years ago and is called a contemporary living fossil.

Sturgeon is a fish that travels against the current. Every summer and autumn, it returns to the source in groups to lay eggs and reproduce. The Ussuri River is one of their natural birthing beds.

With the introduction of the narration, the scene also changed to a large group of sturgeons, swimming mightily from the sea back to the river mouth and upstream.

Everyone was extremely surprised——

I thought that William brought them together mysteriously, and there must be some big secret to be revealed, but unexpectedly, a science and education film was shown?

Everyone here is an overlord, a powerful figure in the world of ghosts. If they were not a little afraid of William, or for the sake of money, they would have overturned the table.

Karov, who calls himself a tracker, snorted in dissatisfaction.

This guy has yellow eyes, a big beard, and an extremely strong physique. He looks like a big bear.

Judging from his appearance and name, he should be a Russian, and judging from his extremely rich Northeast Mandarin accent, he probably grew up by the river, so he is naturally very familiar with this kind of thing. Therefore, he didn't have the patience to read any more. He grabbed the steak with his big furry hands and ate it in big mouthfuls without even raising his head.

In addition to him, Fan Chong, the brawny man who was known as the nine-fingered lock on the cold river, and the twins Jiang Dayu and Jiang Xiaoyu, who were smoking cigarettes, were also uninterested, with a bit of disdain on their faces.

It can also be heard from the names of several of them that they are all ancestors who are accustomed to eating river food.

Amid the clatter of cups and plates, the documentary continued to play. After describing in great detail the process of the entire sturgeon going back to spawn and bringing its eggs back to the sea, the topic suddenly changed: This habit of sturgeons has lasted for hundreds of millions of years. , has never changed, but in this big family there is a group of alternative...

They do not lay eggs in summer and autumn, but extremely abnormally return to the Ussuri River to lay eggs every winter, and the spawning period is always the same day.

After decades of tracking, a shocking pattern was finally discovered.

The specific spawning period of these uncharacteristic sturgeons is the second day of the second month of the Chinese lunar calendar, which is commonly known as the day when the dragon raises its head.

It has been like this every year since records began, and it has never stopped, and it has never missed a day!

Upon hearing this, the few guys who were there to eat and drink finally felt something strange and raised their heads in surprise.

Images recorded over the years are constantly flashing on the lens.

The earliest was in 1932, and the latest was last year.

The photos changed from black and white to color, and then turned into dynamic videos. The person writing the records changed from young to old, and then changed to a child standing aside. The ship also changed from a sailboat to a steam, and finally to a diesel engine.

Several generations of people have changed, and several ships have also changed. The tracking records are all marked with red lines and fill the whole screen.

Immediately afterwards, a Chinese perpetual calendar was turned over quickly. The months and dates on each red line were different, but the only thing the same was that the word "twenty-two" was written below them.

As we all know, both the Chinese Lunar Calendar and the Western New Year Calendar change every year. It is extremely difficult for even humans to remember them, let alone fish without spirituality.

But over the years, this group of sturgeons has all spawned exactly on that day without missing a beat, which is a bit weird!

Until this moment, everyone was intrigued and stared at the screen.

The scene turned to pitch black, with a faint white light shining in the middle, like a flashlight that was about to run out of energy shining in the dark night.

The voice in the camera continued to explain: After tracking, it was found that not only the spawning date of these strange sturgeons was very strange, but also the spawning place was a mystery.

Other sturgeons are only found in the crevices of rocks at the bottom of the river, but they have been swimming towards the deepest part of the Ussuri River.

The average water depth of the Wusuli River is only two to five meters, but they miraculously got through a deep ditch at the bottom of the river and got in.

This video was taken after following the sturgeon drilling into a deep trench, more than 70 meters underground.

No one knows where this deep trench leads to? How it was formed.

The group of sturgeons were still swimming, and the camera device following behind was probably tied to one of them, moving rapidly with the swimming fish. Under the collision of fish schools, the camera kept shaking.

This area of ​​water is unusually turbid, and even with such a high-power light, you can only see the surrounding area of ​​about 20 centimeters.

As the school of fish gradually deepened, the scene in front of them became increasingly blurry, and finally only a small patch as big as a palm could be seen, as if what was surrounding it was not water, but thick ink, which could not be illuminated at all.

At this time, there was no voice of explanation, only the rustling sound returned by the machine, occasionally mixed with the sound of fish schools undulating in the water.

Suddenly, the scene changed, and a knife appeared in the blurry halo!

Although the image was very blurry, one could still tell that it was a long sword with a sharp blade and an extremely simple pattern engraved on the blade.

The sturgeon continued to swim forward, and another piece of white bones appeared on the bottom of the river. The skin and flesh on the bones had long been rotten, or had been eaten away by something, leaving only a piece of black hair. The two black eye sockets were covered with green algae, as if staring at a pair of green eyes.

There were a lot of white bones, piled all over the ground, stretching out from the thick mud, high and low like white rocks sinking in the river.

The sturgeon continued to move forward with the camera, swimming for five or six minutes, but there were still bones scattered everywhere.

Slowly, the mud disappeared and was replaced by a bluestone slab with patterns engraved on it. These bluestones are extremely huge. Judging from the speed of the swimming fish, they are at least two meters long!

After swimming through about a dozen bluestone slabs, some extremely huge pillars vaguely appeared.

Because the fish only swam from one side and couldn't see the whole thing at all, it was impossible to tell how thick the pillars were, but it could be seen that there were some very strange patterns and totems carved on the pillars.

At this time, a giant step appeared in front, which was covered with green algae.

The stone platform is extremely wide, almost two feet wide and about three feet high.


Suddenly, a low roar came out, as if there was some prehistoric beast hidden in the depths of the Wusuli River.

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