Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1523: Game within game

"Mr. Zhang?" William saw that I was speechless for a long time, and even my expression was a little dull, so he couldn't help but call softly in my ear.

I woke up from my chaotic thoughts and said vaguely: "I can save your son, but I have to wait until I return to Wuhan."

I don’t know how Liu Laoliu knew about this, let alone why he let me react like this.

However, since he gave such instructions, there must be a reason.

Now I have to find him as soon as possible and ask him what is going on?

When William and Lina saw that I agreed, they were all extremely happy and thanked me profusely.

After a few random responses, I stood up to say goodbye, and under the guidance of Lina, I returned to the second floor of the cabin through a winding path.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, he met Pike head-on.

He seemed to have drunk a lot of wine, and his face was slightly red, but he still held a goblet with undiminished interest and leaned lazily on the side of the ship, as if he was admiring the beautiful scenery at night.

Hearing the footsteps of Lina and I, he turned around and looked back, then showed a meaningful smile and said: "Mr. Zhang is so charming, uh, even our Miss Lina... Haha, I wish you a happy day ." As he said this, the guy raised his glass with a smile on his face and turned around.

It's like saying, I didn't see anything, just pretend I don't exist.

This seems to be a big misunderstanding!

However, the current situation cannot help but make people suspicious. In the middle of the night, we, a man and a woman, sneaked out of a remote secret door, doing who knows what.

Lina glanced at me, with two blushes on her face. She immediately stopped and said, "Mr. Zhang, please rest early. See you tomorrow." After saying that, she turned around and ran to the spiral staircase on the other side.

"See you tomorrow." I responded and walked to the guest room.

"Dear Zhang, I'm so sorry." When I passed by Parker, he turned around drunkenly and said guiltily: "Although I always interrupt your good deeds every time I show up, it's so disturbing. People hate it, but God is my witness, I really didn’t mean it.”

What this guy said "every time" was implicitly referring to his last trip to Yunnan.

I really didn’t want to say a word to this big pervert with a violent temperament and dirty thoughts. I ignored him and walked straight over.

"Zhang...I'm really innocent..." Pike was still behind me, explaining helplessly.

Instead of going back to my room, I knocked on Liu Laoliu's door. I was full of doubts and wanted to ask him for clarification.

"Come in." As soon as I knocked for the first time, Liu Laoliu responded immediately.

The door was not closed, but just ajar. Liu Laoliu was sitting on the sofa in the living room, with two small tea bowls in front of him - obviously, he had known that I would come to him.

I locked the door with my backhand, walked over and sat down opposite him.

"I have set up a soundproof array. If you have anything to ask, just ask." Liu Laoliu picked up the purple clay pot that he loved so much and always carried it with him, and said casually while pouring tea.

His method of pouring tea is very unique. The water flow is very thin, the height is staggered, the sound is like a piano, and it is full of ancient charm. The most ordinary thing of pouring tea has become an elegant art in his hands. Watching him pour tea is simply a pleasure.

But how can I still be in the mood to appreciate this at this time? The questions in my mind are almost piling up.

"Master Liu, did you already know that this was a trap?" When facing Liu Laoliu, I didn't have to make any detours. I asked straight to the point.

"I know, I set up this game. Of course I've known it for a long time." Liu Laoliu didn't even raise his head, but still poured the tea very seriously.

"Did you set this up?" When I heard this, I became even more confused.

I originally thought that Liu Laoliu had seen through William's tricks long ago, so he took advantage of them. How come it turned out to be his trap again?

"That's right." Liu Laoliu put down the teapot and counted on his fingers: "Look, among the people he invited, Tai Sui Liang Mingli of Zhenhe, Jiang Fan Chong of Jiuzhisuo Han, brothers from the Jiang family, Lao Maozi, Xiao Devil, these people are all on the waterway. The golden-haired foreigner is a zoologist, the Grimace Mask is a wizard who studies ancient tombs, the little girl who claims to be a psychologist is his daughter, who has high technology, and Mrs. Shen is the one who deals with underworld. A good hand of the spirit..."

"With this group of people here, the team has been formed and is almost enough to handle the things here."

Liu Laoliu said, raised his head and asked me: "If you are William, why do you have to invite us two here?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that this was indeed the case.

Liu Laoliu continued: "It seems that William took great pains to invite us here. In fact, it was me who insisted on getting on this pirate ship!"

"If he wants to explore the ruins in the Ussuri River area, he must find someone who is very familiar with the local hydrological environment. Karloff must be the best candidate for Lao Maozi. I set up a trap first and let Karloff hide himself. Go and hide your whereabouts. Although the William family is powerful, it is not easy to find Karov, so we can only rely on the local snake Hani."

"Hani was moved by what my old friend said - he wanted to expand his business and open up markets in Europe and even North Africa. William is the best springboard. If he can help him achieve this, it is the best way! After Hani Your strong recommendation, coupled with the news that Dong Lao and the Father of Satan have also disappeared in Siberia, will definitely make William very interested in you."

"Then, if you expand your abilities a bit and spread the word, you will say that you can handle this matter easily. This will hit his heart. In this case, he will definitely try his best to invite you to come out."

"But that alone wasn't enough. He couldn't come to me yet. So, while he was looking for a few other people, I slowly let the wind out, saying that you hate foreigners the most and will never serve foreigners easily. Just There are a few exceptions for my sake, Liu Laoliu."

Liu Laoliu smiled and said: "I put in a small amount of money myself, saying that as long as I come forward to invite you, I will definitely be able to invite you."

"Sure enough, he sent someone to find me."

"I knew he was taking the bait, but I couldn't agree immediately because it would make him suspicious. So, I asked Xiao Zaizi to help me put on a show." Lao Laoliu explained.

"As for that nigger abroad, I have not known each other for a long time and have become old friends for many years. It's just that we have never met each other due to our own inconvenience. His grandson studying in Beijing is always ruining little girls. If I hadn't entrusted a junior to cover him up, Yes, he has been maimed a long time ago! So my little cub is safe and sound over there - in fact, it was not him who caught the little cub to threaten me, but I asked the little cub to be used as bait to lure William to take the bait."

Liu Laoliu picked up the tea bowl, gently smelled the aroma, took a small sip and continued: "In other words, this game was set up by me from beginning to end. William fell into the trap and temporarily concealed it. I want you. And the whole purpose is to let us two get on this boat!"

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