Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1563 The Divine Sword Shocks the Group of Corpses

After this sword strike, the ebony core hidden in my chest suddenly moved for no reason.

"Hey!" Jiang Dayu seemed to be surprised by my move and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The eight mummies seemed to be stunned, still maintaining their original appearance and motionless; even the extremely terrifying Dragon Roar School cocked his neck and stared at me, as if he had discovered something extremely incredible.

The bronze lamp hanging in the air also converged its light, and suddenly got into the arms of Colonel Long Roar.

All the mummies and Jiang Dayu were motionless. The entire time and space seemed to be completely frozen at this moment, and they were all controlled by me!

Although I had temporarily escaped from the siege at this time, the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods still fell at the feet of the mummy. This is a peerless magic weapon forged with Gan Jiang Mo Xie Yin Ling. It is not only extremely precious, but also of extraordinary significance. I can never throw it away. Besides, these many mummies are not a good thing. Since they don't move, I won't be polite.

Thinking of this, I suddenly swung the ancient sword and slashed at several other mummies.


"Cut! Cut! Cut!" Four sword strikes in a row, clean and neat.

Those mummies were not as flexible and agile as before, as if they were firmly fixed by something, motionless, and I chopped them into ashes in an instant.

Even School Longhou had a look of fear on his face. He stepped back from his ghostly look just now, and the broken sword in his hand began to shake.

Every time a mummy was chopped into pieces, the ebony core in my chest shook violently. This feeling is very strange, as if it has suddenly developed intelligence.

The three mummies a little further away from me finally woke up, turned around, turned around and ran away!

How can I let it go?

Take two quick steps to catch up and jump up!



"Behead again!" Black light passed by, and the three mummies turned into dust.

At this time, I was standing in the dark tomb with my sword in hand like a god. The Dragon Roar School had already withdrawn more than ten steps away, with a look of disbelief and extreme fear on my skinny and skinny face. He threw away the broken sword with a clang and fled deeper into the corridor.

This guy was unusually tall and made a thumping sound when he stepped on the ground.

After the ebony core vibrated three more times, it turned around impatiently, almost wanting to fly out. After the eight Dragon Roar Guards were killed by me one after another, their souls also dissipated, as if they were all eaten alive by the ebony core, which aroused its appetite. Seeing the Dragon Roar Schoolmaster approaching its mouth, it immediately It was a little anxious to escape!

Looking at it like this, if I don't do anything, it will most likely fly out on its own.

At this time, Jiang Dayu was still watching from a distance.

I didn’t want him to discover the secret of the ebony core, so I immediately jumped up and chased him closely.

Although School Longhou ran away quickly, he was extremely tall after all, and it was difficult for him to move in the narrow corridor.

After a few back and forth, I was chasing him. Then I raised my sword and lowered it, and a black light flew out!

The guy realized something was wrong, turned his head suddenly, and stretched out his arms.

With a swish, the bronze lamp flew out of his arms again, emitting red light and condensing into a bloody grimace, blocking the black smoke of Jing Zhan.

This guy can actually block the Shocking Slash, which is beyond my expectation!

I was about to reach out to take out the magic talisman, when suddenly, the ebony core jumped out from my chest.

The Dragon Roar Schoolmaster didn't wait for any reaction before it suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and dust, and even the bronze lamp disappeared with it, disappearing without a trace!

The ebony core leaped out and came back in an instant. When I drilled it back into my chest again, I could clearly feel that it seemed to have grown a lot bigger.

I stared at the scene in front of me in a daze, and then turned my head to look at the piles of Dragon Roar Guards that had turned into powder, and I was even more confused.

What exactly is going on?

The Dragon Roar Guards are just that. Although they are all proficient in sword skills and good at arranging troops, they are just a group of more powerful skeletons.

But School Longhou is the leader of this group of elites of the Tang Dynasty. Nowadays, their strength is no worse than that of Hill and Mrs. Shen. Even though he was already dead, his soul should be stronger than the Ghost King. Why was he so scared to death that he ran away without even using his abilities?

Were they aware of the existence of the Ebony Core, or were they frightened by the Shocking Slash? Or are you afraid of this ancient sword in my hand?

I was a little confused and wanted to pull out the ancient sword to see what happened, but strangely enough, I still couldn't pull it out.

The ancient sword seemed to be connected to the scabbard. No matter how hard I tried, it didn't move at all.

What's going on?

Who is that old Taoist wearing a white crane robe? There is something weird hidden in this sword.

I thought for a while and couldn't figure out the reason, so I went back and picked up the ghost-killing swords.

"Brother Zhang, where did you learn this skill?" Jiang Dayu stood in the distance, staring at me and asked.

I glanced at him sideways, not even bothering to pay him any attention, and walked straight forward.

"Brother Zhang, this is your fault, right?" Jiang Dayu jumped up and blocked me with his pipe: "How can you say that we have just overcome this difficulty together? Your attitude seems a bit inappropriate. So friendly.”

Still joining forces?

I was surrounded by Dragon Roar Guards just now, and I finally escaped from the formation, but this old guy secretly forced me back. How did he have the nerve to say these words?

I glared at him and said, "Thanks to you, I'm lucky I didn't get killed by you!"

Jiang Dayu took a puff from his pipe, raised his big eyelids and said, "Look what this is?" After saying that, the hand behind his back stretched out and showed it in front of me.

In the palm of his hand lay four short arrows, with Mitsubishi pointed cones, shining brightly, and with a touch of green on the tips. At a glance, you could tell that they were all coated with poison!

At this moment, I immediately remembered that I had just used the magic talisman to blow off the arm of a mummy, and when I escaped from the siege, I did hear four whistling sounds in succession. Immediately, Jiang Dayu appeared behind me.

It turns out that this guy didn't come to sneak attack me, but caught the four crossbow arrows for me!

Judging from my situation at the time, the four crossbow arrows were forcing me in mid-air, blocking all blind spots. Even if I tried my best to defend myself with my swords, I might not be able to defend against them without fail.

Moreover, judging from the situation at the time, Jiang Dayu may not have known that I could still defend myself in such a crisis.

It was true that he sat aside and watched the excitement. It can be seen that when my life was really in danger, he did not just sit back and watch. It was not what I thought at the beginning. He was hoping that I would die early so that he could pick up the treasure.

It seems that I really blamed him wrongly.

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