Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,566 Extremely Brain-Burning

Jiang Dayu's inference is very reasonable.

The wounds left on the necks of the two alchemists were exactly the same as this crossbow arrow. Although the toxin had spread over thousands of years, the bruises on the wounds could not be false at all. They were indeed killed by this crossbow arrow.

The eight Dragon Roar Guards each have different heights, but the fractures on their necks are in a horizontal line. Even though some have half their shoulders cut off, some have their necks exposed, and there is one who is the tallest. , with half of their jaws left - it can be seen that they were all killed with one sword.

The figure of the Dragon Roar School was extremely tall. It seemed that he tried to escape by leaping, but was still stabbed through the heart by a sword.

These guys have been dead for thousands of years, but they still put me in danger. If they were alive, their strength should be even more amazing, but they can't even withstand a single move from that veteran.

This shows how terrifying that veteran's strength must be?

Even so, the old Taoist still died and was unable to escape from this historic site.

What exactly is there in this ancient ruin? So ferocious?

"Brother Zhang, we have two choices now." Jiang Dayu said, raising two fingers: "First, we sit here and wait, waiting for other passers-by to rush in first and explore for us. Exploring the truth. However, if they really break through, no matter what good things they find or what opportunities they get, nothing will happen to us."

"The second option is that we enter first. Good things will naturally happen to us, but various dangers are also waiting for us. If you were given the choice, which one would you choose?"

I glanced at him, then at the slowly moving stone strips on the wall, and asked in surprise, "Do you know how to get around this historic site?"

After all, the Kagong Lock is ever-changing. As it keeps shifting, the entire passages and gates will also change. It is impossible to tell which road leads directly to the center of the earth and which is a psychedelic trap.

Since Jiang Dayu said this, he must have seen through this mechanism long ago and knew which way to take to the door to the center of the earth!

"That's right!" Jiang Dayu nodded and said: "This card palace lock may seem strange, but in fact there are many rules to be found. After all, this mechanism was formed early. Although the ancients had wisdom at that time, they did not have the dexterity."

"This card palace lock is the most basic five palaces, which means there are only five changes and five paths in total."

"And in this historic site, several groups of people have come one after another."

"Alchemists, Dragon Roar Guards, and White Crane Taoist, these three waves of people seem to be enemies of each other, but they entered at about the same time, otherwise they would not kill each other. Moreover, the two alchemists probably came in with Long Roar Guards of."

"We only found a gourd rope. With the ability of these people, it is impossible for these people to swim all the way here. The situation at that time was probably that the alchemist obtained the Sky Gou Double Jade and wanted to take it out secretly, but was The Longhou Guards found out and executed them immediately. However, they did not expect that before they died, the two men exploded the stone man and buried themselves together with the jade. The Longhou Guards could not dig out, but they could not return empty-handed, so they turned back. "

"I don't know why I bumped into Taoist Baihe here again, and they all died in his hands."

"The time when this group of infiltrators entered should be the early years of the Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago." Jiang Dayu analyzed.

"The second batch of infiltrators should be the ancestors of the William family. Judging from his clothes, pocket watches and other items, it should be around five hundred years ago, and the corresponding dynasty should be the late Ming Dynasty. But we don't know where he came from. The clues we got are how we broke the restriction on the bottom of the river to get here. Also, it’s hard to say whether this guy came here alone.”

"The third group of people entered almost at the same time as us."

"But this group of people is divided into several waves! One is the person who used the long knife to pry open the stone door. This guy came in before us long ago with Fujita. Who is it? And who is it? We all know nothing about his origins. This is the most mysterious guy, or he is a group of people like us. Judging from his ability to unknowingly unlock restrictions and sneak into ancient ruins with ease, his strength is Not to be underestimated, at least not much worse than us..."

"The other one is Tsuyoshi Fujita. He came in a day earlier than us, but he hasn't found any traces until now."

"Liang Mingli left the team early and has disappeared. Whether he deliberately left us behind and wanted to explore alone, or whether he really lost his way, is somewhat unclear."

"Lina, Pike and Fan Chong are in another group, and the two of us are in another group. At present, the living people who are still in the ancient ruins are divided into four groups! It is difficult to tell who meets whom. It’s hard to predict what will happen next, not to mention that the monument itself is not a safe place... So, the current situation for the two of us is not good."

Jiang Dayu is right. Several groups of people have come in to this historic site. Let’s not talk about the waves of long-dead intruders from the Tang Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. Let’s just talk about the present.

The unknown mysterious man, Fujita Tsuyoshi, Liang Mingli, Lina Parker and Fan Chong, Jiang Dayu and I, these groups all have their own agendas and have their own plans.

As early as on the boat, Liu Laoliu and I discovered that these people had different purposes, at least they were not passively tempted by William's money villa. At least Hill and Mrs. Shen are definitely not people who can be hired with money.

William told me that there was a mysterious person in the team who knew the bottom line.

Liu Laoliu said that there was a murderer in the team who murdered his son.

Another traitor appeared in the ninja incident... It was already a mystery, but who would have imagined that once he entered the water, the situation became more complicated!

Liang Mingli left the team alone; Lina's knowledge of this ancient ruins was beyond our imagination; Pike was actually wearing the ring that was clearly taken away by the middle finger; Jiang Dayu discovered the secret of my possession of the "Yin Fu Jing"... ...This intricate relationship and the secrets hidden behind each person are simply amazing and unimaginable.

Every moment is testing my experience, intelligence, physical strength, energy and other aspects. Even my acting skills and my city are extremely important!

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a full sense of expectation. What will it be like when all these mysteries are completely solved?

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