Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1550 Straight Scale Snake Hairpin

Jiang Dayu has obviously seen the problem and has the answer in his mind, but he has been unwilling to say it clearly. He always wants to ask me what I think first.

But I can’t help but say it.

He is already doubtful or even afraid of my true strength. If I hide anything again, he will definitely be more careful, which will not be conducive to the implementation of my plan.

I pointed at the two dead bodies and explained: "Although these two people were smashed into a blur, the real culprit was not the stone man."

Fan Chong was stunned, looked at the dead body and then at me, and asked in surprise: "How did you die?"

"Crossbow!" I said and pointed at the necks of the two men.

The dead body had been crushed into a blur, but because it was being crushed at the same time, both blood and organs spurted out very regularly. There is not much flesh and blood on the neck, and there are no organs, so it is relatively clear. If you look closely, you can find a small purple-black dot on the necks of these two people.

This is after the sharp object penetrated, the blood on the wound had not drained out, and then it was rubbed twice to form the old and new marks. Although the hole has been squeezed out of shape, this small purple-black dot is the best proof.

When Fan Chong heard what I said, he opened his neck with a knife. Sure enough, there was a small hole as thick as a copper coin, and there was also an obvious scratch mark on the neck bone.

It's just that the mud on the ground is a mess, and the crossbow arrows can't be found at all.

"The height difference between these two people is huge. Each of them was only hit by one crossbow arrow, and they all hit the same part. This shows that it was not some mechanism, but man-made."

"The hole in the back of the neck is small and the hole in the throat is large. This means that the crossbow arrow was fired from behind. Combined with this, the two of them were holding on to the gourd rope tightly. They were probably preparing to escape. They were discovered and executed immediately. , and the murderer is probably their traveler!"

"And that stone man was probably knocked down by the two deceased at the last moment before they died."

"Mr. Zhang, are you saying that the two dead men knocked down the big stone man? How is this possible?" Lina swam to the bottom of the pit at some point and asked in confusion after hearing my inference.

I pointed towards the other end of the pit and said, "Did you see that big black pit?"

"Those are traces of being exploded by gunpowder. This thing was originally invented by alchemists. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, they made a very powerful and primitive grenade, commonly known as Bangtianlei! In addition to gunpowder, It also has a trigger mechanism composed of bronze and white phosphorus. Once the machine is unplugged and shaken violently, the two copper plates will rub violently, which will cause the white phosphorus to spontaneously ignite, thus triggering the gunpowder."

"The Thunderous Thunder is not restricted at all even underwater. They blew up the soil at the feet of the stone man. The stone man is tall and heavy. If the force is unstable, it will naturally fall down. But I can't figure out why they Do this."

"Could they be trying to hold down the rope so that the murderer can't escape?" Lina asked with some confusion.

"Impossible!" Fan Chong shook his head and interjected resolutely: "Even if the gourd rope is suppressed for a period, just cut it off and tie it up again. What are they... huh? I understand! "

He seemed to suddenly remember something, slapped his forehead suddenly, and shouted: "They must have found something and don't want others to take it away! If they didn't bring it with them, it must be tied to the gourd rope." , I want to borrow the rope and pass it to my colleagues outside!"

As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly woke up and grabbed the gourd rope and started searching carefully.

Although this gourd rope is very long, the part that is pressed to the bottom of the pit is only five or six meters.

Soon, Lina shouted loudly: "I found it! Here!"

We took a closer look and saw Lina holding a piece of rope high with a tattered air bag hanging on it.

The air bag was already in disrepair, and there was a small black cloth bag hidden inside, which was tightly wrapped around the rope.

Fan Chong carefully cut the cloth bag with a long knife, revealing a shiny little snake inside.

The whole body of the little snake was green and shiny. It was about the length of a palm. Although it was curved, it was in a straight line from head to tail and the central axis of the entire torso. It looked almost like a hairpin.

The carving technique is extremely exquisite, even the eye patterns and each scale are extremely realistic, vivid and lifelike, and it looks like it is alive under the fluctuation of water patterns.

Jiang Dayu and I took it and looked at it one after another, but we were not sure what year it came from, and we were not even sure what it was made of.

It looks like jade but not jade, looks like stone but not stone, and is not metal, but it is extremely heavy in the hand, far heavier than gold of the same volume several times.

Lina took out the instrument and measured it for a long time, and said in surprise: "This element has never been discovered before!"

Jiang Dayu paused and said: "Since you discovered it first, let's put it with you first. Since these two people risked their lives to steal this thing, it must be extremely important. Maybe this will solve the mystery of the ruins." The final thing. Everyone stays in good formation, returns the same way, and continues towards the ruins."

The pursuit of water hyacinth finally yielded results, and although many mysteries arose, it was finally a fruitful one. After confirming that those people died in the man-made civil war and were not killed by other unknown forces, we were temporarily reassured and relieved of our worries.

There were six of us, and we started swimming in the established order.

After turning the fork in the road, we continued towards the ruins.

The water ahead is getting darker and darker. The powerful searchlight hanging above our heads can only illuminate about three meters in front of us. The surrounding area is pitch black and silent.

For the sake of safety, Jiang Dayu had to continuously adjust the distance so that the front team and the back team were always within visual range.

It's been a long time since I left the submarine. Although my physical strength is pretty good, I still feel a little stressed. After all, diving requires more than just physical strength. Not to mention Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu, even Lina and Parker are obviously more experienced than me. In comparison, I am still the least water-resistant among these six people.

Jiang Dayu noticed my weakness and put a hand on my shoulder, which immediately made me feel lighter.

There are more and more strange rocks on both sides of the water, and there are one or two stone men here and there.

These stone figures are exactly the same as the ones discovered previously. They are all slightly cylindrical in shape, with rough lines, some are large and some are small, and vary in height. The only thing they have in common is that they all stare at us sinisterly with one eye.

I don’t know why, but I always feel that these stone people are alive. There is an angry warning in their eyes, as if to say: This is not the place you should come!

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