Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1522 The strange mermaid disease

When Liu Laoliu talked about this, I had some suspicions that William had done it, but I couldn't confirm it.

It stands to reason that Liu Laoliu is an old man. Let’s not mention his experience in the underworld. Just speaking of the dirty work in this industry, almost no one is more familiar with it than him. How could he not see through this? ?

Among these dozen people, who has seen the "sturgeon swimming with bones"? Is he a victim like William, or is he the mastermind? What is his purpose in doing this.

So where exactly is the underwater underground palace? What kind of secrets are hidden?

It seems that this trip to the Wusuli River is not easy.

I collected my thoughts, looked at William, and then at Lina: "What do you want me to do? Help you find this person?"

"It would be best to find him. Whether this person is an enemy or a friend, he can be of great help in solving the nightmare. I just want to remind you that there is an extremely scary guy hidden among these people. You must be careful. I I don’t want anything to happen to you, because... because besides the underground palace, I have one more thing that I want to ask you for help with." At this time, William was no longer as majestic and domineering as he had seen at first, whether it was the tone of his words or the way he spoke. His words were all extremely polite, even a little condescending.

However, what I find even more strange is that what could be more important than solving the mystery of this underground palace?

This is a nightmare that has plagued their family for centuries. The answer to the mystery is about to be solved. Shouldn't this be the most important thing?

When William saw me looking at him inquiringly, he paused and said: "Originally, originally I wanted to wait until this matter is over before asking for your help. But now that such a guy has appeared, I am very afraid that something unexpected will happen. , I can only tell you in advance, I want to beg you..."

"Save my son!" William paused and seemed to have used a lot of effort to say these five words. He pursed his lips tightly, with a sad look on his face, and covered his face with one hand. Yellow tears dripped from his fingers, as if he had suddenly become much older.

"Your son? What's going on?" I asked.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this." Lina saw that her father's mood was too sad and it was really inconvenient, so she took over the conversation and said: "My brother's name is Hepburn. After experiencing such a nightmare since he was a child, he hated fish. Especially sturgeons. When he grew up, his temperament became extremely violent. Regardless of my father's and my dissuasion, he formed a fish-killing team to hunt sturgeons. Every year, he traveled around the world to select sturgeons to spawn. Start somewhere.”

"He doesn't do it to make money, he just kills! He said he wants to kill all the sturgeons and completely eliminate the horrible nightmare."

"He did not listen to dissuasion at all, and his father did not dare to tell him the secrets here, for fear that he would be cursed more severely. Until last year, he suddenly learned that the family nightmare was related to the sturgeons in the Ussuri River, and it was A group of sturgeons migrated back in winter and spawned in spring, so we hired a large team of people to launch a massive hunt for sturgeons."

"However, that night, he felt itchy all over his body. When he took off his clothes, he found that some scales had grown out. On the second and third days, they grew more and more dense, and after the fifth day, His hands and feet also degenerated, turning into fins and tails. After seven days, he became a monster, just like the strange fish in our dreams, with a human head and a fish body, he couldn't even speak, and when he opened his mouth, a string of bubbles appeared."

"He is in the swimming pool on the boat now. Except for having a human head, he is almost the same as a sturgeon. Whenever he sees us, he will swim over quickly, spitting bubbles and spinning in circles. The expression on his face was extremely painful. He wanted to cry but couldn't. We were also very uncomfortable, but there was nothing we could do."

"We know that this is a curse, a punishment more terrifying than a nightmare, but..." Lina also choked up and couldn't speak anymore.

She blinked her eyes and begged: "We heard that Mr. Zhang has dealt with many similar incidents, so we want you to help him. No matter what conditions you put forward, we will agree."

William wiped away his tears and said seriously: "Although he was cursed for hunting sturgeons, his ultimate goal is to get rid of this damn nightmare! Our ancestors have paid so much to explore the secrets of this underground palace. I have worked hard, and now I finally have some clues. I will never give up. No matter what happens, I will get to the bottom of it. Even...even if I end up turning into a fish."

"But I can't bear to let Hepburn turn into a fish forever. So, I want you to do me this favor! Promise me that no matter whether this underground palace and the others succeed or fail, you will save Hepburn."

It turns out there is such a thing.

I suddenly remembered what Liu Laoliu said when we separated just now: "No matter what William asks for, you just agree, but you have to wait until you return to Wuhan."

At the time, I was a little confused as to what this meant. But now that I think about it, isn’t this what it means?

Did he already know that William would make such a request to me?

Since he knew about Hepburn turning into a strange fish, then...could it be that he was the one who had seen the scene of "sturgeon swimming with bones"?

If he even knew such a secret thing about the William family, then it would be even more impossible for him to be deceived by the painful trick that William played for him.

But at that time in my small shop, there were only two of us in the room. His eyes were filled with tears and he almost knelt down. Was this all just for me to watch?

Yes, there is a flaw here!

William said that the finger was replaced by someone else's finger. It would be okay if he deceived ordinary people, but what role was Liu Laoliu?

Even if he is really old and confused and can't tell the truth from the lie because he misses his grandson, his hands can't lie.

Whether it is his flesh and blood, Jingqing Devil can tell by touching it.

In other words, he already knew that it was not his grandson's finger, that this was all a scam, and he should have seen through it long ago!

But what was the purpose of him putting on such a scene with me and bringing me here?

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