Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1536 Hand Organization

When everyone was confused, Li Minghan ran back.

The bandage on his forehead was as big as an egg, the glasses on his left side were broken, and there was blood-stained toilet paper stuffed in his nostrils. It seemed that he had been hit hard just now.

He reported to William in front of everyone: "The crew has checked it. Except for this hole, there is no damage to the hull. After infrared detection and sonar radar search, no suspicious points were found, and there are no rocks underwater. Just now. The situation is very strange and has never been seen by any sailor."

"Many people were injured, and the extra people have disappeared. Mr. Liu said that he was too exhausted, so he should go back and rest first." After saying that, Li Minghan glanced at me and said, "Mr. Liu said that he just suffered some hidden injuries. , I want to ask Mr. Zhang to diagnose and treat him."

As soon as I heard this, I ran out quickly without saying anything.

As soon as he knocked on the door, Liu Laoliu came and opened the door.

His face was indeed very ugly, pale, and he was wearing a military coat.

"Master Liu, what's wrong with you?" I asked worriedly.

Liu Laoliu shook his head slightly without saying a word, locked the door with his backhand, and took me directly to the living room.

Due to the collision just now, the sofa and coffee table in the room fell to the floor, and the picture frame decoration was also damaged a lot.

Liu Laoliu ignored it, sat down on the overturned sofa, and asked: "Do you know what happened just now?"

Seeing that he was walking freely and there were no obvious injuries on his body, I knew that the so-called injury in his mouth was just an excuse and he just wanted to call me to discuss the matter.

Only then did I feel relieved.

Everyone was in the conference room just now, but he was the only one outside. Obviously only he knew what happened.

At this moment, his eyes were red, and his extremely pale face was frightened to death. I immediately felt that this was not an easy matter.

Who is Liu Laoliu?

When he was young, he was a tycoon in the underworld, killing countless people and making many gangsters fearful of him? Later, he followed his grandfather and changed his career to become a ghost dealer, and experienced countless lives and deaths. What kind of storms have you never seen? Could it be King Yama of the underworld who could scare him like this?

I was slightly surprised and asked in surprise: "Sixth Master, is there really a water monster under the water that the country has not discovered..."

"It's not underwater, it's on the boat." Liu Laoliu pointed toward the stern of the boat: "That moment just now, someone stepped on the boat."

"Human?" I became even more confused upon hearing this.

This icebreaker weighs hundreds of tons. Just one step on the stern of the ship almost tipped the entire ship over. Who could have this ability?

Liu Laoliu paused and said: "Don't even think about it. Anyone who can do this must be a supreme god. This guy is most likely a hand."

"Hands?" I couldn't help but rub my temples: "Who is this? Why have I never heard of it."

"The hand is not a person, but an organization." Liu Laoliu continued: "The hand has five fingers, and there are exactly five of them. Each of these five people is close to the supreme god level! They never appear together. , but they have been searching for something all over the world for some common purpose."

"Back then, when your grandfather was exploring the tomb of King Yu, I stayed outside to help him because I was not strong enough. After waiting for more than ten days without any movement, I thought I had encountered something unexpected. Just as I was about to touch it, your grandfather followed me. The old men helped each other climb out."

"Later I found out that the old man was the last generation leader of the Yin Fu Sect, Gray Pigeon. The two of them met the little finger in the hand tissue in the cemetery."

"I don't know why, but your grandfather and Gray Pigeon, who were originally hostile, joined forces to kill Little Thumb. From then on, they formed a deep feud with the Hand Organization!"

"Later I heard that Zhongzhi was trying to excavate Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, but was seriously injured by a gray pigeon. From then on, they never set foot on the Chinese border again."

"Now, they have appeared here again. It is possible that they heard some news about Gray Pigeon and came to test it. In other words, his purpose is the same as William's, which is this underwater monument!"

As soon as Liu Laoliu mentioned Senior Gray Pigeon, my heart became extremely heavy.

The "Yin Fu Jing" and the Ebony Core were both bequeathed by the old master, and I am now considered his disciple.

Senior Gray Pigeon has spent his whole life blocking his organization from the country, and I will never let them succeed.

"Xiao Lin, this matter is getting more and more complicated and wrong." Liu Laoliu stood up with a solemn expression: "I regret bringing you into this muddy water more and more. What if you really want to Something happened. Even if I die, I can't apologize, and I don't have the face to see your grandpa. You pack your things right away..."

"Sixth Master!" I interrupted him and helped him sit down: "I know you are doing it for my own good and are worried about my safety, but have you ever thought about it? Why did grandpa join forces with Senior Gray Pigeon in the first place? ? I just don’t want the things left by my ancestors to be taken away by outsiders, let alone used by them to do bad things. They are obviously hostile, but they can join forces to fight against the enemy, but what about me? Just turn around and run away like this? Then How will I have the nerve to see grandpa in the future?"

"No matter whether this guy is a hand or not, and whether he came here for this historic site, I can never stand by and watch. I think my grandfather will definitely support me even if he is alive! What's more, the purpose of William's trip is not simple. I can't Let’s go, we can’t embarrass grandpa, let alone the feint dealer, or the Chinese people! No matter who he is, if he wants to take away the treasure, he must ask me, Zhang Jiulin, first.”

When Liu Laoliu heard this, he seemed to not know me. He stared at me for a long time, and then he held my hand tightly and said three good words in a row! There were a few tears in the old eyes, but he had to hold them back until they fell.

After I comforted Liu Laoliu for a few words, I also told him about the ring breaking out of the cabin.

Liu Laoliu was silent for a while and said: "I actually didn't do anything. As soon as I opened the bathroom door, I saw the extra crew member turned into a puddle of water. I thought someone wanted to use a trick to separate us. So I hurried back. As soon as I got out of the cabin, I saw a figure on the stern of the ship disappearing at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. The whole ship was almost trampled over by him. "

"Listening to what you said, it seems that he wanted to take away this ring specifically. Now that I think about it, those extra crew members are just water vapor condensed by his aura. If that's the case..."

Liu Laoliu frowned and suddenly said with certainty: "Then I may have guessed who he is!"

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