Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1519 William and his daughter

Regardless of the price William had previously offered, this additional increase alone is extremely astonishing!

Although it is easier for the merchants to make money, the price is still worth dozens of big deals, not to mention the countless treasures in the underwater underground palace.

Even if there is no increase in price, I am afraid there are still people who want to give it a try, let alone such a big increase in bets.


As soon as Li Minghan finished translating William's words to Fujita, the guy stood up with a shout of excitement, stared at his red eyes, and talked a lot.

Li Minghan adjusted his glasses and quickly translated at the same time: "I've taken care of it. You can just eat and drink on the boat. Where is that place? Take me there now!"

William smiled and said: "Mr. Fujita, don't be impatient. Even if you want to go, you have to wait until tomorrow. Besides, there is no guarantee that anyone will be covered. I still hope that everyone can work together to discover this thing that can shock the world." Underwater civilization.”

"Everyone should eat and drink enough tonight and take a good rest. We will go there together tomorrow morning. I repeat, I only want the right to discover this ruins, and everything else belongs to you!"

After listening to the translation, the Japanese sat down unwillingly, but without saying any more nonsense, he directly caught a big crab and started chewing the shell and the meat.

When the others saw that Fujita had just taken the lead, and that William had already promised to set off tomorrow morning, they stopped talking and ate quickly.

Liu Laoliu and I looked at each other and grabbed the knife and fork.

For a moment, cups and plates were clattering, and the wind was blowing.

Except for Pike who toasted William with a glass of wine in an extremely gentlemanly manner and praised Lina with a smile, no one spoke at the entire wine table.

Soon, people one after another had enough to eat and drink, or nodded to William, the owner of the place, or turned around and left without saying a word. In an instant, half the people were missing.

I had finished eating long ago, but Liu Laoliu was old and had bad teeth, so I deliberately slowed down a bit to wait for him.

Parker raised his glass to me across the table with a smile on his face. I didn't like to see this person from the bottom of my heart, so I turned away as if I hadn't seen him.

But Lina, who was next to me, raised her wine glass and smiled at me. Then without saying anything, he just touched my wine glass lightly and drank it all in one gulp.

I was stunned for a moment, but I didn't want to be rude for no reason, so I just did it.

As soon as she put down the wine glass, Lina picked up a tissue and wiped her mouth, and whispered: "Mr. Zhang, my father still has something to talk to you about."

Um? When I heard this, I was stunned and glanced sideways at William.

Sure enough, he was looking at me with a smile on his face, and nodded gently when he saw me, as if confirming Lina's words.

Something's wrong, what's the matter?

Didn’t he come here just to explore the underwater monuments? Didn’t he already say everything he needed to say? Why, is there anything special you need to discuss with me alone?

I had some doubts in my heart, but I didn't show it.

By the time Liu Laoliu finished eating, there were only four people left on the table: Parker, the grimace wizard who called himself Hill, and William and his daughter.

When Liu Laoliu and I were about to stand up, William stood up first with a cane.

Lina hurriedly supported her.

The two opened the back door, walked directly to the opposite deck, and walked slowly forward along the side of the ship. The father and daughter were talking softly, laughing once or twice, as if they were having a great time.

Not long after Liu Laoliu and I walked out of the door, I lowered my voice and said, "Master Liu, William said he wanted to talk to me about something."

Although Lina sent word that William only wanted to talk to me, I could naturally tell who was far away and who was close. Who exactly was this foreigner and what his real purpose was, I was still a little unclear, even whether he was an enemy. You don't know yet, so you have to be careful about everything - especially after learning that he fed these men the Soul-Ending Powder for three days, you have to be even more careful.

But Liu Laoliu is one of my own. As an old man who has watched me grow up, I will not still be wary of him.

Unexpectedly, Liu Laoliu was not surprised at all, as if he had expected it. He just nodded and said: "You promise him, but we have to wait until we return to Wuhan." After saying that, he didn't even look at it. Look at me, go straight away.

What he said made me confused. What should I promise him? We have to wait until we return to Wuhan to talk about anything.

Did he already know what William wanted to talk to me about?

I looked at Liu Laoliu with doubts, then at William and his daughter who were standing in the distance watching the white river at night, then turned and walked over.

When William and his daughter saw me coming, they did not wait for me where they were and continued walking forward.

What the hell is going on?

Why are they so sneaky on their own ship? Who are they guarding against?

The doubts in my heart became even greater, and I quietly quickened my steps.

"Mr. Zhang..." When they were about to catch up with them, the hatch next to them suddenly opened a crack, and Lina's face appeared from the crack in the door, greeting in a low voice.

Um? I was stunned for a moment.

William and Lina were clearly standing on the deck not far in front of me. Who was this Lina?

Which one is true?

"Come in, that's my skeleton and white snake." Lina said, pushing the door open wider.

I was really confused about the situation at this time, but after her reminder, I realized that Lina in front of me was indeed swaying a little. To the naked eye, she looked like she was drunk, but her waist was twisting quite a bit. Somewhat unnatural. There was a faint golden light on William's body, which seemed to be illuminated by the light, but the angle of the light was opposite to the shadow.

It can be seen that Lina in the door is real. Although I can't tell whether William and his daughter are good or bad, I still don't believe in snakes.

As soon as she saw me stepping through the door, Lina quickly closed the door and took me straight down the steps.

This ship is huge, with four floors above the deck. Our residence and banquet are all on the second floor.

Judging from the distance and turns we are walking now, it is almost the lowest level.

Another small iron door was opened, and inside was a series of thick, thin, winding pipes, and various machines buzzing and making an extremely noisy sound.

It seems that this should be the core of the entire icebreaker, where all the power and energy are located.

I followed Lina, lowering her head and turning sideways, and squeezed through a large row of machines. William was already waiting there.

"Mr. Zhang, please sit down." William leaned on crutches and pointed to the chair opposite him with great respect.

He was lame on one leg, but he stood up straight and waited for me. His attitude was even more humble than I had ever seen before.

But the more he behaves like this, the more strange I feel. This guy is obviously on his own ship, but he leads me here to talk in such a sneaky way. What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

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