Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1557: Brother, what do you think?

Jiang Dayu turned his head and glanced in the direction where Liang Mingli disappeared and said, "What about the second one?"

"The second method is..." Lina said, looking up at Fan Chong, and then continued: "Ask Fan Chong if he is willing to contribute."

When I said this, not to mention Lina was surprised, even I was particularly surprised. What does it mean to ask Fan Chong if he is willing to contribute?

What should he contribute?

Could it be that if he is willing to contribute, we can get over it?

What other trump cards does this guy have?

Among the people on the shore, the one who knows him best is probably Karov, right? This idea was probably his.

Sure enough, when Fan Chong heard this, he yelled loudly: "Damn Omaozi, when I get back, I'll be as good-looking as you!"

Then he looked at me and Jiang Dayu, then at Lina and Parker, and said angrily: "I don't want to! Just say the third one."

"The third method is to drip blood on the paper figurine."

Once this method came out, it was even more embarrassing. This must have been the method devised by Mrs. Shen.

But this old lady is not an ordinary terror. She is not even a human being, she is just an evil ghost! And he is also an evil ghost who specializes in tinkering with little paper dolls.

It's okay for her to carry a little paper figure with her, but dripping with blood... Why does this become more and more terrifying the more she thinks about it?

Who knows what this old lady’s plan is?

What if she takes the opportunity to steal our souls and become her puppets from now on?

Parker and Lina may not have known much about Mrs. Shen's true strength at first, but through the matter of condensing the ghost realm, they both realized how scary she was, and they immediately hesitated.

"Are you planning to force us to death? Is there a fourth clause? If not, I will quit and quit the head office." Fan Chong shouted very dissatisfied.

Although Fan Chong screamed happily, he learned from the experience last time. He did not throw away and leave. Instead, he glanced sideways at Jiang Dayu: "Mr. Jiang, you are the leader of our underwater team, what do you say?" Do it!”

This guy used to be dissatisfied with Jiang Dayu, but now he suddenly became polite and called Mr. Jiang.

That clearly means that we are all in the same group, and the gang of thugs on their ship are giving blind orders. We cannot suffer this loss and lose our own strength.

Jiang Dayu remained silent, squatting there and smoking.

He puffed up smoke rings and vomited all over the room.

Everyone was silent and waited quietly for him to finish smoking. He knocked on the pipe and looked at me.

Sure enough, it was the same sentence again: "Brother Zhang, what do you think?"

What do I think? I look at your sister.

Ask me about everything, do I need to invite Li Yuanfang’s ghost to you?

Among these three methods, Liang Mingli has already left, so it won't work; using paper figures is indeed very dangerous, and some of the gains outweigh the losses; the best method is to let Fan Chong contribute - although I don't know what his contribution means.

But it’s better than taking the risk of using a bloody paper man, right? I really can't believe Mrs. Shen.

But don’t you know why this black-faced big fish asked me to sing?

Following his question, several people all turned to look at me, as if they were asking me: "Brother Zhang, what do you think?"


Come and ask me, right?

Then I can kick the ball back.

"This matter is indeed a bit difficult to handle." I paused pretending to be embarrassed and said, "How about we have some democracy and vote to resolve the issue."

"Vote?" When Fan Chong heard this, he immediately felt something bad, but before he could object, Jiang Dayu immediately knocked on his cigarette: "Okay, then let's write down our ideas and vote. "

Lina and Parker didn't speak, but each pulled out the water writing board from behind.

This thing was originally reserved for communication in case of poor communication underwater, but I didn't expect that it would not be used underwater, but it would be used here.

I secretly suppressed a smile and pulled the drawing board over.

Even though this drawing board is only as big as a palm, it has many functions. Not only can it be stretched and folded, but it can also be attached to the body through thermal magnets. It is extremely light and convenient. It can also store human body heat and convert it into electrical energy at any time. When necessary, it can charge a flashlight and drive a micro Drones and more. In fact, the drawing board is only its most superficial function, but in fact it is a very practical high-tech combination.

So after getting ashore and cleaning up the equipment, Lina suggested that everyone put this thing on.

This time, it was used for the first time at such a 'critical' moment.

When Fan Chong saw everyone taking out their drawing boards, he immediately felt something was wrong, but there was nothing he could do.

"Has everyone finished writing?" Jiang Dayu asked.

"It's finished."

"OK!" Everyone nodded in unison.

"Okay, I'll call one, two, three, and let's all spread out together." Jiang Dayu said, glancing at Fan Chong, who looked obviously not quite right.

"One... two... three... open!"

Everyone unfolded the drawing board at the same time, and everyone quickly glanced at the others.

"Fan Chong!"

"Fan Chong!"


"Second type!"

"Sayazi retreat!"

On the drawing board of the five people, two people wrote "Fan Chong", one wrote "contribution" and the other "second type", all pointing to Fan Chong, only Fan Chong himself wrote "Sayazi retreat!"

When Fan Chong saw it, he immediately became angry.

With a bang, he threw the drawing board and said: "You are all working together to play with me, right? Why should I contribute as much as you want? I'm not going to do it anymore! Let's go now!"

"Mr. Fan, please calm down first. You can't go back without us." Pike said confidently.

"Do you think I can't find a way out?" Fan Chong asked in disbelief.

Parker reached out and took out a small piece of iron that looked like a key chain from his pocket and said: "This is the plug spring for all oxygen bottles. Without this thing, you can't use oxygen. All high-pressure diving suits are also made of special electronics." Switch, without inputting the correct command, you can’t even open the zipper.”

Fan Chong was stunned for a moment, as if he had never thought that there were so many high technologies hidden in his clothes. Then he said disdainfully: "So what? Even without a diving suit and oxygen tank, I can still swim back."

"I believe you can." Pike nodded and said, "But, can you swim to the river surface while dealing with those extremely crazy sturgeons?"

"Also, don't forget, you don't have communication equipment, and the support team won't help you open the restriction at the bottom of the river. When the time comes, you finally swim to the bottom of the river, but you can't get out through the small hole. , At that time, I can’t get out even if I want to, and I can’t come back even if I want to, so I can only live and die.”

"This..." Fan Chong was stunned when he heard this.

I believe he must be cursing loudly in his heart at this time, how can he still play like this?

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