Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1545 Ebony Core Shows Its Power

Although my body is out of control, my mind is still clear and I have perception.

I could clearly feel a faint heat in my chest, as if there was a big fireball hiding in it, and it was still rolling.

This feeling is shocking and surprising, but also so familiar...


This is... ebony core!

Before Senior Gray Pigeon passed away, he handed over two sacred objects from the Yin Fu Sect to me. The "Yin Fu Jing" records countless heretical ghost arts. I have been studying them diligently, and I have long been able to truly feel that my strength has improved extremely quickly. But I have never figured out what the ebony core is for.

At first, when dealing with the centipede stone, the ebony core suddenly appeared and sucked in the guardian's clone. I later thought that the ebony core could absorb souls, so I squatted near the crematorium and cemetery for more than ten days, hoping to absorb another ghost to confirm my guess. Who would have imagined that the ebony core was indifferent, just like a lump of iron, not changing at all.

Immediately afterwards, I thought of many ways, but it still didn't work. It seemed to be asleep, so I had no choice but to give up.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, it woke up again and swallowed an entire Yin Dragon in one go.

At this time, the ebony core is like a piece of red-hot cast iron, scorching hot.

There are countless extremely strange powers condensed in the cast iron, which are constantly surging and turning.

I don't know how much stronger I am than when I last encountered the defenders, but how many defenders should this giant dragon be stronger than?

Such a powerful force suddenly gathered in the ebony core, how could I absorb it?

The surroundings were dark, gurgling bubbles were rising, and a white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

It was Fan Chong. He was like a torpedo coming out of the warehouse. He rushed downwards and chased me. A bright white line of water rose up behind him, which was dazzling.

He grabbed my shoulders and stopped my falling figure, and then shot me two extremely complex glances through the goggles.

"What's wrong with you?" After the ghost realm dissipated, the real-time communication device on the diving suit also restored its effect.

Although it was Fan Chong who saved me, I couldn't feel any gratitude at all, because at this time, he was holding my shoulder tightly with one hand, and still holding the long knife in the other hand. It looked like he was about to attack me at any time. Give me a sharp knife on my chest!

I really can't figure out what this guy is thinking about.

I endured the severe pain, kept my expression unchanged, and used all my strength to push my arm down sharply. I managed to put it on his shoulder with the help of buoyancy, and accidentally or unintentionally placed my two fingers on his artery. superior.

This inconspicuous movement immediately shocked Fan Chong, who trembled all over and did not dare to move.

I forced a smile and said, "Go back to the submarine."

My words have two meanings. The first meaning is to reassure him. The arm I put on his shoulder just now is just to make it easier for him to take me away. Of course, if he really dares to do it, we will die together.

The second meaning is to tell him that I have made a sound through the equipment, and all members of the underwater team except Liang Mingli can hear it. He had better not have any evil intentions.

Fan Chong's thick eyebrows twitched unnaturally, and then he lifted me up without saying a word and started swimming upstream.

I didn't swim very far when I saw Jiang Dayu. His eyes looking at me were also full of doubts. Those two small yellow eyes kept moving up and down my body.

I know what he is thinking, and he must also suspect that the ghost of the dragon was swallowed by me.

When the dragon rushed towards us, all three of us were in a defensive posture. Nothing happened to either of them. It was really puzzling that I was the only one injured like this.

Among the people invited by William this time, apart from Lina, I was the only one who was the youngest.

If you say that I have no real ability, I am just a fake. It is really hard to believe that there is such a big difference in strength between the two of them.

But it would also be wrong to say that I tried my best to block all the attacks of the evil dragon for them both, even if I was seriously injured. Are you so noble?

But how did they know that the dragon was swallowed by me, but I had no idea at the time!

Of course, I won't explain anything to them. I don't even have the energy to speak now.

Jiang Dayu thought for a moment, then came over, held my other arm, and pretended to accidentally touch my pubic area through the diving suit. He frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

An extremely dazzling white light flew down from a distance from top to bottom.

It's a submarine.

After we entered the submarine cabin, we realized that something was wrong inside.

Liang Mingli was still sleeping, his grunts rising and falling with a strong rhythm, and he would occasionally chirp, and he slept very soundly.

Lina had tears on her face. The microphone used to communicate with the ship's support team was placed upside down on the workbench. A large piece of the plastic casing fell off. It looked like it had been broken.

Pike shrugged at us, as if to say, this has nothing to do with me. Then he saw the scarred me, and his pupils immediately dilated, as if he wanted to say something caring, but in the end he still didn't say anything.

Lina wiped away the tears on her face, turned back to look at us, bit her lip guiltily and said, "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Fan Chong asked strangely.

"It's's all my father." Lina said, biting her lips again, her two pink little hands tightly squeezed together, her face full of guilt.

"Miss Lina had a quarrel with the boss just now. This is the first time I have seen the boss in so many years." Pike interjected from the side.

"What are you doing?" Fan Chong waved his hand: "He is him, you are you, and we can still see each other like a little girl."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, as if he suddenly remembered that just now he was more cruel than others, and said that he would leave her and Pike here to become lonely ghosts.

Fan Chong patted the back of his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I am also a straight-laced person, and I can't keep my mouth shut. If there is something, don't take it to heart...Ahem, don't say it, don't say it. Got it!"

"No! What you said before is right. This is indeed our fault. We shouldn't put such dangerous things to the test." Lina glanced at me, who was leaning on the seat and was obviously weak, and continued: "If you don't want to If we continue, we will go back now, and this expedition will be suspended! I will tell my father."

Her attitude was extremely firm.

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