Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1567: Mountain of Corpses and Sea of ​​Snakes

"Brother Zhang, what's your choice?" Jiang Dayu asked me, shaking his small yellow eyes.

Want to kick the ball to me? You'd better save some money!

I pretended to be humble and said: "Senior Jiang, you are the leader of the underwater team. Whatever you choose, I will follow you."

Jiang Dayu was stunned and muttered angrily: "The team leader doesn't have much, he doesn't even have a Zhang Fu..."

It seems that those talismans are really good things. Even now, the old man's resentment is still so deep.

"Since you're here, waiting here is not an option, and so many people have passed by one after another. Someone may have walked on that road a long time ago. Let's follow it and have a look." Jiang Dayu said After finishing, he glanced at the stone strips on the wall, counted with his fingers, and said with certainty: "We are on the third channel of the five-axis lock. In other words, we have to wait for the channel to change direction. twice."

After saying that, he ignored me and still lowered his head, smoking a cigarette one after another.

This guy is surprisingly addicted to smoking. Since the first time they met him, the two brothers have been smoking, which is similar to Han Laoliu's drinking.

He was smoking and I was bored, so I put away the two ancient swords and took out the iron box.

This iron box was hidden above the mural by William's ancestors. It only contained a pocket watch and a broken map.

I gave the pocket watch to Lina and the map to Jiang Dayu. I only had this iron box in my hand.

The box is made of fine iron and painted with black paint on the outside. Although it looks square and neat, except for the two small golden locks hanging on it, there is really nothing special about it.

I checked carefully for a long time, shook it many times, and found no mechanism like a mezzanine, but I just had an inexplicable feeling that the guy must be trying to leave some clues through the box!

He went through so much effort to finally enter the ancient ruins. When he was dying, he secretly interpreted the Buddhist words in ancient Latin, hoping to leave something to future generations. But it's just a pocket watch and an external map that has long been useless, which is a bit unreasonable.

I looked at both the pocket watch and the map, but there were no valuable clues left. The only thing was the box, which was a bit elusive. What on earth did he want to hint at through this box?

The Latin transliteration of iron box?

The angle between the box and the bones?

Or is it the relationship between the box, the pocket watch, and the map?


I was thinking about it when I suddenly heard a buzzing sound.

Following the sound, I saw a little bee coiling not far from me.

bee? This historic site is tens of meters deep under the water. Not to mention flowers, not even a blade of grass can be seen. How can bees survive?

It's Pike!

This guy calls himself a zoologist and carries many small bottles with all kinds of small animals inside. He may have released the bees.

Could it be that the three of them suddenly realized that they were separated from us and sent out bees to look for us?

After the little bee circled around me for a few times, it buzzed and flew towards Jiang Dayu.

Jiang Dayu blew out smoke at the little bee, and the bee fell to the ground with a splat.

"Brother Zhang, let's go." Jiang Dayu said, knocked on his cigarette and stood up.

"Didn't you say you want to wait for the fifth path?" I pointed to the row of stone strips on the wall that were still moving slowly: "Isn't this the fourth path that hasn't been moved yet?"

"Didn't you see that all the soldiers exploring the path came flying in?" Jiang Dayu pointed to the little bee that fell on the ground: "If it were a little later, they would have discovered it. Let's walk first, and then change the direction at the next pass. Same. The Kasuo Palace has five horizontal and three vertical directions, which circulate in a circle. If you go two steps forward, it will change lanes."

With that said, he turned on the flashlight and walked forward.

I put away the iron box and followed him, always keeping a distance of five or six meters.

After walking for more than ten meters along the narrow corridor, a broken stone door appeared in front.

The stone gate is very tall and heavy, but someone has punched a hole in the middle, which is where the Long Roar School should have come from.

As soon as I stepped into the stone gate, I immediately smelled an extremely strong fishy smell!

It's strange to say that there is such a big gap in the stone door. You can't smell it when you stand outside the door. But as soon as you enter, the smell hits your nose and lungs. It's so disgusting that your internal organs are overwhelming.

The smell is fishy and smelly, and it even hurts my eyes. I really don’t know what it is coming from!

Jiang Dayu and I flashed our flashlights and looked around. This space is extremely large. The floor, walls, and even the ceiling are in an almost original state. There are almost no traces of artificial chiseling. Most of them are sharp rocks and are full of majestic features.

Along our journey, although most of them were built to take advantage of the situation and are completely natural, traces of man-made things can still be seen everywhere. This place looks like a natural cave, as if no one has ever set foot in it.

The further we walked, the stronger the smell became.

Suddenly, Jiang Dayu stopped.

When I looked at it by flashlight, my scalp felt numb.

Just a dozen meters in front of us, there was a dense mountain of corpses!

Hundreds of corpses were stacked on top of each other, with undulating peaks and ridges filling the space. Most of them had turned into withered bones, but many still had skin and flesh left on them.

The only thing that is the same is that all the bones have no heads.

In the mountain of corpses, there are countless snakes densely packed!

Black, white, red, green, colorful and flowery, coiled, winding, full of them!

They crawled in and out of the white bones. At first glance, it looked like every headless corpse had come to life, which was dazzling and shocking.

The real mountain of corpses and sea of ​​snakes is frightening!

Sand, sand, sand, sand...

At this moment, there was a rustling sound behind us.

I turned around and looked with the flashlight. I don’t know when the path we just walked behind us was also covered with snakes. The ground and walls were all densely packed.

Colorful, like waves, and they keep pouring out from the gaps in the mountain wall! Thousands, endless.

One by one, they were swallowing snake messages, making noisy noises, and swishing toward us.

There was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​snakes in front of us, and a tidal wave of crazy snakes behind us. Jiang Dayu and I were immediately trapped in it!

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