Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1538 Oscar winner

When Liu Laoliu and I returned to the conference room again, everyone was still sitting in a circle, but the big round table in the middle had long been broken into several pieces, and many people had changed their chairs. There was still a mess on the floor that had not been cleaned up.

The biting cold wind blew in through the holes in the bulkhead, making the entire conference room so cold that it gave goosebumps.

"Mr. Liu, your injury..." As soon as William asked with concern on his face, Liu Laoliu gently raised his hand and sat directly on the chair.

I took over the conversation and said, "Master Liu's injury is not a problem, but he won't be able to take action within three days."

As soon as I finished speaking, Liu Laoliu took off his black leather gloves in cooperation.

But I saw that his hands were red, as bright as blood, and every inch of his skin was extremely delicate, like a girl's.

Everyone glanced at it and saw that it was indeed the sequelae of using Yin Qi, exactly the same as the rumored green devil's hand. But no one knew that he had killed the fake ninja with a square face in the early morning, more than ten hours had passed.

"Does Mr. Liu know what happened just now?" William stared at Liu Laoliu closely, and the others also looked at him in confusion.

Everyone was in the conference room just now, and only Liu Laoliu himself was outside the cabin. Apart from the mercenaries who seemed to us to be no different from ordinary people, he was the insider closest to the scene.

Therefore, everyone wanted to hear him tell what happened. The sudden change was really shocking.

"That's...ahem..." As soon as Liu Laoliu opened his mouth, he couldn't help coughing. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face became increasingly pale.

Everyone was even more shocked when they saw this scene. What could hurt Liu Laoliu like this?

I quickly walked over to him, gently tapped his back, and pretended to massage his acupuncture points.

Everyone stared with big eyes and small eyes, and no one said a word.

Liu Laoliu closed his eyes slightly and panted for a long time before he recovered. Then he slowly took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then took out the purple clay pot from his arms and took a sip.

His movements were extremely slow, as if he had been seriously injured, but I knew that nothing happened to him and he was just pretending.

He is really an old dramatist who was delayed by the fetish merchant.

If he were to act, he would not be able to win an Oscar.

Of course, after being with Yin Xinyue for so long, my acting skills are not too bad, at least I can play a supporting role. The expression on Liu Laoliu's face also changed at that moment, from nervous to relaxed, and then slowly relaxed.

"That's... accumulated vaginal discharge... cough cough." After Liu Laoliu breathed out these words weakly, he coughed again.

Upon hearing these words, everyone present showed expressions of sudden realization.

"That's it!" The Jiang brothers took a puff of cigarettes: "I should have thought of it a long time ago, but I didn't expect that the accumulation here would be so heavy."

William, Parker, Lina and others all looked at the Jiang brothers with confused expressions.

"Two seniors, what does this mean?" Lina asked very strangely.

"The sky and the earth are like the sky, and the air is like steaming smoke." After the Jiang family brothers said these two sentences, they narrowed their eyes and continued to smoke their pipes without explaining, as if asking them to explain such simple knowledge was simply a challenge to them. The same insult.

Lina stared at her big eyes, but she was even more confused.

Fan Chong couldn't stand the Jiang brothers' pretentious behavior, or perhaps the Jiang brothers' last admonishment made him feel resentful. After giving the Jiang brothers a sidelong glance, he explained to Lina: "Girl, you said in Chinese The ones are pretty good, but have you ever seen steamed buns?"

Lina nodded quickly: "I've seen it."

"That's easy to handle. This is a slang in our yinwu circle. It means that the heaven and the earth are like a big steamed bun steamer. Between heaven and earth, living and dead things, and even all the things are steamed buns. There are all things inside and outside the steamed buns. There are two kinds of air, one is the hot air steamed from the fire below, and the other is the cold air outside the drawer. Whether the buns are raw or cooked, cold or hot depends on which kind of air the buns receive more."

"For example, those of us in the industry have more contact with yin things, so the yin energy is heavier. People who practice Buddhism and Taoism are just the opposite, and the yang energy is heavier. In addition, everyone and everything in the world is The self-contained world is just a small cage, and there is an alternation of yin and yang within itself, do you understand this?"

Lina nodded quickly.

"The inside of the tomb passage and the pit is full of Yin energy, but outside, there is also a layer of Yang energy. Where Yin and Yang meet, there will be a barrier to temporarily maintain a balance. No one can do anything to anyone. But if any one When Qi suddenly increases, great changes will occur, eh?" Fan Chong made a circle with his hands and suddenly patted his forehead:

"Yes! It's just like a balloon. No matter it's inside or outside, if the air on either side suddenly increases, it will explode with a bang. Isn't there an underwater ruin below us..."

"Oh, I understand!" Lina suddenly realized: "Mr. Fan is saying that the ancient ruins have long been filled with Yin Qi, and everyone here also has Yin Qi, and it is very powerful. So many people gathered together, approaching The hole suddenly broke its balance and then exploded."

"Yes." Fan Chong nodded and said with approval: "You're a pretty smart girl. You can tell everything at once."

There is a saying in the circle of ghost objects, but it is difficult to encounter them. They are only found occasionally in the deep mines of ancient tombs.

Many times, landslides in ancient tombs are not caused by the tilt of the pillars due to age, but by the collision of air.

In order to deliberately conceal the existence of the 'hand tissue', Liu Laoliu deliberately explained the reason as breathlessness, but he did not say it directly. He only revealed a few words and let others make their own associations. Because no matter who it is, what they think of is far more credible than what others say directly.

Especially now, there is really an ancient tomb that has been sealed for seven thousand years under the ship. This has nothing to do with Qi, and there is absolutely no flaw.

"Then...what's going on?" Pike pointed to the small hole in the bulkhead and asked in confusion.

He seemed to understand Fan Chong's explanation about the cold, but how could the ring fly out for no reason and even penetrate several layers of steel plates in a row? He was a little confused.

"It's the five elements that replenish the qi." Fan Chong continued to explain in his drake voice: "The explosion of the qi requires a huge amount of energy, and at the same time it absorbs the five elements' qi to replenish it. As the saying goes, gold can make water, and the ancient ruins are deep in the water, so naturally they need to be carried with them. Something wrapped in gold and silver, the new blood on the ring has not yet dried, and the old soul has just dispersed, so I naturally chose it.”

have to! Now they don't need Liu Laoliu, they can find the corresponding basis from the messy knowledge about femininity.

When Liu Laoliu heard this, he coughed again and again, and his body was trembling constantly.

In the eyes of others, he was seriously injured, but why did I feel that he couldn't help but want to laugh all the time?

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