Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1555: This is how I see it, Buddha is in the world

What's wrong? Everyone was a little confused.

Jiang Dayu said: "Girl, your translation is good, but it's not accurate enough."

This time everyone was even more stunned. Don’t you understand foreign languages? How do you know that the translation is not accurate enough?

Jiang Dayu did not sell himself as an official, and said directly: "This should be translated as, this is what I see, the Buddha is in the world!"

After his translation, the teaching text became Buddhist text.

But why did Jiang Dayu come to such a conclusion?

Everyone was a little confused and looked at Jiang Dayu blankly.

Jiang Dayu pointed at the corpse: "Did you see it? His kneecaps were slightly flat and his pubic bone was slightly wide. This shows that he often knelt and sat cross-legged during his lifetime. Also, the ground was full of dust, and this was the only one. The small area was spotless, showing that he was still sitting cross-legged when he was about to die. As far as I know, Western churches rarely have the habit of sitting cross-legged and kneeling. Only Buddhism and local Taoism introduced to China do this. Like this. According to his beliefs, this sentence should be translated like this."

"However, all sutras generally begin with "Thus I have heard." Among the entire Buddhist scriptures, there is only one legendary "Tathagata Sutra" that begins with "Thus I have seen."

"There are three great Buddhas in Buddhism, the past Buddha, the current Buddha, and the future Buddha, that is, the ancient Buddha, Sakyamuni, and Maitreya Buddha. This scripture is about Sakyamuni's feelings about the ancient Buddha who was influenced by the ancient Buddha before he became a Buddha. It is a story about how the Buddha’s guidance helped him to see through all kinds of mazes. It was originally regarded as a Buddhist classic, but few copies existed. Later, it was destroyed during the Tang Wuzong era when Buddhism was exterminated. From then on, not even a copy has been seen in the world.”

"So, this foreigner may have just heard about it and never seen it. But he has to say that, what does he mean?" Jiang Dayu asked.

"Let's think about it in a different way." I thought for a moment and said: "He wrote this Buddhist saying in Latin, which may not only express his love and attachment to his hometown, but also express his piety to Buddhism. So he did this The meaning of the sentence may be just an appearance. Now let’s let go of our faith and ignore these two things about our hometown. Let’s think about it again, why did he leave traces on this stone painting?”

"There are so many paintings in this corridor, why did he single out this one?"

Upon hearing what I said, everyone turned to look at the stone paintings.

"Buddha is in the world..." Lina recited it twice and said to herself with some confusion: "Does he want to say that there is a Buddha among these people? But, there are so many people in the painting, which one is it? .”

Her question suddenly woke me up.

I clicked on the painting and drew an old man wielding a sledgehammer and said, "That's him!"

With that said, he turned around and walked back.

"That's it!" Jiang Dayu was stunned for a moment, then he understood and followed closely behind me.

The two of us quickly turned around and ran straight towards the road we came from, one after the other. Several other people didn't know why, but they also followed us.

The old man in the painting had already appeared before.

It's the old man wearing a necklace of animal teeth and his arms pointing to the sky!

I quickly ran to the stone painting that looked like a sacrificial offering, flew up, kicked the stone painting with both feet, and used my strength to fly into the air. I stretched out my hand to grab it, hooked it to the top of the wall, and followed it with my other hand. Scoop out the stone surface.

Amid the puffs of dust, I caught something.

I jumped down and looked through the light. It was a small square iron box.

There are two extremely delicate small locks hanging on the iron box, but even the locks on the box are rusty.

I pulled out the knife and pried hard.

The box was opened, but the things inside were a bit disappointing. There was only a pocket watch and a map.

The map is not what it looks like in the underground palace, but a landscape map, which looks more like how it got here.

They are simply useless waste!

Pocket watch, who cares about this thing? Although it was a gold watch studded with gems.

We have all come to the underground palace to get this box. Who still doesn’t know how it got here? It's simply useless.

"Mr. Zhang...can you sell me the pocket watch? I'm willing to pay any reward." Lina suddenly said excitedly.

Lina was born into such a prominent family. How could she be so interested in such a broken watch when she has never seen anything good before?

I pretended to accidentally open the watch case and took a look. Then I smiled generously and said, "I'll give it to you. What's the reward? Besides, this is your family's thing."

The moment I opened the watch case, I understood why she was so excited.

There is a portrait in the watch case, which is the ancestors of the Feng family hanging on the wall in the conference room on the ship. The portrait in the pocket watch is of the first person.

There is a portrait of himself in his pocket watch. What a narcissistic person this guy must have been during his lifetime.

However, whether on the wall of the conference room or in the watch case, this man's image is very young. He looks to be in his twenties. He is the only one among the many portraits without a beard.

"Thank you, thank you..." Lina took it gratefully and thanked her repeatedly.

Since the ancestors of their family have already been here and went deep into the underground palace, are the nightmares they said true?

If the nightmare is true, it is the ancestor's long-cherished wish that has been entrusted to future generations. Or is it that this foreigner who has been dead for many years was also troubled by nightmares, and finally walked in, but never returned.

If the nightmare is fake, what is the real purpose of William and his daughter telling me such a set of lies?

As soon as they heard what I said, everyone else also understood that the corpse just now was the ancestor of the Feng family. Everyone was silent, but they seemed to be thinking about something in their hearts. Even Liang Mingli, who had been half-squinting his eyes, glanced at Lina several times.

I took a peek, and among everyone, only Pike seemed to have known about it for a long time, and was not too surprised.

I looked through the map twice and found nothing special. I was about to throw it away when Jiang Dayu took it.

Lina put away her pocket watch, ran back and rearranged the bones on the ground, clasped her hands together, and kept muttering something.

This does it look like reciting sutras? Could it be that the "Tathagata Sutra" that Jiang Dayu mentioned was really in their family?

When Jiang Dayu saw this situation, he couldn't help but be stunned, but after all, he was in front of Lina and under the absolute surveillance of the support team. He couldn't ask me again: "Brother Zhang, what do you think?" It was just a temporary announcement. Take a break.

Liang Mingli leaned against the corner and fell asleep again.

Fan Chong leaned on the ground, hugging his shoulders and looking sideways at Lina. Even he, a big old man, felt that something was wrong!

Jiang Dayu was smoking a cigarette in silence while studying the shabby map. Pike held up the flashlight with great interest and looked at the mural carefully from beginning to end.

I don’t know why, but after this, everyone seemed to be isolated by an inexplicable feeling of alienation. Everyone was far away consciously or unconsciously.

I shook the iron box in my hand and was about to throw it away, but suddenly I felt that there was something forgotten.

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