Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1544 The Soul of the Black Dragon

Fan Chong is known as the Nine Fingers Locking the Cold River, and Jiang Dayu is also a master of water skills. The two of them are more agile than fish in the water.

I struggled to catch up all the way, but was still pulled down a long way.

After swimming a few dozen meters, a huge whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of me. It was a large black area, boundless from top to bottom!

The whirlwind kept spinning, sucking in the Yin Qi nearby, becoming bigger and spinning faster.

This is clearly the eye of the storm!

The Ghost Realm is formed by the condensation of countless Yin Qi. In the process of condensation, it will slowly converge into a whirlwind.

The center of the cyclone is where the eye of the wind is, and is usually occupied by the most ferocious Yin spirits.

As long as the Yin spirit in the eye of the wind is killed, the ghost realm will naturally disappear.

Of course, the ghost in the eye of the wind is not necessarily a human being, it could also be a monster, a monster, or simply a ghost object.

It will continue to absorb the surrounding yin energy, and while gradually strengthening itself, it will also continue to expand the ghost realm, gradually changing from virtual to real.

In the end, it is like Fengdu Ghost Town, a world of its own.

The conditions for condensing the ghost realm are extremely demanding. In addition to the need to gather a huge amount of Yin Qi and the extremely Yin place buried for thousands of years, it must also be able to survive the violent collision of Yin and Yang Qi and gather them in an orderly manner. It needs to be accurate and consistent. If compared horizontally with real-life technology, the difficulty is almost the same as building a spaceship!

Hill and Mrs. Shen seemed to be strangers to each other, but they worked together to achieve such a grand feat, which was extremely shocking. How terrifying could their true strength be?

When I came closer, Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu had already swam around the whirlwind.

Fan Chong turned back to look at me, and then pointed forward, indicating that they had discovered the flaw in the tornado.

This ghost realm has just been formed, so naturally there are many flaws.

Of course, if there were just the three of us plus Liang Mingli, there would be no need to pay attention to it. In fact, even if most ghost realms have been formed, they will not last long and will slowly die out even if no one destroys them.

It's just that we can't wait now.

Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu got into the whirlwind, and I followed them closely.

This ghost realm is formed in the water, so the origin of the eye of the storm is the deep water whirlpool.

Even though I was wearing a diving suit, my water skills were much worse than the two of them. I spent a lot of effort and finally broke free from the whirlpool of strange power, but I was suddenly stunned by the sight in front of me——

But in the eye of the storm, under the billowing smoke, there was a dragon lying!

The dragon was extremely huge, coiled up in a ball from a distance, like a giant building. The three of us put together were no bigger than one of its paws!

The giant dragon had a ferocious expression, its two horns thrust straight into the sky, and its whole body was covered with pitch-black scales, as if someone had poured tons of thick ink from top to bottom. The black light shone and was extremely deep.

It closed its eyes, as if it was still in a drowsy state, and billowing black energy spread from all directions, all of which turned into nothingness with every breath of the dragon.

Seeing that its body is still expanding, the scales around it are gradually shining brightly - it seems that it won't be long before this Yin Dragon will completely turn into reality.

It turned out to be a real dragon soul!

How did Hill and Mrs. Shen come about that they were able to capture a dragon soul?

wrong! Their purpose of condensing this ghost land is by no means simple.

At least it's not just to test us and make us work together.

Fan Chong was also stunned by the scene in front of him. He showed an extremely shocked expression through the glass cover. He stared blankly for a long time before he recovered.

He stared at me with one eye, then at Jiang Dayu, and pointed at the dragon, as if to say: "What do you two think? Should we fight or retreat? This damn dragon is a Yin dragon. !”

We originally thought that this ghost world had just formed, and the evil spirit inside could not be any more powerful no matter how powerful it was. But who would have thought, the soul turned out to be a dragon!

Of course, it hasn't solidified yet. To be more precise, it is just a piece of Yin energy gathered into a dragon shape, which is still far from the strength of a real Yin dragon.

If we have to give a specific example of the situation at this time, it is like three strong men who have practiced Sanda for many years. Facing a bad wolf, they can definitely win, but it is also very dangerous.

Jiang Dayu turned his head and looked at me, then at the dragon, a little hesitant.


Suddenly, a loud roar came from outside the eye of the wind.

It was low and loud, and the roar seemed to contain extremely powerful power, making the entire whirlpool in the eye of the storm tremble.

Suddenly, the giant dragon opened its eyes fiercely, sprayed out two waves of air from its nostrils, and the smoke surrounding it was immediately blown away!

It actually woke up, and seemed to have a glimmer of consciousness. It glanced at us with its big, empty eyes.

Jiang Dayu took a step back in surprise, pointed outward quickly, and made gestures on his belly.

I immediately understood that he was saying to withdraw first and call Liang Mingli to help.

After all, Liang Mingli is good at chasing souls and arresting souls, so having one more person will increase his chances of winning.

Fan Chong and I nodded, and were about to turn around and retreat, but the giant dragon seemed to have noticed our presence, and immediately opened its mouth furiously and rushed over with its teeth and claws bared!

The huge tall building that had just been stacked with dragon bodies collapsed immediately, like a dark cloud, carrying endless pressure and coming from the sky!

I secretly screamed something bad and quickly drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods.

Fan Chong also turned around and drew out a sharp long knife.

Jiang Dayu took out his pipe and drew a soul-soothing charm from the air.

call! The giant dragon's body is like a mountain, and its momentum is like a tsunami. It passes through the shadow of the sword and the light of the runes, and kills in front of us.


There was an explosion that shook both ears.

I couldn't stand upright and fell straight to the depths of the river.

Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu were stunned for a moment and hurriedly pulled me down.


A string of blisters sprouted from the ventilation opening next to his mouth, flying upward continuously. The same is true for Fan Chongjiang's big fish, but the bubbles coming out are obviously much less than mine.

At this time, in my eyes, the giant dragon, the whirlwind, and the gloomy energy all disappeared!

There was water all around, and it was so dark that it was hard to see clearly.

All the strength in my body seemed to have been drained, and I could not move. My uncontrollable body was like a big stone, falling deeper and deeper.

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