Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1564 Lina has a problem

I felt a little sorry at the moment, hugged him and said, "Thank you, Senior Jiang, for saving me!"

"No need to thank you." Jiang Dayu threw out the crossbow arrows with a wave of his hand, and then stretched out his hand seriously: "If you are really serious, just give me a talisman."

This old man hasn’t forgotten this yet!

I was angry and funny, but I didn't want to cause trouble with him at all, so I quickly changed the subject and said, "We have been delayed here for so long, let's quickly join Fan Chong and the others."

When Jiang Dayu heard that I didn't want to give it, he glared at me angrily and said, "Meeting for what? They are no longer here."

"Not here anymore? What does that mean?" I was a little confused when I heard this, and I had no idea what the old guy meant.

Didn't you tell them to go back the way they came and hide for a while?

Where else could they go if they weren't here? Did they just exit the historic site and return to the submarine?

Jiang Dayu pointed towards the wall and said, "Look here!"

I looked in the direction of his finger and saw many stone bars protruding from the wall. Each stone bar was about the width of a palm, seven or eight meters long, and there were three or four meters between each other. From bottom to top, all the way to the ceiling.

I had noticed these stone strips a long time ago. It turned out that I thought they were just to strengthen the foundation of the wall, or simply for decoration, and I didn't take it seriously at all.

But after Jiang Dayu reminded me, I realized that this thing was a little abnormal!

Every stone bar is actually alive! It is slowly moving upwards, and the light in this place is extremely dim. If you don't keep staring at one place, you won't be able to notice it at all.

As the stone bars twisted, the entire ground was slowly moving.

It's just that the amplitude is very small, and the entire ground is moving slowly, so if there is no control object, it will not be discovered at all!

Just like the earth, it is spinning and revolving all the time, and it is extremely fast, but no one can feel it.

The entire passage is also moving, tilting sideways half a centimeter, half a centimeter, and a little bit!

Jiang Dayu turned off the communicator hanging by his ear and motioned for me to do the same. Then he said solemnly: "This thing is called a card palace lock."

"Kagongsuo?" I glanced at him with some confusion.

This name is not unfamiliar to me. Many ancient mechanisms have similar structures, such as small wooden figures that can keep rotating, and iron figures that keep chopping firewood.

The insides of these small objects are like clockwork inside a clock, with gears interlocking with each other to transmit kinetic energy.

However, there is a problem here.

There are two iron balls installed under the rotating wooden figure, which can be rotated continuously by the action of levers; the iron figure chopping firewood can keep turbulent by borrowing the principle of magnets with like poles repelling each other and opposite poles attracting each other. But this ancient monument is so huge, what was used to drive it?

Jiang Dayu seemed to have noticed my doubts, and while filling the tobacco pot with shredded tobacco, he said: "This palace lock keeps moving with the power of running water, and the passage and door will change positions accordingly. In other words In other words, this historic site has always been alive, and all paths are changing all the time, and there is no unique passage or entrance."

As soon as he said this, I suddenly woke up.

Why were Fujita Tsuyoshi and Liang Mingli walking in front, but we didn't find even the slightest trace, and neither of them seemed to have encountered the old Taoist wearing a crane robe or the dragon roar guard. It turns out that they both took another path!

Thinking about it this way, the ancestors of the William family may not have been trapped by the corpse formation, but as the passage changed, they couldn't get out at all!

Jiang Dayu lit his cigarette and smoked it. As the fireworks flickered out, he said leisurely: "According to my calculation, Fan Chong and the others have already entered another passage. We are the only ones left in this passage. Two."

"So you discovered it earlier? But why did you deliberately send them away?" When I heard this, I couldn't help but become alert again.

A group of six of us entered the historic site. When we passed the corpse array, Liang Mingli left the group first, whether accidentally or on purpose.

Jiang Dayu had already discovered the problem, but instead deliberately sent Fan Chong, Pike, and Lina away. What was An's motive?

Jiang Dayu blew out a puff of smoke, raised his head, looked at me and said, "Brother Zhang, didn't you realize that there's something wrong with that girl Lina?"

"What's wrong?" I asked with some confusion.

"When we destroyed the ghost dragon soul, there were only three people left in the submarine: Lina, Pike and Liang Mingli."

"When she came back again, Lina had just had a quarrel with William. She seemed very dissatisfied with him for opening the ghost realm without notifying us in advance. Then, Karloff called and asked what we had seen? When Fan Chong said When the word Yin Dragon came out, even Liang Mingli raised his eyelids in surprise, but Lina and Parker remained indifferent."

"Maybe they don't understand. They are outsiders and don't know what we are talking about. This is also very possible." I said with some confusion.

"It is indeed possible." Jiang Dayu nodded and said, "But when she heard the word Yin Long, Lina subconsciously clenched her fists."

"She did this action subconsciously, and it was fleeting. It was not nervousness, not fear, but... excitement! That's right! After she heard the word Yinlong, her first reaction was excitement and excitement . Moreover, when she learned that the pile of bones were their ancestors, she also made the exact same action!"

"What does this mean? It means that although she doesn't know the existence of the Ghost Realm, she has long known that there is a Yin Dragon here, which seems to have verified some of her guesses and expectations! She felt uncontrollable joy when she heard these two words! "Jiang Dayu explained.

"Then, she said righteously that if we didn't want to, we would leave immediately and end the inspection. But when the ghost realm just appeared and Fan Chong even wanted to leave them and escape alone, she didn't say such a thing. He even looked gloomy and prepared to fight back. The contrast between the one before and the other is a bit abnormal..."

"Also! What did she do in front of the portrait of her ancestor? She clasped her hands together and muttered something."

"I pretended to look at a map and secretly observed her lips, and discovered that what she was reciting was a sutra! So I saw that when the Buddha was in the world, the sky and the earth were first opened, and nothing was born. In the vast dark night, a ray of light suddenly appeared. bright……"

"What she was reciting was the Tathagata Sutra!" Jiang Dayu sneered.

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