Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1551 Giant Claw Attack

The water surface became increasingly gloomy, and the searchlight could only illuminate about two meters.

Jiang Dayu once again asked everyone to shorten the distance and be on guard, just in case.

Lina occasionally corrected the course according to the prompts of the locator.

Although Liang Mingli didn't bring any communication equipment and had been sleeping in the big bubble, he seemed to know everything and reacted immediately.

Soon, Lina reported again that it was less than twenty meters away from where the first pile of bones appeared in the video...

At this moment, two neat rows of stone figures appeared on both sides of us. They were all tall and large, hidden in the dark water shadow. Looking up, we could only see their hands hanging down. It was initially estimated that, At least eight or nine meters high.

They seemed to be welcoming guards along the road, surrounding us in a water area four to five meters wide.


Suddenly, a wave of water rose from all directions.

Before I could see clearly what was going on, my body was suddenly grabbed by something and pulled away quickly.

I turned around and saw that it was a claw!


An extremely huge claw grabbed me tightly and slammed me towards the stone man.

I quickly drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods and struck them, breaking the force. Then I flipped my wrist and slashed at the claws.

Who would have thought, that claw seemed to have expected it, and with a fierce flick, it grabbed me and knocked me towards another stone man.


"What the hell?"

"my, god!"

"Hurry up!" At the same moment, the communicator screamed again and again.

Amidst the swaying of the searchlight, people around were paddling in the water. It was obvious that everyone else was attacked by the strange claws just like me.

I exerted great force, and the two knives were inserted directly into the body of the stone man, stabilizing the force of the impact.

The paw that grabbed me tugged hard for a few times but didn't move. Then it suddenly changed its strategy and tightened its grip, as if it wanted to crush me alive.

Suddenly, my chest and throat tightened, I could hardly breathe, and my hands were a little weak.

However, it was also discovered that when the claws were clenched, there was no pulling force. So I drew my sword and slashed at him without looking back.

But what's extremely strange is that I don't know what the claw is, but it is as soft as a sponge. When the knife is cut, it is like cutting on cotton, without any effect.

"This is the Giant Hand Aoi, its whole body is made of elastic sponges, and swords can't hurt it at all!" Pike explained loudly.

Can't be hurt by a sword? Well, I'll let you try my new trick.

So I endured the pain of being pinched, closed my eyes, recited a few spells to myself, and then suddenly opened my eyes.

A burst of black energy burst out, and everything from the handle to the tip of the knife was dark green, shining brightly.

"Cut!" I shouted sharply, and then I slashed with my backhand.

With a click, one of my fingers was cut off, and a stream of light blue liquid spurted out.

The other four fingers that were holding on to my body suddenly loosened, and I shrank away and tried to escape.

But how could I let it go?

He immediately put his feet on the water and chased after him, stabbing him several times in a row.

Click, click, click!

Three fingers fell one after another, and the last one dragged a meat plate the size of a bathtub and fled upwards along the stone man.

There were many small dots on the meat plate, like suckers, firmly adsorbed on the stone surface, but they squirmed so fast that I couldn't catch up with my swimming speed.

"go to hell!"

With a whoosh, I threw the Yin Knife in my left hand far away, and with a click, the meat plate pierced through, and inserted straight into the chest of the stone man, until it reached the handle.

After the meat plate shook violently for a few times, it finally stopped moving, and then turned into a piece of light blue thick water, diluted in the water waves.

This is a new trick I learned from the second volume of "Yin Fu Jing": Shocking Slash!

Humans have three souls and seven souls. The soul governs Yang and the soul governs Yin. This move is the most powerful one that uses the power of killing ghosts and gods to condense the seven souls!

After learning this trick, I realized that the Longquan Villa that I encountered in the Devil's Valley used this spell to worship the lazy Arhat.

It's just that he doesn't know where he learned it. The technique is not pure enough, and its power is much different from the authentic one.

No wonder Jiang Dayu said that the ghost arts of the Yin Sect all come from the "Yin Fu Jing" and have become worse and worse over the years.

Human beings have seven souls, which are respectively named: corpse dog, lying on arrows, bird's yin, swallowing thieves, non-poisonous, removing filth, and smelly lungs.

Practicing this spell is also divided into seven levels. I have just learned it now. I can't even use half of the power of the corpse dog, but it is enough to kill this underwater creature.

I swam over and withdrew the Yin knife.

The black air on the knife also shrank back from the tip to the handle, and slowly disappeared.

At this time, I suddenly discovered that in addition to the light blue liquid left by the giant handflower, a lot of bright red blood also flowed out of the stone man.

Hey, what's going on?

I wiped away the blue liquid several times, and sure enough, the remaining blood flowed out from the body of the stone man under the knife edge. Are these stone men really alive?

"Who else has not escaped? Is anyone injured?" Jiang Dayu asked.


"It's okay."

"I'm OK!"

Lina, Fan Chong, and Pike responded one after another. Liang Mingli had never spoken, but with his ability, nothing would happen.

"I'm fine too." I responded and swam down from the top.

"That's good! Stay away from the stone figures on both sides. The strange hands will stick to the stones and hide in the darkness." Jiang Dayu ordered.

"Don't worry. This thing looks ferocious, but in fact it is very timid. Once it smells the smell of blood of the same kind, it will run away long ago. We killed so many just now, and these guys have disappeared long ago. Now I want to look for them. No." Pike explained as he put another small bottle into his backpack. It seemed that this guy must have brought out some weird animal to solve the problem just now.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but turn my head and glance at Lina.

The waters were dark. They had just been attacked at the same time, and they couldn't see each other clearly. If Jiang Dayu and Fan Chong were able to save themselves, it was not surprising, but how did Lina do it?

When she turned around, she discovered that there was a small silver-white underwater pistol in her hand.

But I am sure that this pistol is not ordinary, at least it does not shoot ordinary bullets.

Because not only had no gunshots been heard just now, but it seemed that even if the giant-handed Aoi was shot, nothing would happen.

It seems that everyone has a lot of backup plans!

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