Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1561: Dragon Roar Guards of the Tang Dynasty

When I thought of this, I immediately used two feints to show off my weakness, and then tilted my body, pretending to be unsteady on my feet.

After all, mummies are mummies. Although I don’t know why they can still use such skillful sword skills and evolve such exquisite formations to this day. But after all, they have no thinking and cannot recognize that I am cheating.

Immediately, the mummy standing on the left side of my body, rushing to chop at my chest, was swept away with a knife.

The one standing in front of me changed from slashing to stabbing, and stabbed towards my neck.

If it were before, I could only block it with my sword or roll on the spot to avoid this blow, but I would inevitably be surrounded by eight corpses.

But now I don’t want to play swordsmanship with you anymore, let’s pick up the talisman!

I handed over the knife, took out the magic talisman from my waist and threw it out.

There was a bang, hitting the arm of the mummy in front of him. Black smoke suddenly billowed from the corpse, the bones shattered, and the steel knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

I rolled on the spot and dodged out of the breach.

As soon as the mummy who was filling the position came to my side, I threw another talisman.

Unexpectedly, this guy seemed to have seen the power of the magic talisman, so he didn't dare to take the attack and ducked away. The talisman exploded in the air with a muffled sound.

I didn't have time to think too much and just somersaulted out.

Finally rushed out, it’s not that easy to surround me anymore!

I was feeling complacent when suddenly I heard the wind whistling in my ears, as if something was shooting towards the back of my heart.

I didn't dare to look back and jumped away quickly.

Before I even landed, I heard a whooshing sound, and several gusts of wind went straight to the back of my neck and legs.

The previous jump had already consumed a lot of energy, and it was already too late to avoid it.

I can't care about that much at the moment. My body turns with the knife, and my mind comes from my heart!

When the Yin Yang sword technique is used, it is as violent as a sudden wind, and it can't be penetrated by wind and rain.

Dang Dang Dang!

There were dozens of sounds in a row, like exploding beans, and they kept coming.

Taking a closer look, what kind of mummy is standing in front of me? But Jiang Dayu.

This guy was holding a pipe in his hand, and he stabbed me dozens of times in an instant!

"Brother Zhang, I didn't see you being so fierce in the mummification just now. Why did it suddenly change when it was my turn?" In the lightning and flint, this guy quickly took dozens of blows from me, but his expression remained the same as before. .

What surprised me even more was that he was holding the pipe in one hand and holding the other hand behind his back. He followed my set of Yin Yang knife skills. Except for the hand holding the pipe, his whole body did not move at all!

Moreover, what surprised me even more was, when did he get around behind me? He suddenly attacked me, what on earth did he want to do?

"Hey, don't be stunned, they're here again." While I was thinking, Jiang Dayu pointed back, and then his body swayed and disappeared into thin air before my eyes.

At the same time, those mummies caught up again!

Four jumped over, and there was one on each wall on the left and right, holding a knife in its mouth like a gecko, and its claws dug deeply into the wall.

With a bow of his body, he jumped up out of thin air, and jumped two to three meters with one claw, extremely fast.

There were two others who looked like apes, grabbing the stone beam above their heads with both hands. They swung five to six meters, and after two or three vertical jumps, they landed behind me.

I'm surrounded by them again!

Swipe, swipe, swipe, several long knives flashed at the same time.

Although all of them have lost their heads and their bodies are a little shriveled, they still display an extremely fierce aura. If they were ordinary people, they would be scared half to death just by being scared!

The mummy that I injured among them had a shiny waist. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a gold medal.

The gold medal is inlaid with jade, and is engraved with a blue dragon with its neck raised and roaring. It looks like something extraordinary at first glance.

Only then did I suddenly remember that when Jiang Dayu first saw these mummies, he said the words "Long Roar Guards".

The Longhou Guards, Qianniu Guards, and Jinwu Guards were the three most famous bodyguard organizations during the Tang Dynasty. However, the Longhou Guards were too mysterious and little known. They were never recorded in official history and were only briefly mentioned in miscellaneous records.

The Dragon Roar Guards were the secret force of Tang King Li Shimin. Long before he raised his troops, Li Shimin had raised many dead soldiers. Later, during the Xuanwu Gate Incident, these people played a vital role in helping Li Shimin kill He married Prince Li Jiancheng and won the throne.

The Dragon Roar Guards are not many in number, but they are all skilled in martial arts, heavily armored, and have many strange people. They are only loyal to Li Shimin and Obedience. Neither Gaozong Li Zhi nor Wu Zetian could truly control this power, but they could not kill it. In the end, Wu Zetian generously rewarded them and asked them to guard the imperial mausoleum. So far, there has been no news about the Longhou Guards.

I accidentally heard an old man in the tomb robbing world mention it, and that's how I learned about this secret. But Jiang Dayu could tell the true identities of these people with just a glance.

This guy's experience is indeed extraordinary, and just now, without any defense, he could hit me dozens of times with just a small smoking gun... Who is this guy?

The mummies of the Dragon Roar Guards surrounding me seemed to be quite wary of my magic talisman, and did not rush towards me directly. It seemed that they just wanted to surround me and prevent me from escaping.

"Why are you still dumbfounded and not taking action?" At this time, Jiang Dayu, who was sitting far away, was smoking his pipe happily and reminded me: "They are probably waiting for the arrival of School Longhou. Could it be that you Do you want to wait for their nine stars to gather together?"

There are nine members of the Dragon Roar Guards, and the leader is called the Dragon Roar School. It is said that they are all headed by strange people from the Tang Dynasty who possess special skills.

The eight mummies of Dragon Roar Guards in front of me are already extremely difficult to deal with. If another Dragon Roar School appears, how will I be able to deal with it?

But what makes me even more angry is that I had already escaped from the siege. If it weren't for Jiang Dayu, I would have run away.

It's good now. Jiang Dayu sat there like a normal person, and even kindly reminded me that School Longhou was coming...


At this moment, a dark wind blew in my face, and I couldn't help but shudder.

Looking around, I saw a light floating in the darkness directly opposite!

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