Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1535 Extra People

When William listened to Li Minghan's report, his expression suddenly became ugly.

"Everyone, stop for a moment." He waved his hand gently, interrupting the discussion: "We have encountered a trouble now, Assistant Li, please explain the situation to everyone."

"Yes." Li Minghan adjusted his glasses and said, "Suddenly there were forty-eight more people on our ship."

Forty-eight people? Extra?

Everyone was a little confused when they heard what was going on.

This ship was sailing on the frozen Ussuri River. It was not a vegetable market. How could so many people appear out of thin air?

Besides, the crew members all have lists, so even if an outsider does sneak in, it should be easy to tell them apart.

Li Minghan looked at everyone, reorganized his words and said: "To be precise, there were forty-eight crew members, and suddenly they all became two. Two identical people, even the birthmarks and scars on their bodies were exactly the same. It’s impossible to tell who is real and who is fake. Moreover, these two identical crew members are all in a state of confusion. Apart from laughing and giggling, they just keep drinking water.”

"When the accident happened, these crew members were taking a bath in a shared bathroom. Everyone was naked, so there was no way to tell them apart from their personal clothes."

"This is not a difficult task." While everyone was in shock, the Jiang brothers knocked on their big smoking guns and said, "This is just a simple cover-up. Mr. Liu, the green devil's hand, is here, what are you afraid of?"

After hearing what he said, everyone's eyes were focused on Liu Laoliu.

Indeed, Liu Laoliu's green devil hands can best distinguish between true and false. No matter how powerful the deception is, the true form will inevitably be revealed under the verification of those hands. But the problem is that now that he has killed someone, his hands are bright red, and the green devil hand has temporarily lost its effect, making him no different from ordinary people.

It seemed that it was no accident that the Jiang brothers suddenly named Liu Laoliu in public.

Could it be that... he discovered that Liu Laoliu was wearing gloves again and inferred something?

I glanced at Liu Laoliu with some worry, but Liu Laoliu smiled calmly and said: "I do have some abilities with my hands, but since this is the location of the underwater ruins, there will definitely be some chaos. Come on. I’ll give it a try! But I’m not sure whether it can be solved.”

After saying that, he stood up and followed a mercenary who was waiting at the door to lead the way and walked out without waiting for others to give him any more hats.

Liu Laoliu is indeed a veteran. If it had been someone else, he might have found a bunch of excuses. But in this way, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the experts here.

By agreeing so wholeheartedly, he actually left himself some room. Even if he really couldn't do it, it could only be said that he was incompetent.

As soon as they saw him going out, everyone continued the discussion under William's organization.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the stern of the boat.

At the same time, the entire cabin tilted suddenly, tilting up forty or fifty degrees.

The tables and chairs were overturned to the ground, and the murals and hangings all over the wall were falling down like rain.

"No!" Fan Chong yelled, kicked away the table that was about to hit him, and jumped out.

Everyone else also hurriedly swayed and hid in a safe place.

Li Minghan didn't pay attention. He slid down along the floor and slammed the door open.

Outside the open door, I saw that the stern of the boat had been inserted diagonally into the river, and the bow of the boat was tilted up and could sink at any time.

What's going on? Is it Liu Laoliu?

I stood by the wall with an invisible needle in my hand, and I thought very doubtfully: There are all the masters here, but he is not here. Could it be that he did it?

But according to my understanding, he shouldn't have such great ability, right?

boom! There was another ear-piercing loud noise.

Everyone and I turned around and saw that a hole the size of an egg had appeared in the bulkhead, penetrating four or five layers of steel plates and reaching the outside.


With a splash of water, the stern of the ship, which was already halfway into the river, rose again, and the high-pitched bow fell back to the surface of the river, smashing countless ice and releasing a large amount of mist in the Ussuri River.

Click, click, click...

The entire icebreaker was like a huge seesaw, rocking back and forth, causing waves of water.

Fan Chong pulled out a sharp sword from nowhere.

The Jiang brothers held their cigarettes in their hands extremely nervously, standing back to back, staring at their two pairs of small yellow eyes.

Mrs. Shen held a small paper figure in her hand, and Hill put his hand on his waist, as if he would pull out a secret weapon at any time.

Liang Mingli huddled in the corner, protecting the big backpack behind him. Karov clung to the railing of the boat and looked at the river in shock.

Panic was written on everyone's faces. This sudden change was really unexpected——

This is the Wusuli River, not the sea. Where could such a big storm come from? It can almost capsize an icebreaker weighing hundreds of tons.

"Go and see what's going on!" With Lina's support, William climbed up from the ground on crutches.

His always meticulous blond hair was splattered with red wine, and his face was stained with a slice of steak sauce.

"Yes!" Li Minghan responded with some pain, picked up his glasses from the ground, covered his bruised forehead and ran out.

"My, God." Pike straightened his tie, looked at Karov in shock, then looked at Fan Chong and said, "What on earth was that thing that just appeared in the water?"

What he meant was obvious. You two grew up by this river. You two should know exactly what hit the boat.

However, Karov and Fan Chong looked at each other and both shook their heads.

Fan Chong grabbed the big knife and said: "I have been catching fish in the river since I was a child. How have I seen such a big thing? I have never even heard of it. I don't know where that big turtle came from."

The Jiang brothers looked closely at the small hole that had just penetrated the cabin, and then looked at William: "What is missing from you?"

After they asked, I noticed that there was a hole in William's suit pocket. Judging from his lying posture and the angle of the hole, it seemed that the thing that penetrated the cabin did come from his pocket. Got out of it.

"Something?" When William was asked, he realized that his pocket was torn. He quickly reached out and touched it, and then shouted: "It's a ring. It's the ring worn by the escaped ninja."

All of us have seen this ring.

After Liang Mingli turned the half of his arm into black smoke, this ring was all that was left.

There was nothing unusual about the ring. It was neither ancient nor precious. It was just an ordinary gold ring. We passed it around for a week and didn't take it seriously.

Only William thought this thing was special, so he put it in his pocket.

Who would have imagined that this small, inconspicuous ring could penetrate several layers of steel plates and break out of the ship!

What the hell is this?

If the ring really contained extremely powerful energy, then the ninja would not have had his arm cut off by Wizard Hill.

But if you say this is an ordinary thing, how can you explain it just now?

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