Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1534 Giant River Turtle

That is a huge claw!

It seemed to be stepping on the ice to gain strength, but the ice was already covered with spider web-like cracks. How could it withstand this heavy tread?

With a crash, a large piece of ice suddenly shattered, and the small iceberg suddenly sank.

When it resurfaced, its true face was finally revealed. It was actually a giant turtle as big as a small cart.

As soon as the turtle appeared, all the mercenaries shouted happily.

The waves of sound were deafening.

Many mercenaries still had gauze tied around their heads - obviously they were damaged by the turtle hitting the boat, but at this time they forgot about the pain, and they all waved their arms and shouted loudly.

Upon hearing the call, Karov became more interested, seemed to gain a little more strength out of thin air, and pulled harder.

The ice between the hull and the turtle has been completely broken. The giant turtle sank into the water, but was unable to escape. It could only wave its claws vigorously, causing huge waves to hit the boat.

But the temperature here is more than 30 degrees below zero, and the water freezes as soon as it gets on the boat. The entire lower deck was completely white, turning into a white castle.

Karov's arms were wrapped tightly into iron rollers by chains, but he was still rolling.

The giant turtle was pulled closer and closer, only about twenty meters away from the side of the ship.

The surging waves pushed the side of the ship to rock continuously. Several bold mercenaries shouted with great excitement, rushed down, turned the giant whale hunting gun on the deck, and aimed at the giant turtle.

"NO!" At the moment when the whale hunting gun was activated, Pike rushed out from nowhere, jumped down from the ship's building with a roar, and kicked the head of the gun with a bang.

The giant gun flew, driving the iron rope at the tail to shoot into the river.

Pike kicked the head of the gun a few points away, and hit the giant turtle into the water, causing a high wave of water to rise up.

Pike angrily shouted something at the mercenaries, and then ran to Karloff again.

The two had a heated argument, and Parker took out a gold card from his arms and threw it on the ground angrily.

Karov happily picked it up and looked at it, then let go of his arm. The chain wrapped around his arm was untied by the giant turtle's pull, and fell on the deck with a bang.

The giant turtle emerged from the water, glanced at it from a distance, let out a piercing cry, turned its head and sank down into the water and disappeared.

When the mercenaries saw that the prey they were about to get disappeared like this, they were all lost in interest. A few of them even cursed something in a low voice in anger, but in view of Pike's identity, no one dared to do anything to him.

Karov wiped his beard with a smile, took the vodka offered by an admirer, drank it all, then threw the empty bottle dozens of meters with a bang, smashed it into the river, and left happily .

There was no more excitement to see, and the mercenaries gradually dispersed. Those who were injured did not feel the pain until now. They grinned and covered the wounds that had exploded due to excessive excitement, and walked towards the infirmary.

The turtle hunting episode is over, and I saw Karov’s true strength.

Liu Laoliu and I looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time.

Neither of us said anything in front of outsiders, but we both understood that Karloff's suspicion was lifted - whether it was a traitor, a murderer, or a mysterious person, it had nothing to do with him.

Judging from the situation just now, the reason why this guy has so much strength is entirely because he has practiced the giant spirit technique.

The most striking feature of practicing the Giant Spirit Kung Fu is that when exerting force, red light bursts out from all over the body and the cold air does not invade.

But those who practice this skill at the same time must have the same mind and face, pure and innocent.

If you don't mean what you say and forcefully pretend, all your previous efforts will be wasted, and you may even die from bursting of your tendons.

And as the practice continues to deepen, your temperament will become more pure, outspoken and unobstructed.

Judging from the strength he just used to drag the giant turtle, his skill has almost reached its peak. Now, let alone being a traitor, he may even have trouble telling a lie.

The air on the river was extremely cold, and the newly exploded water surface was covered with a layer of small ice. Everyone slowly dispersed, and Liu Laoliu and I went back to our rooms.

I packed all the practical things and carefully selected some that were more convenient and practical and put them into a small backpack.

After all, the destination this time is far underwater, and it is always inconvenient to carry too many things.

After a while, Li Minghan knocked on the door and called me, saying that he had arrived at the water area. William asked everyone to go to the conference room to discuss the specific plan one last time.

The conference room is built on the top floor of the icebreaker and is much more spacious and luxurious than the restaurant.

A row of large picture frames with various tassels hung on the wall.

The portraits there range from black and white to color, and the first few are all oil paintings. Everyone has a similar appearance, with the same blond hair and light blue deep eye sockets. They should be ancestors of various generations of the William family.

It seems that their family has indeed been troubled by this nightmare for a long time.

Everyone knew that they were approaching the water area and were about to enter the ruins, so they arrived quickly and in a short time, they were all there.

William also kept his story short and directly raised three topics for everyone to discuss.

First of all, how to break through the entrance to the ruins, that is, the restriction that always prevents them from getting close to the bottom of the water, and how to keep the passage smooth to ensure that the underwater team can return smoothly.

Secondly, how to deal with sudden crises? It can be seen in the video that when approaching the giant steps, the sturgeons will suddenly go crazy. How should we deal with this problem and how to prevent and deal with other dangers.

Third, how to rescue and assist? In case the underwater team encounters a special situation that cannot be handled, how will the backup team perform rescue operations?

These three questions are simple, concise and get to the point.

And he once again made it extremely solemn, hoping that everyone can work together. This is the most powerful team their family has ever formed. He never hopes or believes that it will fail this time.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, everyone knew it. What he really wants to say is, stop hiding it from anyone, show off whatever strength and abilities you have! If the exploration fails, no one will gain much.

Moreover, if you still fail after gathering so many experts from all walks of life, it will be in vain no matter how many times you try again.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone expressed their opinions, much more enthusiastically than the last two times. Perhaps because they saw the ruins right in front of them, no one wanted to waste this extremely rare opportunity.

Everyone was discussing very enthusiastically when Li Minghan suddenly walked in in a hurry and whispered something in William's ear.

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