Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1546 Underwater Navigation

"This..." Fan Chong hesitated and touched the stubble on his chin.

As Jiang Dayu filled his pipe with shredded tobacco, he replied casually: "You're already here, why are you going back? Just keep going."

"Master Hala, Master Hala, hello, Master Hala..." At this moment, a mix of Chinese and Russian shouts came from the microphone on the operating table.

Lina glanced at the phone but didn't answer it, as if the quarrel with William just now hadn't subsided, and by the way, she was also angry with the phone and didn't even want to touch it.

"Hey, hello! Mr. Hala! Mr. Hala!" Upon hearing that no one answered, Karov on the other end of the phone shouted even more fiercely with a loud voice.

"Strange, is this thing broken?" He said to himself very strangely, and then there were two extremely harsh bangs, as if he was tapping somewhere with the microphone twice.

"Master Hala, Hala..." When the loud voice like a broken gong rang out again, Fan Chong finally couldn't bear it any longer, grabbed the microphone, and cursed loudly: "Old kid, what are you yelling for?"

"You're such a rotten-eyed bear and you still have so much energy. It seems like nothing's wrong." After being scolded, Karov on the other end of the phone didn't seem angry at all. Instead, he was a little happy. , it can be seen that the relationship between this pair of overlords on the east and west sides of the Wusuli River is not bad.

"Shaogang is kidding me, if you fart, hurry up!" Fan Chong shouted harshly.

"Then what..." Karov paused and continued speaking with a thick northeastern accent: "William went out after a fight with his girl. Liu Laoliu just came over. He wanted to ask if you are in the ghost land." What kind of thing did you encounter inside, and why was there so much movement?"

"What is it? There is actually a Yin Dragon inside, and it almost killed me." Fan Chong shouted angrily.

"Yin Dragon? That's..." Karov muttered very strangely. Just as he was about to ask another question, the microphone seemed to be covered by someone, and there was a constant rustling sound.

As soon as he heard the word Yinlong, Liang Mingli, who was sound asleep, suddenly opened one of his eyelids and glanced at the three of us, especially on me, turning up and down a few times. Back and forth, then closed again.

Although Pike and Lina didn't know what the Yin Dragon was, when they heard Fan Chong say so, they naturally knew that this thing was very difficult to deal with. They looked at me who was still leaning on the seat, with expressions on their faces. There was a bit of astonishment.

"Girl, let's sail the boat." Jiang Dayu lit his pipe and said without raising his head.

Lina looked at me and Fan Chong questioningly again.

I nodded slightly, and Fan Chong hung up the phone, waved his hand and said, "Let's go and see what's hidden inside."

"Thank you!" Lina nodded to us gratefully, turned around and pressed the start button.

The submarine continued to sail, moving forward as it descended.

There is no light in the deep waters, but this area is even more gloomy. Not only is it dark and opaque, but it also seems to be able to swallow up the light. Such a high-power searchlight can only scan a range of about one meter.

This entire body of water is surprisingly deserted. Ever since I entered the water, I haven't seen even half a living creature, not to mention schools of fish.

The whole world was dark, and only the lonely submarine sailed silently, like a lone goose flying in the wind in the dark cloud-topped night sky.

I leaned on the seat, closed my eyes slightly, and slowly adjusted my breath and blood.

The ebony core on his chest was no longer as hot as before, and the speed of the billowing heat wave gradually slowed down.

It was as if the soul of the Yin Dragon had been completely swallowed up by the ebony core and turned into its own power. I could clearly feel that the ebony core seemed to have become larger. When Senior Gray Pigeon was first given to me, it was only the size of a walnut. Now there are small pointed tips on the front and back ends, and it has become more rounded, and the shape is similar to a miniature rugby ball.

After doing this twice, I discovered that when the ebony core was devouring my soul, it would not cause any damage to my soul or cultivation, but my body would have to endure great pain. Every bone and every inch of skin in my body would be damaged. It's as if it's being roasted alive on a steel furnace and will fall apart at any time!

However, as long as you get through this most painful moment, you will feel extremely comfortable, and every pore will be filled with joy.

Slowly, my body recovered bit by bit, and I seemed to be much stronger than before, especially my ears and eyes, which were smarter.

The sound of the submarine cutting through the water waves could be heard more clearly, and the darkness in the exterior mirror could be seen more clearly.

If I had never seen the true power of the ebony staff, I might have mistakenly thought that it was just a sinister object that absorbed the soul of a powerful master. But I know full well that the efficacy of ebony core is far from that.

As early as on the boat, when Jiang Dayu talked about Jiuyoumen, he said that there are three magic weapons under Jiuyoumen: "Yin Fu Jing", ebony staff, and Jiu Sheng Pagoda.

The ebony core itself is the ebony staff, one of the three magic weapons. After the fierce battle with Black Eagle, Senior Gray Pigeon, in order to protect us, exhausted all his power and even the most precious ebony staff was turned into smoke, leaving only such a small Block pronucleus.

Is the original form of the ebony staff just a walking stick, or is it just a small core like it is now, which will gradually become stronger by continuously absorbing ghosts?

How should I use it?

Jiang Dayu said that after the Nine Nether Sect fell apart, it was divided into three sects, and each of the three treasures belonged to one sect. It must be that although the methods have the same origin, the cultivation methods must also be different. This may also be the real reason why I want to find the answer from the "Yin Fu Jing" but have never found the answer.

But whether it is an ebony staff or an ebony core, it is always one of the three greatest treasures. If I can only passively use it to absorb ghosts in the future, it will be a damned thing!

Although I had regained my strength, I still remained motionless, leaning on the seat, staring at the screen of the exterior mirror while thinking about the secret of the ebony core...

After a while, the submarine almost sank to the bottom, its speed gradually slowed down, and it was still changing its course.

Lina stared at the dashboard intently while explaining to us: "The current water depth is sixty meters, and the radar backtest shows that there are many high and low boulders and soil slopes in this area. Once a collision occurs, the consequences will be disastrous."

"According to the trackers we previously attached to the sturgeons, those sturgeons also..."

"Girl, stop for a moment." Suddenly, Jiang Dayu, who was smoking, interrupted Lina, pointed at the screen and said, "Put the camera back!"

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