Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1548 Tang Dynasty Tomb Robbers

The hoist rope that was stuck in the mud was not far from the submarine, and soon a group of six of us gathered at the mouth of the rope.

The gourd rope sank more than half a meter deep into the mud. It was covered with residual mud carried by the water over the years. It can be seen that the tomb robber’s death has been extremely long ago...

Fan Chong stretched out his big hand and tugged hard on the rope. He was not stupid enough to think that he was stronger than the mechanical hand and wanted to pull the rope out. If it were Karloff, it would be very possible for him to do so. He just wanted to check the peeling of the patent leather to identify what dynasty it was.

Fan Chong leaned down and checked the rope, then looked at the color of the patent leather on his palm, and said with certainty: "It's from the Tang Dynasty."

Jiang Dayu threw down the rusty beast ring in his hand, clapped his hands and said, "To be more precise, it was the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties."

Lina took out the telescopic ruler on her wrist, measured the thickness of the mud above the rope, and said with certainty: "Based on the flow rate and the amount of sediment carried, this rope has been buried for about 1,300 years."

Thirteen hundred years ago it was the early Tang Dynasty, and Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu had really sharp eyesight.

"Brother Zhang, what do you think?" Jiang Dayu asked, staring at me with his two small yellow eyes.

Ever since Yinlong disappeared, Jiang Dayu's attention to me suddenly increased, as if he was always wary of me.

And according to the established plan, the underwater team was divided into three teams, and he and I were both in the middle team.

Did someone deliberately arrange this?

Now that he has asked me by name, I can't just pretend to be stupid and say nothing, which will only arouse suspicion.

I paused for a moment, and still said in a very weak voice: "Several people are right. This old colleague did come here at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. However, the problem is that at that time At such a level, they are absolutely unable to detect that there is another cave under the river. What clues did they use to know that there are ancient ruins here? Even the Feng family searched for hundreds of years before they discovered it."

"Also, do you think this gourd rope is a bit too thick?"

The most important function of water hyacinth is to transport oxygen. If the rope is too heavy, it will be very inconvenient to move.

This kind of rope is secretly made in layers, making it both tough and light. Generally speaking, it is only as thick as a little finger. But the one in front of me is as thick as an egg, and it is so long. You can imagine how heavy it is. From this point of view alone, it is very unreasonable.

"This is the loop rope." Fan Chong, holding a long knife, stood in the water and stared at the gourd rope and said: "This kind of water hyacinth is formed in a circle. People on the shore can slowly pull it back and use it up." The air bag needs to be refilled."

"And judging from the density of the attached air bags, they are definitely not for one person. In other words, he definitely didn't come in by himself."

"That's even weirder." I said with some surprise: "Since there were several people in the water, there must be many people staying on the shore. Even if there was an accident underwater and the whole army was wiped out, there must be many people on the shore. Are people really so willing to give up? And how come the secret that so many people know is so well covered up that for thousands of years, not even the slightest rumor has been left."

"It makes sense." Jiang Dayu nodded: "So, we must first find out how these people died to prevent them from following suit. The only way now is to follow this gourd rope to trace it. Brother Zhang can Do you have any good ideas?" After saying that, he stared at me closely again.

This guy was really targeting me, and I was trying to get away with it on the grounds that my body hadn't recovered yet.

Pike volunteered and shouted: "I'll do it."

As he spoke, he opened his backpack with a tear.

Our backpacks are high-end products from the German military industry. They are specially made to be waterproof and divided into many small sealed spaces.

He took out a glass bottle from his backpack, which contained a small light blue crab that was only as big as the bottle cap. Then he took out the diving knife from his waist, scraped a piece of black paint on the gourd rope, and put it into the bottle.

The crab quickly moved sideways, picked up the paint block, brought it to his mouth and smelled it, and then the two claws crossed and collided continuously.

Parker took the bottle and carefully approached the rope near the mud end.

As soon as the bottle was tilted, the little crab rushed out impatiently and got into the mud!

Parker pressed something on the bottle cap, and a shining red dot appeared on the originally dark mud, rushing straight and quickly forward.

"This is a tracking crab called a deep-water hound. All we have to do is follow it!" Pike introduced briefly.

Jiang Dayu looked at me, then at Pike, waved his hand forward and said, "Keep your distance."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liang Mingli, who was wrapped in a big bubble, rolled in first.

Pike quickly followed.

The three groups of us were separated by more than ten meters from each other, and we followed the little red dot exposed on the mud.

The little red dot walked straight forward at first. After walking about twenty meters, he suddenly turned a corner and ran diagonally to the other side.

"Mr. Jiang, now we are getting farther and farther away from the ruins we saw in the video." After chasing another forty or fifty meters, Lina reminded with some worry.

"Find out the cause first. It's always uneasy to leave hidden dangers behind." Jiang Dayu was still very persistent.

This time we went deep into the water to explore the ruins. We suddenly discovered such a small accident and went all the way down. It seemed a little inexplicable, but I have to say that Jiang Dayu's approach was the safest.

Even if it were me who made the decision, I would still choose this way.

This place is indeed a bit weird and bizarre. There is a forbidden array set up at the bottom of the river, the ghost domain can gather dragon souls, the huge roar deep in the Wusuli River, the vast and mysterious palace, the sturgeons coming back every year... everything is revealed. A strange smell.

How did those gold-touching captains who had set foot here as early as the early Tang Dynasty die?

If we don't find out clearly, how can we settle down and continue exploring?

You know, this is tens of meters deep into the river bottom. Plus the depth of the Wusuli River itself is almost 60 meters.

Even if they have water hyacinths to change their breath, they still have water pressure.

We all wear diving suits that incorporate the latest technology in the world, and we can all obviously feel a little tight in our chests and have difficulty breathing. How did those ancients do it?

Could this be a group of ordinary gold captains?

But they still all died here. Without finding out the reason, they rushed in so recklessly. It was really no different from committing suicide!

We followed the little red dot around another bend, and in front of us appeared a large rock far above the mud.

Liang Mingli and Pike, who were swimming at the front, also stopped.

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