Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1527 Hidden Assassin

I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't come to a final conclusion. I just felt more and more that Liang Mingli was unfathomable, and I secretly decided to be careful about him in the future!

When dawn came, I finally felt sleepy. I didn't even go to bed, so I just leaned on the sofa and squinted for a while.

I had a dream in a daze, and actually dreamed about the scene at the dinner party again, but the seating arrangement was slightly changed.

Next to me was Lina, toasting to me with a smile on her face, and on the other side was Parker, staring at me with strange eyes. Liang Mingli sat opposite me. He was short, with only half of his head exposed on the table. He stared at a pair of sly little eyes, and glanced at me from time to time.

All the red wine and delicacies on the table were gone, and instead there was a pool of water - as dark as ink, with only a vague white light shining in the middle.

A fish swims under the white light, constantly going downward, downward and downward again, as if it is going straight into an endless abyss.

Occasionally, a piece of white bones, a pile of skeletons, bluestone slabs, giant stone pillars, ancient steps covered with water plants appear...


Suddenly, there was a roar of a giant beast, which made the surroundings tremble and all the scenes became blurred.

"Dear Zhang, don't be afraid, I will always be by your side." Parker put his arm around my shoulders and comforted me softly.

"Fuck you, get out of here!" I raised my hands extremely angrily.

There was a click and an explosion.

I stood up suddenly and realized that it was just a dream. In the dream, I was so disgusted by Parker that he threw out an invisible needle and smashed the glass coffee table in front of me.

I was just wondering when my strength had grown so fast, when there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor, followed by someone knocking on the door violently.

Dong dong, dong dong dong...

"Sir, are you ok?"

It seemed that the mercenaries on patrol in the cabin heard the sound and hurried over.

They were shouting and knocking on the door eagerly, looking like they might break in at any time.

I walked toward the door and said OK several times, but they still refused to leave and mumbled a lot, insisting that they come in and take a look.

Not long after, Li Minghan's voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just accidentally kicked over the coffee table. Please let them disperse."

"Mr. Zhang, you'd better let them check it out." Li Minghan said hesitantly: "It seems that there were assassins on the ship. Several crew members died just now."

As soon as I heard this, I suddenly became alert.

This is no ordinary research ship. Not to mention the many experts stationed here, this group of mercenaries alone is extremely difficult to deal with. Who on earth has such great ability to sneak in secretly and dare to kill?

As soon as I opened the door, a group of mercenaries wearing headphones and holding assault rifles swarmed in. They searched under the bed, in the closet, and in the vents. Then they glanced at the shattered coffee table, feeling very puzzled. looked at me.

"I was woken up by a nightmare, and it was caused by accident."

After listening to Li Minghan's translation, the mercenaries still refused to believe it. They all looked at me in a daze, as if to say: "Even if you are not careful, how can you break such a hard tempered glass coffee table to pieces in your sleep? You How is it done?”

Not to mention them, even I find it a bit incredible.

Li Minghan was also a little surprised, but said nothing. He knew very well that all the people William invited had extraordinary skills and were by no means ordinary people.

He waved his hand and ordered the group of mercenaries to retreat, and then said to me: "Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry. For the sake of your safety, we have to do this."

"What happened?" I asked a little strangely.

"That's it." Li Minghan pushed up his glasses nervously: "The mercenary who came to change the guard just now suddenly found two companions leaning on the boat motionless. When he got closer, he saw that they were dead. The other party's tactics were extremely neat. , only a two centimeter long wound was cut on the throat, but the deceased was suffocated to death, and there was no blood on the ground at all. The situation was simply terrible!" Li Minghan couldn't help but shudder when he said this. .

"Has the murderer been caught?" I asked.

"No, but Wizard Hill discovered his trace and left one of his arms in the fight." Li Minghan replied.

"You mean that man ran away after his arm was broken by Hill?" I was slightly surprised.

Li Minghan nodded: "That's right. Only Wizard Hill was present at the time. He said that after the man broke his arm, he released a cloud of black mist, and then the whole person disappeared. Mr. Zhang, please rest first and wait. We will tell everyone the results of our investigation later." As he said that, he gently closed the door and walked out.

Who is the assassin who boarded the ship? Does he want to deal with William, or is he an enemy of someone else?

And Hill, the masked man, really has some strength. So many masters didn't notice it, but he discovered it first.

It was already daybreak, and I couldn't sleep much, so I changed my clothes and prepared to go out to see what happened. Just as I was about to step out the door, I suddenly found a trace of blood among the broken glass on the floor.

This blood stain was extremely inconspicuous, just like a strand of hair, but it happened to fall into my eyes following the reflection.

I looked at my hands, and there was no blood. I checked them carefully in the mirror. There were no scars on my body. Obviously, the blood was not mine.

But the door was always closed and I was the only one in the room. Who left this blood stain?

Could it be that... he was the killer who sneaked into the ship?

Has he ever been in my room? And it never made any sound when it came and went. This discovery immediately frightened me.

"Mr. Zhang..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

I was at the door when it opened and it was Li Minghan again.

"Mr. William invites everyone to breakfast and has something important to announce!"

"Okay, I understand." I responded calmly, turned around and closed the door.

Li Minghan was about to knock on Liu Laoliu's door, but saw him walking out on his own.

Liu Laoliu's face was a little ugly, a little pale, and I noticed that he put on the black leather gloves again.

Before he encountered the green-haired zombie, he was a powerful man who didn't believe in ghosts and gods at all. He once said extremely arrogantly: I have a very hard life, what can the little King of Hell do to me?

But after that incident, he became a monk halfway and entered the business of being a trader in negative things. He also became cautious in his behavior, as if he had completely changed. He was afraid that his hands would be too shocking, so he always wore a pair of black leather gloves.

But this time, the people William invited were not ordinary people. Everyone had heard of his name.

Besides, didn’t he already take off his gloves at yesterday’s dinner? Why are you wearing it again now?

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