Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1556: Yin Soldier Battle Formation

But what is wrong?

I couldn't figure it out for a while, but I just felt that since the foreigner took great pains to keep this thing, and from the fact that he deliberately wrote Buddhist inscriptions in ancient Latin, he most likely intended to leave it to his descendants. .

However, it is a bit unreasonable to leave such a worthless thing!

After much deliberation, I put the box into my backpack for the time being.

Since you can't figure it out, just keep it and think about it slowly. If you throw it away, it will be too late to think about it again.

After a while, Jiang Dayu saw that everyone was almost rested and Lina had finished praying, so he stood up and announced to move on.

At the end of the corridor is a stone door. There are no signs of prying on this door, but a big hole has been smashed directly into it.

Judging from the cracked fracture, it must be several years old, and it is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Outside the stone door, unexpectedly, there was a wooden step, going down step by step.

Liang Mingli lifted his feet off the ground and floated directly down. Through observation, I discovered that this weird old guy who never spoke was in a ghostly state all the time except when he was eating. But what is extremely strange is that no one knows how he was replaced, because he has never opened his big backpack. Like magic, he has been performing great transformations under everyone's eyes, but no one can see it. I don't understand how he did it.

This person has been a mysterious existence until now. He has a broken arm to restrain the soul, a bubble crystal ball, a blood web to suppress the stone man... No matter which move he makes, he is a shocking existence, but he actually makes people more surprised every time. .

As for his ability to press the bottom of the box, let alone guessing, he didn't even know which direction he was going.

Pike followed with a flashlight.


Suddenly, Pike slipped and rolled down.

Fortunately, this guy was quite agile. After a few rolls, he landed firmly on the ground.

"Parker, how are you?" Jiang Dayu asked.

Pike didn't even reply.

Jiang Dayu and I were walking in the middle of the steps. When we saw the two of them walking down quietly without making any movement, we couldn't help but feel a little strange and quickly quickened our pace.

At this moment, I suddenly stepped on something.

I looked down and saw a small, bright red box. It was square and looked familiar. Isn't this the wedding ring that Parker wanted to give me that night?

It seemed that he accidentally fell out when he was rolling just now.

I couldn't help but feel nauseated again. I was just about to pretend I didn't see the legs and leave, but suddenly I realized something was wrong!

The ring box fell halfway open, revealing a gap. The ring inside looked more familiar to me!

It wasn't the wedding ring set with gold and diamonds that Parker was going to give me that night, but... the ring worn by the broken-arm ninja.

Wasn't the ring put in William's pocket and later taken away by the middle finger? Why are you here?

Could it be that... Pike is the middle finger?

Or is William lying?

What was taken away by the middle finger was not a ring at all. The two of them were performing a double act in unison - after all, it was Pike who pointed at the small hole that day and asked what was going on!

"What's wrong?" Jiang Dayu noticed that I had stopped, and turned around and asked in a strange way.

I quickly lowered my head and replied: "Nothing, something fell."

After saying that, I clasped my hands together, secretly closed the ring box and put it in my pocket. She deliberately exposed it in front of him so that he could see that it was a ring box.

Jiang Dayu was a little suspicious, but didn't ask anything.

The two of us walked down the steps, only to find that Liang Mingli and Parker were standing there motionless.

Following their gazes, both of us were immediately surprised!

This house is extremely large, and such a powerful flashlight can't even illuminate the end.

But in the room, opposite the deep red groove at the feet of Liang Mingli and Parker, there were countless corpses, or mummies, standing densely packed!

Each corpse was wrapped with dense strips of fine cloth. It was no longer possible to tell what color the cloth was originally, but now it was completely black. A pair of emerald green gems were nailed to the eyes, a pair of horns were tied to the head, and even the nails on both hands were more than ten centimeters long, as sharp as curved hooks.

This group of strange-looking corpses were arranged neatly, and it was impossible to count how many there were as far as the eye could see. The formation was extremely impressive. It's like a whole army of the underworld is ready to go, ready to kill at any time.

Liang Mingli gathered all his strength, took a deep breath, opened his legs and walked in lightly.

Parker hesitated for a moment, and just as he was about to follow him through the blood tank, he was pushed back by a burst of black energy from Liang Mingli's backhand.

The black gas formed a line of words, which appeared before our eyes: "You can't breathe from the beginning to the end, otherwise they will all be resurrected. I'll go over and take a look first!"

What the fuck!

This road is hundreds of meters long, not to mention there are so many terrifying corpses standing there. Who else can pass by except Liang Mingli, an old monster?

At this time, I finally understood why the ancestor of William's family was trapped there and died. He couldn't get down!

Of course, it's unlikely that he came alone, so it's possible that someone else passed by and he was waiting here. But those people didn't come back, and he couldn't get out or move forward, so he was trapped to death.

Jiang Dayu also frowned upon hearing this. He might be able to do it underwater, but on land, there's nothing he can do.

At this moment, Fan Chong and Lina also came over.

Lina opened her mouth in shock when she saw this scene, and hurriedly reached out to cover it, fearing that she would scream and wake up these monsters.

Liang Mingli seemed to be okay. He walked farther and farther, and gradually exceeded the range of the flashlight.

Jiang Dayu lit his cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "Contact the support team and see what they can do."

After hearing this, Lina hurried back to the steps and tried the satellite line several times, but she couldn't get through.

The scene here is not the same as underwater. There are too many places that block the signal and it is really impossible to make contact.

She had no choice but to activate the second plan, took off her shoes, pulled out the spy transmitter inside, and sent a string of Morse codes to the ship.

Everyone gathered together and waited anxiously.

After a long while, a signal finally came back, and she recorded and translated it very skillfully.

"What did they say?" Fan Chong asked urgently.

"They said there are three ways. The first one is to ask Liang Ming to use bubbles to take you over one by one." Lina said.

But this guy has already disappeared!

Could it be that he had already guessed that the guys on the boat would definitely do this, so he escaped in advance?

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