Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1547 Water Hyacinth

"Okay!" Lina responded, quickly slowed down the submarine, and adjusted the outer scope to move back slowly.

Except for Liang Mingli, who was still asleep, everyone in the cabin was staring at the screen closely.

The camera was pitch black, and suddenly a sharp stone flashed past.

"Stop! It's right here." Jiang Dayu shouted.

Parker and Fan Chong bowed their waists slightly, and I stared at the screen.

There does seem to be something hidden behind the stone, floating up and down with the waves of the water.

It's just that the thing is also black and blends seamlessly with the surrounding river water. It is extremely difficult for people without particularly good eyes to detect it.

Although the speed of the submarine just now was not very fast, the camera shot past it and was caught by Jiang Dayu at once. I have to say that this old man's eyesight is really bad.

After Lina stopped the submarine, she turned on the mechanism, and a tubular telescopic mechanical arm clicked out.

As the manipulator stretched closer and closer, the picture fed back by the viewing mirror gradually became clearer!

But I saw a rope hanging on the stone, and something was tied to the lower end of the rope. As the water waves continued to rise and fall, it kept drifting, looking like a broken balloon that had burst long ago.

Lina controlled the clamp-like manipulator to move over, jammed the rope, and pulled hard, and a long length was pulled out.

The rope hanging on the sharp stone was only a small section of it. The front and rear ends were terrifyingly long, but most of it was buried by silt and gravel. The rolling silt made the already dark water surface even more turbid.

The other end of the rope was held down by something unknown. The robot hand dragged it forcefully several times but it didn't move. The other end was pulled out for more than 20 meters, but it still seemed to have no end...

The rope was extremely thick, about the same diameter as an egg, and was completely black and shiny, with a tattered fragment tied to it every not far away.

It looks extremely weird.

"It's water hyacinth." Fan Chong recognized it first.

The name water hyacinth is not unfamiliar to me, but I have never seen the real thing.

This is a tomb robbing tool. To be more precise, it is a must-have tool for robbing underwater monuments. In terms of importance, it is no worse than the Luoyang shovel.

For tomb robbers in the water, there is not much difference between having a Luoyang shovel or not, but there is a huge difference between having a water hyacinth or not.

As early as in the past, the most common and serious problem encountered when trying to find gold underwater was oxygen.

No matter how good the water quality is, you still need to get out of it frequently to breathe. This entry and exit may seem inconspicuous, but it takes a lot of effort. And the deeper the water, the more this useless work will cost. The whole body's strength is basically used for breathing up and down, so how can there be any strength left for anything else?

Later, I don't know which expert came up with such a thing - make a small rope from dense hemp soaked in oil, braid several small ropes into a thick rope, and finally paint it with waterproof black paint. A small airbag wrapped in sheepskin and sheep lungs is tied at regular intervals.

The person entering the water wraps one end of the rope around his waist and can pull the air bag at any time to replenish a few mouthfuls of oxygen. This not only eliminates the trouble of having to toss back and forth, but also has many additional functions. For example: people on the water can hand over tools and messages through ropes, and people underwater can also tie small items they get to it.

The two professions of tomb robbers and ghost dealers seem to be very different, but in some aspects they are connected and understand each other.

I have long known the function of water hyacinth, but with the development of technology and the popularization of diving suits and oxygen bottles, this thing has gradually been eliminated from the stage of history and has never been seen before.

Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu are both well-known water overlords, so they are naturally more familiar with this thing, but Lina and Parker are a little confused.

Fan Chong turned to look at Lina, and without waiting for her to ask, simply explained: "This is for underwater tomb robberies."

Jiang Dayu said nothing, still staring at the screen with his two small eyes.

As the manipulator continued to pull back, the gourd rope was stretched longer and longer, but all the air bags were broken, and the pieces were tied to it like tattered strips of cloth, but the other end remained motionless.

Soon, one end of the gourd rope was completely pulled out, and an animal-faced ring covered with patina was tied to it.

This is the end left on the shore. The copper ring is used to tie it to rocks, trees, or simply nail it to the ground.

The robot hand continued to exert force and pulled the other end hard.

The rope collapsed tightly, rushing downwards like an iron rope, straight into the mud.

The other end seemed to be particularly heavy. Lina had pushed the lever to the top and still couldn't move it.

"Girl, stop it!"

Jiang Dayu waved his hand and said: "Stop pulling her, we will go into the water from here."

Lina turned to look at Jiang Dayu, and asked with some surprise: "Mr. Jiang, we are still more than thirty meters away from the first piece of bones we saw in the video. Are you sure you can go down from here?" ?"

Jiang Dayu nodded and said: "It doesn't matter how far away you are. Someone has been here before, and he is an expert. Otherwise, he would not be able to break the restriction at the entrance and come here."

"The water hyacinth is all underwater, which means that he didn't go out at all, but died here. We have to figure out how he died. Otherwise, if we rush over stupidly, we will be in trouble. Get ready and leave the cabin in five minutes according to the established order."

As he said that, he turned to look at me and said, "Brother Zhang, is he still okay?"

I nodded and said, "It's okay." Although I had recovered as before and was even stronger than before I entered the water, I still lowered my voice and sounded very weak.

"That's good." Jiang Dayu's small yellow eyes quickly turned twice and said calmly.

After checking the equipment, bringing the equipment, and everyone was ready, Liang Mingli woke up without anyone calling him, stretched out with his two small hands, picked up his big backpack, and was the first to open the hatch. We walked out, followed closely by Pike, followed by me and Jiang Dayu.

Lina had already set the submarine to silent mode and followed Fan Chong out.

As soon as Liang Mingli got out of the cabin, a big bubble came out of his backpack, covering his whole body, as if he was embedded in a crystal ball.

Others were waving their hands and kicking, moving their whole bodies, but he was the only one who sat so comfortably, with his eyes slightly closed and motionless, as if he had fallen asleep again. The bubbles rolled forward on their own, easier than anyone else.

"Don't rush forward in a hurry. Let's gather at Gourd Rope first and find out the specific cause of death of that person." Jiang Dayu ordered.

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