Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1553 The world behind the door

Upon hearing the prompt, everyone became a little nervous.

Even Jiang Dayu unconsciously took out the pipe and held it tightly in his hand.

After swimming another dozen meters, a stone door appeared in front of me.

This door is very narrow - of course, this is also compared to this extremely spacious hall, which is actually at least four or five meters wide.

The stone door is extremely thick and has been pushed halfway open. There are still traces of recent prying on the door frame. It seems that it should have been left by Fujita Tsuyoshi.

"Here's the knife!" Sure enough, Pike yelled as soon as he walked in the door.

When I entered the door, I saw a long sword lying on the ground inside the door. The blade was already somewhat bent.

This is a little strange!

Jiang Dayu glanced at the knife and then at me, and the words he hadn't said for a long time came out again: "Brother Zhang, what do you think?"

I smiled bitterly and thought to myself: Why are you targeting me? Why don't you ask Yuan Fang what he thinks?

But I still said without changing my expression: "Judging from the style alone, it is very similar to the Mo Dao of the Tang Dynasty, but there are a few differences. The blade and head are much wider than the Mo Dao, and the handle is also smaller. It's a little too long and looks more like the style from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period."

"That's not what I'm asking about." Jiang Dayu pointed to the door frame and tapped the curved part of the knife shaft.

"This was obviously used to pry open the door. If no one comes here again after the Feng family video, the only person walking in front of us is Fujita Tsuyoshi. In other words, this is him I did it. But..."

I paused and said, "There's something wrong. We all know that he is a symbiotic beast, half human and half octopus. He can get in as long as there is a little gap. Since the sturgeon can get through, it won't be a problem for him, why? Do you want to pry open the door?"

"Even if he really wants to pry open the door, the harpoon in his hand may be more useful. Why do he have to use this knife?"

Jiang Dayu nodded and said: "What I said makes sense. This is also what I am worried about. Is there someone who came before Fujita Go? And it was just recently."

"Is it possible that that person is also in the ruins and has not left?" Fan Chong added.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel nervous.

Indeed, this possibility is not impossible!

Although William placed a camera at the entrance, it is not difficult to hide through it. At least there are many people in our team who can do it.

I suddenly thought, could it be the middle finger in the hand tissue that did it?

On second thought, it's unlikely.

Zhongzhi is good at water spells. Even if he comes here, he doesn't have to do the laborious task of prying the door. Just a drop of water can pass through, which is far easier than Fujita Go.

But who could it be?

"Keep moving forward, everyone should be careful." Jiang Dayu ordered.

Inside the door is a short corridor. After turning the corner, there is an extremely wide square. Directly opposite is a bluestone high platform, and below it is the end of the steps in the video.

The steps are extremely tall, each step is more than one meter high, and there are nine floors in total.

The steps were made of bluestone, but were covered with a layer of copper, and a large area of ​​green moss grew on the copper. The bronze is also covered with rust stains. Looking at it, it is green. As you go up layer by layer, you can't see anything at the top of the steps...

As soon as we approached the steps, we suddenly heard an extremely noisy sound of water waves coming from all directions, gurgling and crackling, as if there were thousands of troops rushing towards here.

"Quick, get together into a circle!" Jiang Dayu said, turning sideways and staring at the opposite side while holding the pipe tightly.

Everyone immediately formed a circle, each holding a weapon and being cautiously on guard.

The sound is getting louder and denser.

Immediately afterwards, a large black and gray wave surged out from all directions!

It's a fish!


Thousands of densely packed sturgeons formed a big wave of sturgeons, rushing toward us.

Look at that posture, they must tear us apart alive!

"Damn it! I thought it was some kind of ghost thing. What a group of broken fish can do to me." Fan Chong said, the long knife in his hand suddenly turned bright red, and he swung it out with a single stroke.

The knife came out of the surge and set off a big wave out of thin air, rushing straight into the school of fish.

When the knife went down, it was like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. A large group of fish fell down in unison, and the water surface turned bright red. At least hundreds of them were chopped down!

But the sturgeon didn't seem to be afraid at all. Instead, it surged faster and rushed closer in the blink of an eye.

"Come! Just come, Master Fan will let you die happily today." The guy said, and wanted to swing the knife again.

"Stop!" Pike took a diagonal step, walked around Liang Mingli's big bubble, and held down Fan Chong's wrist.

"What are you going to do?" Fan Chong looked at him in surprise.

"Don't kill anymore..." Pike's attitude was very firm.

"If you don't kill, then are you waiting to be eaten to death by the fish?"

"I've put the potion and it will work immediately." Pike said, shaking the small bottle of medicine in his hand.

"Potion? What is that?" Fan Chong was a little surprised.

"Just watch and don't kill any more. All animals are the same as humans and have the right to live. As long as life is not endangered, we'd better not take the initiative to kill animals."

The righteous words this guy spoke, and his attitude of wanting to protect small animals, and even schools of fish, were really hard to compare with when he was on a tour group in Yunnan, where he personally made those humans kill each other, and even bit the hands of others. Connected together.

He may not only be a big pervert, but he may also have a dual personality.

What's more important is that he might be gay, and what's even more disgusting is that he has a crush on me!

During my trip to Yunnan, I thought I understood this thing thoroughly, but now, it becomes increasingly unclear to me.

Fan Chong was stunned by what he said. He snorted disapprovingly and then withdrew his hand, but he didn't make another move.

The black shoals of fish formed a high black-gray wall, gathering from all sides, and rushed towards us like dark clouds closing in on the city.

Everyone knows that Pike is a zoologist and has some special abilities, but they still have doubts about whether he can control such a group of crazy fish? Everyone is holding their weapons tightly and ready to go, ready to take action at any time.

Just when the fish were about to hit us, a miracle happened.

The group of extremely crazy sturgeons all stopped a foot away from us and did not dare to take a step closer.

All around us and even above our heads were dense schools of fish, as if we were in a natural aquarium. There seemed to be an invisible wall of glass between us and the fish.

"Let's go!" Pike said, walking towards the steps.

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