Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1539 Preparation before the war

Everyone discussed for a while, and some people speculated that the Japanese hunter Tsuyoshi Fujita, who entered the ancient site first, accidentally touched something, triggered the mechanism, or awakened the giant beast sleeping in the dark seabed in the video.

But no one expected that this was a good show written and performed by Liu Laoliu himself.

It's not that everyone here is stupid or confused, but he himself exposed all the weaknesses in his trump card first.

Not only in the business of yinwu, but also in the world of people who walk in the world, there is a taboo of "not showing one's side and not showing one's side."

Don't show your wealth to show your wealth, don't show your weakness to show your strength.

As everyone knows, Liu Laoliu's trump card is the pair of green devil hands. At this time, the devil hands turned red, their strength was greatly reduced, and they were injured like this, making them even more fragile.

His purple clay pot may seem inconspicuous, but anyone with a discerning eye will know it is a healing object! If the pain wasn't really unbearable, I probably wouldn't have used it.

Everyone knows that Liu Laoliu is a veteran. If he hadn't been seriously injured, he would never have made so many stupid mistakes.

More importantly, there is no other explanation for the sudden change. Who would have thought that the icebreaker was trampled over by someone?

Everyone here is a top master in all walks of life. The only one who can make them so overwhelmed is probably the supreme god level. But the supreme god level is even rarer than the five-legged giant panda. There are very few rumors, let alone actual encounters, so no one thinks about it.

Therefore, no matter whether he was out of breath or the mechanism was triggered, all doubts naturally fell on the underwater monuments.

When William saw that everyone had almost finished talking, he appropriately brought the conversation back to the topic.

He introduced to me and Liu Laoliu that during our absence, they had already tentatively agreed on a plan of action.

The entrance to the monument will be opened by a backup team and kept open at all times.

The underwater team took a small submarine to dive to the bottom, then put on high-end diving suits to continue exploring. In addition to bringing their own weapons, everyone is also equipped with a set of equipment composed of the world's highest technology. No matter what situation they encounter, they must first keep in contact with the support team on the ship. Before getting a definite reply, Don't rush into anything.

In addition, in order to prevent communication from being interrupted by the unknown force in the ruins, Mrs. Shen gave each of us a small plastic paper man, saying that it could help us send messages back in times of crisis, but it could only be used once!

Hill took out a small iron ball and handed it to Lina, who seemed to be the weakest among us. He said that if he encountered some uncontrollable situation and had to escape, he could unscrew the iron ball and help us win. To about three minutes or so.

Deep water exploration is not like on land, water quality is also an extremely critical factor.

It just so happens that the three people in our group, Fan Chong, Jiang Dayu, and Liang Mingli, are all water overlords who rely on rivers for their livelihood. Therefore, they were assigned in advance, and each of them would bring a deputy to help at any time.

Fan Chong took Lina, Liang Mingli took Parker, and Jiang Dayu took me, and they were divided into three teams.

In addition, the ruins are too old and too strange, and they may contain some unknown danger, so the order of travel has been arranged in advance. Liang Mingli had a ghost to protect him, so he and Parker's team walked at the front; Jiang Dayu was more experienced, so as the leader of the underwater team, he took me in the middle to facilitate contact and support; Li Na followed us closely, and Fan Chong pressed back with a big knife.

The plan was extremely thorough, but there was one thing left unexplained: if something good was really discovered, who would own it?

If it is according to what William said before, whoever gets it will get it, then the one who walks in front will take advantage.

Even if Lina and Pike don't seem to have any need for treasures, what about Jiang Dayu and Fan Chong? How could they both agree on this order.

And the rescue team on the ship, especially Wizard Hill and Mrs. Shen, are they both so selfless? Are you here purely for William's reward?

Why do I feel like something is wrong here?

I had a knot in my heart, but I didn’t ask any more questions. William asked Liu Laoliu and I if we had anything to add. I didn’t say anything, and Liu Laoliu also shook his head gently.

When William saw that everyone had unanimous opinions, he stood up happily with crutches: "Okay! Since none of us have any objections, let's implement this plan. Let's go back separately to prepare. In half an hour, we will be here Assemble on deck."

Everyone retreated one by one, and I helped Liu Laoliu back to the room.

As soon as he entered the door, he was no longer the sickly Liu Laoliu. He leaned on the sofa that had been dumped on the floor, took out a small teapot and drank happily, while crossing his legs. I wandered around the place, humming Peking Opera with my eyes squinted, and tapping the beat on the sofa with my other hand. It was extremely comfortable.

If those people saw it, their jaws would drop.

I thought he must have something else to tell me, but no one thought, he ignored me and just hummed in confusion.

"Master Liu..." I asked in a low voice.

"Hey." Liu Laoliu opened his eyes and asked me in great surprise: "If you haven't gone back to pack your things, what are you waiting for here?"

"Uh..." I choked back the second half of what I was about to ask: "Then Mr. Liu, please rest first."

"Yes." Liu Laoliu closed his eyes and responded: "Tell them later that I'm seriously injured. It's too cold and windy outside, so I won't go out. By the way, let me go again." William, that boy, prepared some delicious food for me and sent it to me. I have to make up for it. Let’s get some more American abalone, that stuff is really delicious and is sold at a premium in Chengdu.”

I was really speechless, this old man was simply invincible.

I had packed up my things a long time ago, and after checking them carefully, I rushed to the deck without waiting for anyone to call me.

The wind was strong on the deck, causing the signal flags to whistle.

William leaned on the railing alone with a cane, looking solemnly at the river without saying a word.

It wasn't until I approached him that I said without looking back: "Mr. Zhang, can I ask you a question?"

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