Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1552: Sky Hook Double Jade

The team continued to move forward, but everyone was obviously more vigilant, and each had their handy weapons at their side.

Sure enough, as Pike said, half a giant hand Aoi has never been seen again.

It's just that the water surface is getting darker and colder.

After passing through the water lined with stone men, a large dark stone cave appeared in front.

There are traces of manual excavation at the entrance of the cave, and even more strangely, there are signs of fire. This is a river waterway dozens of meters deep. How could anyone burn a fire here?

However, there are too many things that are difficult to understand in this ruins, and it is impossible to pay attention to them for the time being.

"Hey, hey, hello, hello!"

Just as we were about to get in, an extremely harsh gong sound erupted from everyone's headphones at the same time.

I couldn't help frowning and turned down the switch in my ear.

"Is this thing broken again?"

Bang bang bang!

There was another loud banging on the table.

"Master Hala, Master Hala, hello, hey, hey." Karov yelled in the earphones with a broken gong.

"Are you tired of fucking life?" Fan Chong opened his mouth and scolded: "Grandpa's ears are almost deafened by you. If you have any farts, hurry up!"

"Haha, it finally worked! This thing is really a bitch, and it won't obey unless it's beaten twice. So, first of all, congratulations to you, you passed through a dangerous pass without any damage. I have good news, and I have bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Hurry up." Fan Chong cursed angrily.

"Okay, let me tell you some good news first." After Karov finished speaking, he purred twice, as if he had taken a sip of wine, and then continued: "The little snake you just found on the water hyacinth, Liu Laoliu said that thing is called Tiangou Double Jade, it should be a pair, and it is likely to be the key to unlocking the treasure of the mechanism."

"As for the bad news, it's about Fujita Tsuyoshi. Lee Minghan reported that one kilogram of underwater explosives and four melon grenades were missing on the ship. If he wanted to blow up any passage, the explosives would be enough, and those few This grenade may be prepared for you, so be careful. By the way, there is one last thing."

As he said this, there was another grunting sound.

"We are having a meal now. There are abalone, lobster, roasted whole lamb, and champagne vodka. They are simply delicious. I wish you good luck!"

"You fucking..." Fan Chong just cursed halfway before the other end hung up.

We had just encountered a giant sunflower, tracked down the water hyacinth, and obtained a small snake. We did not report it to the ship, but they still knew it well. It seemed that William had anticipated it and installed camera tracking equipment on us.

But in this case, why did Liu Laoliu continue to ask, what did we see in the eye of the wind?

Does this mean that the camera cannot capture Yinlong at all, or does it mean that the camera is not installed on the three of us?

"Let's go." Just as I was thinking, Jiang Dayu suddenly waved and shouted, interrupting my thoughts.

The six of us got into the hole in order.

Although it is said to be a cave entrance, it is actually extremely spacious inside, but it is even darker and scary.

There are some bamboo-shaped stalactites that are more than two meters long at the top of the cave wall. Each of them is glowing with light green light. As the water ripples, it emits a dark and cold light. When it shines on everyone's body and face, they are all as eerie and terrifying as ghosts.

Not far away, I saw the scene in the sturgeon video.

A piece of bones.

It was so dense that it almost covered the entire cave!

Moreover, this is only what emerges from the mud, and it is unknown how much is buried underneath.

"Where's the knife?" I asked a little strangely: "Isn't there a long sword in the video? It should be here."

"Did Fujita just take it away?" Lina replied.

"Isn't it possible?" I thought for a moment and said, "His weapon is an extra-large steel fork. How can he not handle a knife smoothly? Besides, the knife doesn't look like a treasure. The blade and blade are all made of fine steel and solid iron. They are definitely not from seven thousand years ago. What is he doing with that thing?"

"Then he might have been thrown somewhere else. He didn't want us to get it. That old devil is not a good bird." Fan Chong cursed.

There are many forks in this cave, holes leading to holes, holes leading to holes, just like a maze. Although we have all seen videos of sturgeons, the lighting in the videos is insufficient and the illumination of the camera is extremely limited, so it is impossible to distinguish them. If Lina hadn't relied on the locator to determine the direction, we might have walked many wrong roads.

After swimming for a while, we finally found the pile of tracking camera equipment that was worn on the sturgeon and was eventually smashed to pieces.

There are more than twenty pieces of equipment, large and small. Almost all of them are the most advanced products of the year. They can almost be set up as an exhibition counter for underwater tracking and shooting equipment.

But without any accident, these devices were stained with blood, scales, and even the corpses of most of the sturgeons. It seems that under the roar of the monster in the cave, this group of sturgeons will become extremely crazy and attack the same kind without mercy!

Lina stopped for a moment, found a few that might still have images, and installed the built-in machine.

We swam forward for a while, and the bones on the ground disappeared, and there was no trace of mud. Instead, there were pieces of bluestone.

As seen in the video, each stone slab is extremely huge, each one is almost seven or eight square meters, and there are no small holes and strange rocks around it, and it is completely empty.

The light suddenly brightened before his eyes.

The stalactites on the roof of the cave are all sparkling bright white; in addition, there are many stones that are either natural or later inlaid, all shining brightly, and the water surface shines with white light.

We stayed in the dark for too long, and for a while we were so shaken that we couldn't open our eyes.

The empty hall continued for forty or fifty meters, then suddenly turned a corner and passed through a semicircular stone arch. Inside, there was another scene.

There are stone pillars everywhere, each one as thick as five people can hug each other, tens of meters high, and go straight to the top of the wall.

At first, we were a little surprised. How did the ancients build such thick and tall pillars seven thousand years ago?

Later I discovered that they were all natural, natural and shiny, almost exactly the same.

Various patterns are carved below the stone pillars.

Flowers, birds, insects and fish, the sun rises and the moon sets.

The lines drawn are very simple, but they are extremely simple, with a natural beauty that is indescribable, simple and heavy.

"Pay attention, we are only twenty meters away from the steps!" Lina reminded again.

The steps she was talking about were the last scene in the video, where the sturgeons suddenly became crazy and bit into the sturgeons carrying the cameras!

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