Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1528 Nine Nether Vampire Claws (Additional update)

Of course, the doubts only flashed by. Seeing that his face was not very good, I quickly took two steps closer and asked with concern: "Master Liu, what are you doing?"

Liu Laoliu shook his head gently, motioned me not to ask any more questions, and walked side by side to the restaurant with me.

Just like last night's banquet, William, as the host, had already been waiting at the table.

Lina, Parker, and Hill were also seated.

Lina nodded towards me with a smile, and Parker glanced at me awkwardly. It seemed that he wanted to say hello to me, but in the end he said nothing.

After a few more minutes, other people came in one after another and sat down in the same position as yesterday.

Everyone already knew about the incident that happened in the early morning. As soon as they entered the room, they all glanced at Hill.

Hill still wore the metallic mask, motionless, like a statue.

It’s the same people, it’s the same table, but it’s surprisingly quiet, no one makes a sound! Even the two rough guys Fan Chong and Karov remained silent.

The seats were filled with twelve people, and Li Minghan turned around and closed the door. Only then did I realize that there was an empty chair. I counted it carefully, but the Japanese Takeshi Fujita was missing.

"Everyone..." William cleared his throat and said: "Before breakfast, I have two things to inform you. The first one, I believe everyone knows it, just in the early hours of this morning, something very big happened. Something unpleasant, someone killed two crew members.”

"Fortunately, Wizard Hill discovered it early, otherwise the consequences would have been more serious!"

"Although Wizard Hill stopped him from continuing to do evil and even cut off one of his arms, unfortunately, he still let him run away. You are all experts. I invite you to give me some advice. This infiltrator What the hell is it?"

After speaking, he slapped Li Minghan who was standing at the door.

Li Minghan then came over with an iron plate with a round steel lid. He placed the plate on the table between us and took off the lid.

There is an arm over there.

To be more precise, half a strip!

From the forearm to the fingers, it was thin and black, like a piece of bacon that had been smoked and dried.

Each finger is pointed and long, and the nails are as sharp as a knife and shiny.

There are six fingers on the arm, and there is a ring on the index finger.

The flesh and blood at the fracture was blurred, as if it had been bitten off by something, but it was also pitch black and there were even signs of being burned.

William slowly turned the table, stayed in front of everyone for a short while, and then turned around in a full circle before asking: "Everyone, do you have any suggestions?"

"This person practices the Nine Nether Vampire Claws!"

Fan Chong shook his right hand that was missing his little finger and said: "I have seen this set of evil skills a long time ago. The method of practice is extremely cruel. It uses the menstrual blood of virgins, the ashes of babies, the hearts and livers of old people, and then mixes it with hundreds of ingredients." A special potion prepared from the poison of insects. Soak it every day, heat and steam it, so that the toxins can soak into the body. After that, as long as his hands scratch a little bit of skin, all the blood in the body will be drained immediately!"

"My master died from this evil art back then, and I also lost my little finger that time. It is said that if this evil art is practiced to the highest level, both hands will turn into a ball of black mist, which can not only arrest people but also kill people. Even after death, it can even seize souls from a distance and capture people's souls out of thin air. I heard that this evil magic seems to come from the Nine Nether Gate, the most evil sect in history."

"What is the evil sect?" The Jiang family brothers sitting side by side rolled their eyes at Fan Chong and said, "What you just said is true. This is indeed the Nine Nether Vampire Claw, and it is indeed transmitted from the Nine Yin Sect."

"But if Jiuyou Sect is an evil sect, then everyone here is a disciple of the evil sect."

"Speaking of it, Jiuyoumen can be regarded as one of the oldest sects in our Yinwu industry. There is a saying in the martial arts world that the world's martial arts originated from Shaolin. Jiuyoumen is equivalent to Shaolin in the Yinwu world."

"Laozi gave birth to Taoism, Confucius became Confucianism, and Youzi, the founder of Nine Youmen, was also said to have been born during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It was just that his behavior was very radical and the exercises he taught were very vicious, so he was not tolerated by the world. Even It has never been recorded in history books. In order to protect themselves, the people of Jiuyoumen mostly walked as alchemists. It was not until the Han Dynasty that Taoism flourished and Jiuyoumen was killed by the Taoist Celestial Master Zhang Daoling, and then it was gradually divided into Yin Fu. , Yin Gui, Yin Luo three small gates."

"The black hawks and gray pigeons that were feared in the early years came from the Yinfu Sect, but they have never appeared in the world in the past few decades! Although we are not disciples of the Nine Nether Sect, we have many skills. They all originate from Jiuyoumen. If Jiuyoumen is an evil sect, then we are no better off."

The Jiang brothers' sermons were so clear and logical that Fan Chong choked and blushed, but it was hard to get angry.

In the field of yinwu, experience and ability are indispensable. If you are not as knowledgeable as others, others must call you senior.

The Jiang family brothers glanced at everyone and continued: "Although our skills are all derived from the classic "Yin Fu Jing" of Jiuyoumen, it is a pity that after being passed down from generation to generation, it is getting worse and worse. However, But those that begin with nine still basically retain their original appearance, such as the Nine Netherworld Entrapment Immortal Formation and the Nine Netherworld Vampire Claws, but these types of techniques are extremely rare and very rare."

As soon as he heard the three words "Yin Fu Jing", Hill, who was as motionless as a sculpture, suddenly turned his head and asked in a robot-like tone: "It is said that the "Yin Fu Jing" is in the hands of Gray Pigeon. Come on, I wonder if it’s true?”

"This is the rumor." The Jiang family brothers nodded: "After Yin Fu, Yin Gui, and Yin Luo split from the Jiuyou Sect, they each took away a sect treasure, namely the "Yin Fu Jing", the ebony staff, and the Jiuyou Sect. Shengta! Later, the Yin Gui Sect was hunted down by Zhang Tianshi, and the ebony staff fell into the Yin Fu Sect after several twists and turns. However, the Yin Fu Sect gradually declined in modern times, and it was said that only three disciples were left in the generation of Gray Pigeon. Both of these things should be in his hands now, but the Nine Life Tower is very old and has long since disappeared."

"Gray Pigeon disappeared decades ago, but some people said that he appeared in the ancient tomb with a little girl a year ago, but almost no one who still knows him is gone. . In other words, the "Yin Fu Jing" and the Ebony Staff may also be lost, and we don't know when they will come out again." The Jiang family brothers sighed slightly.

When I heard this, I couldn't help but be extremely shocked!

The Jiang brothers were skinny and unremarkable. I had never even heard of their names before. What’s even more ridiculous is that just last night, when I was deducing the murderers, I dismissed them first as reckless men with little wealth...

Unexpectedly, they were so familiar with the history of the Yinwu Realm, and could even count the disciples of Senior Gray Pigeon. You know, before Senior Gray Pigeon recounted his past, I didn’t know anything about it.

It seems that everyone here should not be underestimated, everyone is not easy!

"Brothers from the Jiang family." William suddenly interrupted, pointed to the arm in the middle of the table and said, "Then can you tell where this person comes from?"

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