Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1520 Nightmare Curse

I looked at him with some confusion, but didn't ask anything and just sat down.

Since he brought me here, he must have something to say.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw me sitting down, William got straight to the point and said very frankly: "Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, but due to the situation, I can only meet you here. However, I really need your help!"

I remained calm, but became even more confused.

He went to great lengths to invite me out of the mountain through Liu Laoliu, wasn't it just to explore the underwater underground palace? Isn’t this why we look for other experts?

But why do you have to meet me alone, and why are you so sneaky?

Lina supported William and sat down opposite me: "Mr. Zhang, do you know why our family is so obsessed with this place? It has been uninterrupted for several generations for decades. Are we really just curious?"

As early as when I watched the documentary, I thought about this question. What is the real purpose of their efforts to explore this place?

for money? For fame? Apparently neither.

Just curiosity?

This doesn’t make sense either!

It would be understandable if someone in their family was extremely curious or even extremely paranoid about this matter. But they have continued to explore for generations for a whole century, which is a bit strange.

what is the reason behind the scene?

Although I was full of curiosity, I still didn't ask. Since he took the initiative to ask this question, he obviously wanted to tell me the answer - whether the answer was true or false.

"Everyone in our family has always had a nightmare. It has been like this every night since I can remember." William pressed his forehead in pain: "In the dream, everyone in our family has changed. It became a fish, with a human head and a fish body, swimming around non-stop. All the way to the ground, all the way to the water, surrounded by darkness and boundless. Occasionally, it swam past a piece of white bones, a pile of skeletons... that scene Incredibly spooky and weird.”

When William said this, the expression on his face was still a little frightened, and the hand holding the crutch tightly had veins.

"Since our ancestors, everyone has been in great distress. We have tried many methods, but to no avail. We have asked countless archbishops, wizards, psychologists... Each of them has different explanations, and they seem to have different explanations. It makes sense, but none of it can solve our family’s nightmare for generations.”

"This nightmare is like an indelible curse that has tortured us for centuries and will continue to torture our descendants. So, my ancestors tried to solve it on their own and first found the fish in the dream. species, that is, sturgeon!”

"We have spent countless money and manpower to track down sturgeons around the world, and repeatedly studied their habits and cruising routes; we have provided large sums of money to sturgeon researchers around the world, hoping that they can find the clues that have always puzzled them. Keeping our secret."

"After disdainful pursuit and research, I finally discovered this extremely unusual group of fish in 1932, which is the group I saw at the dinner."

"Furthermore, we found that the annual fixed spawning period of the fish is related to the Chinese lunar calendar."

"After that, everyone in our family gradually became China experts - since childhood, we have been learning Chinese and constantly delving into Chinese history and mythology. We are very surprised that our family has been living in Europe. How did we get connected with this group of fish that seems to be related to China? But we still haven't given up, hoping to find a breakthrough."

"As you can see, every time those fish spawn, they go into that little hole."

"We have tried countless ways, but we can't get close at all. We have mounted cameras on fish before, trying to explore the secrets inside, but they all disappeared without a trace - the fish with the camera attached will never swim up again. "

"It wasn't until recent years, with the development of technology, that I was able to capture those scenes with the help of optical cameras with real-time transmission. Then I was extremely shocked to find that this was exactly the same dream that our ancestors had had for centuries."

"Our ancestors have worked hard for so many years, and now is the time closest to the truth. Therefore, I will spare no effort to solve this mystery and never let my descendants be disturbed by this nightmare again!" William He said firmly.

When I heard this, I couldn't help but be a little surprised. It turned out that there was such a bizarre past behind it.

"Then why didn't you tell me just now? There's nothing to hide about this matter." I was a little surprised.

Didn't he find these people just to enter the underground palace and solve the mystery? But why didn't you mention a word, just tell me.

"I originally wanted to say something, but..." William paused and glanced at Lina who was standing next to him in a panic.

Lina then said: "Mr. Zhang, there is a different kind of person among the people attending the dinner. In other words, the sturgeon nightmare is related to him."

When I heard this, I was extremely surprised.

Hasn't this nightmare plagued their ancestors for centuries?

Among all the people present, only Mrs. Shen is the oldest, but she is not over a hundred years old. Where did Lina get this inference from?

Seeing my doubts, Lina didn't give in and said directly: "I have been having nightmares like this since I was a child, and I would be scared to tears almost every night. When I grew up, I combined technology and religion to create magnetic field psychology. . I found that with the help of the interference of biomagnetic field, the floating changes of brain waves can be detected."

"I have long entered the fluctuation data in my dreams into the golden skull, in order to use magnetic field interference to transfer the dream, so that the children in our family will not be frightened."

"But just now, at the moment when the lights were turned off and the sturgeon appeared, the golden skull actually produced a turbulent wave. This wavelength is extremely special and will only happen when the exact same scene appears in someone's mind. Such a dream also Only my father and I have seen it, but the waveform is obviously not ours."

"In other words, among the group of people just now, whoever saw the sturgeon swimming in the dark can think of the next scene, which is exactly the same as our dream." Lina was very happy. He said nervously: "So, I pretended to toast, approached each person one by one, and tested the wavelength of each person's magnetic field to see who it was."

After saying that, she raised her wrist to me, with an extremely small gold watch on it.

It seems that this is her secret device.

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