Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1554 Barbarian Murals

As he moved, the school of fish that had originally surrounded him automatically moved out of the way.

We also followed him in great surprise.

Schools of fish were densely packed on both sides, but none of them crossed the invisible boundary and just squeezed outside.

"Hey, you can do this!" Fan Chong looked around in surprise and said to Pike: "With this ability, you can collect money from the fishing team one by one. If anyone doesn't pay, you can Sprinkle potion on his boat, and all the fish will be gone after a long distance. If all the fishing teams in the fucking world pay you, why are you messing around with William? In a few years, the richest man in the world will be there. Hope."

"This is science, not something that can be measured by money. And Mr. Fan, please don't be so cruel to animals in the future. Killing at every turn." Pike swam forward and followed Liang Mingli to the first floor. Steps, he said extremely seriously.

"Cruel?" Fan Chong still couldn't figure it out: "When we were on the boat, you ate the big lobsters, abalones and so on, right? Why didn't you talk about protecting animals at that time?"

"Because I am also an animal, it is my nature and right to obtain food, but killing wantonly and destroying the balance is sin."

"Damn, you foreign devils are the only ones who have a lot of things to do, and you always make sense. Uh, girl, I'm not talking about you."

Several people were swimming upward while talking.

After a while, they passed the nine steps.

Above the steps is a wide platform, and the ground is still covered with a layer of copper. Covered with patina and moss, it looks like green grass.

Directly ahead, more than twenty meters away, is a tower.

We paused for a moment, looked around for a while, and found nothing unusual, then continued towards the tower.

The steps on the tower are also very high, and they are more and longer. We just swam halfway along the steps when the water disappeared.

In other words, we finally saw land again!

We climbed up one by one. It felt good to have our feet on the ground. At least it was much more solid than in the water. I just didn’t know if Fan Chong, Jiang Dayu and Liang Mingli thought the same way.

Lina asked everyone not to take off their helmets yet. She turned on the instrument to test the air, then nodded and said: "Okay, the oxygen concentration here is much better than on the ship, almost the same as the Amazon forest."

Upon hearing this, we all felt relieved, took off our helmets, and took a few breaths of pure, natural air.

Liang Mingli also dispersed the bubbles, and his body that was so fat that he was about to burst suddenly lost weight and returned to its original shape.

Jiang Dayu asked everyone to take off their diving suits, take out food and water, and take a break.

As we ate and drank, we chatted: Where is this place and who built it? Fujita just set off one day earlier than us. How far are we from him now?

Simply, Jiang Dayu didn't ask again: Brother Zhang, what do you think...

After eating, drinking, and resting for a while, everyone regained their energy.

Jiang Dayu asked Fan Chong and Pike to find a place to hide everyone's diving suits. Everyone removed unnecessary equipment and traveled lightly.

Because the rest of the road may be the real dangerous place. After all, the danger when we came has passed, and the greatest danger is always ahead.

After that, we continued to move forward according to the original formation, but there was some space between the teams.

It was pitch dark in the tower, and we all carried high-power flashlights, but Jiang Dayu only allowed each team to use one, and the light had to be adjusted to the darkest level in order to save resources and just in case.

After climbing the tower, there is a long corridor with various murals painted on the stone walls on both sides.

Some are hunting a tiger or black bear, some are a group of people sitting around a campfire singing and dancing, and some are an old man wearing a pair of tusks with his arms raised to the sky, while others are kneeling together.

It seems that they are all realistic works that reflect the living conditions at that time!

Judging from the appearance of these characters, they neither look like savagery nor civilization.

Because these people were all wearing clothes. Although they were extremely rough, they were made of fabrics rather than animal skins and branches.

However, their behavior is extremely primitive and even barbaric.

For example, the scenes in some paintings are bloody and heinous: everyone holds a bloody head and gnaws on it, and babies are tied to branches and burned on fires.

This corridor is about forty to fifty meters long, and is full of various pictures. From beginning to end, there is not even a single word or trace of suspected words.

"Mr. Jiang, there is a corpse here!" At this moment, Pike suddenly stopped and shouted.

Hearing this, Jiang Dayu and I immediately quickened our pace and rushed over.

The corpse was leaning in the corner at the end of the corridor. It had been kicked by someone and was already in pieces. The clothes on it were almost torn. However, the original appearance can still be roughly seen. It should be a tuxedo. On the ground not far away, there is half a top hat that is almost turning into dust.

Tuxedo? Top hat?

Although judging from the shriveled bones of the body, he must have been dead for at least several hundred years, but he is still too young for this ruins that are more than 7,000 years old.

And hundreds of years ago, who would be wearing a tuxedo and a top hat?

Obviously foreigners.

How did this foreigner discover this place? How did you get in again?

"Turn up the lights and look for any clues nearby." Jiang Dayu ordered.

"Here!" Pike pointed to the wall opposite. There was still a stone carving on it. On the picture, a group of people with bare spines were digging out rocks. Another group of people in the distance were pushing and pushing around a huge boulder with logs underneath. Pushing and pulling. Further away, there is a main hall under construction.

Just on the lower right side of the stone painting, someone carved a sentence in foreign language.

Obviously, it was the foreigner who carved it.

As if he was afraid that others would not notice, he also smeared blood on the already engraved words. Although the blood had dried up and peeled off over the years, traces of the past could still be seen.

"What does this mean?" Jiang Dayu frowned when he saw that it was in a foreign language.

"It seems... it's ancient Latin, I don't recognize it." Pike said helplessly.

"It's like I saw that God is with the world." Lina came over and compared the handwriting with translation.

What does it mean?

Is this foreigner a devout Christian? Before you die, do you want to say this?

"Just like we have seen, God is with the world." Jiang Dayu read his sparse beard with one hand, repeated it several times, and suddenly said: "No!"

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