Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1562 Dragon Roar School

A light indeed.

This lamp is only the size of a palm, forged from bronze, and has an extremely weird shape. The lamppost is made up of two small winding snakes, with a skull the size of a walnut on its head. Two bright red lights shoot out from the skull's eyes, floating over them like no other. .

Seeing this, the eight mummified Dragon Roar Guards all knelt down on one knee involuntarily.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely tall figure appeared in the darkness behind the lamp!

This figure was about two meters tall, wearing a black robe that was exactly the same as the eight mummies, and holding half of a long sword in his hand. The head is covered with long snow-white hair, but the face is dry, leaving only a piece of red human skin tightly attached to the skull, making it look particularly ferocious.

There was a bright black hole in front of his heart, the size of a watermelon, and the broken bones inside could still be seen through the broken clothes.

Every bone is covered with cracks and looks like it could shatter into pieces at any time.

But it was such a big, scarred skeleton that walked steadily. Every step he took on the ground would make a thumping sound, causing the entire ground to tremble uncontrollably.


Boom, boom, boom!

This guy followed the ghost lantern, getting closer and closer.

With an extremely sinister pressure, he moved forward step by step.

"Look... I told you to take action earlier, but you didn't listen. Now the Dragon Roar School is here!" Jiang Dayu crossed his legs and said with some gloating.

From the looks of it, he still had no intention of helping me.

Does this old guy really want to see me being surrounded and killed here, and then take away my treasure?

As soon as I thought about it, the lamp floated to a place seven or eight meters in front of me and stopped. Then it floated high and hung in the air.

The red light emitted from the skull lamp suddenly brightened and suddenly illuminated me.

I was like a star standing on the stage, surrounded by darkness, and only this beam of light illuminated me from top to bottom in the center.

In the darkness, School Longhou let out a strange laugh. The laughter sounded like crying, very noisy, as if steel needles were pierced into the ears. I couldn't help but get goosebumps all over my body.

But the eight kneeling mummies seemed to have received some encouragement or order. They held long knives in their hands and took a step forward at the same time.


Eight mummies pointed their blades at me at the same time, kicking up a cloud of dust!

Before they took action, I had already noticed that this momentum was far more fierce than before.

The tall Colonel Longhou took two more steps forward, glanced at me coldly with his two dark eyes, and then focused on the sword spikes and ponytail whisk on my back.

"Did you see that? They are also interested in those two things." Jiang Dayu said while smoking his pipe: "If you are killed by them, you can't save anything. If you agree to give me one, even just one Zhang Fu, I will help you kill them right away. Brother Zhang, what do you think?"

"Shut up! Can you be any more shameless?" I was so angry that if I hadn't been trapped and unable to escape, I would have wanted to deal with this old guy as well.

School Longhou raised the half of his sword slightly and pointed at me.

Swish swish swish!

The four closest to me among the eight mummies immediately received the order and attacked my head and shoulders from all directions.

I quickly took half a step back and blocked with my knife.

when! The four cold knives struck at the same time, making the same sound.

I wielded four swords with both blades. My wrists were numb and painful, and I almost flew out.

Sure enough, the strength of these guys has increased several times!

What shocked me even more was that after the four mummies were chopped down with one knife, they no longer retreated. Instead, they used the knife as support, with their bodies hanging in mid-air.

The four mummies were holding knives with one hand, pressing hard on my double knives. All their weight was on me, and they were still exerting downward force!

As the ground under my feet made a rattling sound, my legs began to shake uncontrollably.

"Brother Zhang, have you thought about it? It's not too late to agree." Jiang Dayu said slowly.

I wanted to curse, but I couldn't open my mouth.

These four huge forces pressed me so hard that I couldn't even breathe. I gritted my teeth tightly and held on to death. At the same time, my mind was racing, thinking of countermeasures.

Originally, the eight mummies of the Dragon Roar Guards were extremely difficult to deal with, but the Dragon Roar School didn't know what method they used to make these guys become so tough in an instant, not to mention that there was a Dragon Roar School standing on the outside looking at them with eager eyes. .

Moreover, Jiang Dayu is sitting behind me. No one can predict whether he will suddenly attack me.

what to do?

My heart was spinning, and I saw the Long Roar Schoolman standing in the distance raising his sword again.

Swish swish swish! The remaining four mummies, each holding a long sword, also flew towards them.

The speed is so fast that it has never been seen before!

The afterimages, wrapped in the shining light of the sword, went straight to my chest, back, left and right ribs.

I will fight with you!

With a cruel thought in my mind, I suddenly retracted my hand. The four mummies hanging above my head lost all resistance and immediately fell together with the knife.

I waved my hands and used my swords to kill ghosts and gods, making two dark green light and shadows fly upward. As for whether it could hurt anyone, it all depended on fate, and I couldn't control that much.

Then he dwarfed and pulled out the old Taoist priest's ancient sword from his backpack with his backhand.

This ancient sword is two inches wide and three feet long. It looks light but is actually extremely heavy. I couldn't pull out the scabbard when I drew it!

But I couldn't care about that much now. I rolled on the spot and rushed directly towards the Dragon Roar Guard whose arm I had blown off earlier.

At the same time, I quickly mobilized Ran Min's power and concentrated it on both arms.

"Cut!" I shouted, slashed out with the sword and scabbard, and used the Shocking Slash again.

There are seven levels of Shocking Slash. Although I have just practiced it not long ago and have not yet completed the first level of 'Corpse Dog Realm', this is after all the supreme secret method passed down from the Nine Nether Gates. How can this mummy be able to withstand it? of?


As soon as the black light came out, it was like a bolt of lightning falling from the sky, sweeping directly over the mummy's body.

With a breath, the mummy turned into smoke and dust, and even the clothes were shattered into pieces. It was far more powerful than when it killed the giant hand Aoi.

Because these mummies are all gathered Yin Qi, the power of Shocking Slash can be fully exerted.

With a shocking slash, the ghost turned into ashes!

I followed the gap and quickly rolled out. With a click, the four mummies hanging above my head fell down at the same time, and a big hole was blown out of the entire ground.

The blue bricks were covered with spider web-like cracks and thick smoke billowed from them.

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