Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1568: All-out Assault

"This is the Yin Snake Bone Formation, also called Corpse Snake Gu!" Jiang Dayu quickly filled the tobacco pot with shredded tobacco and said with a look of surprise on his face: "This is the most common witchcraft in ancient times. These snakes are all year round. Coiled among dead bones and rotten flesh, it has long been infected by Yin Qi. Once bitten, the Yin Qi will spread wantonly along with the venom."

"Then what should we do? Should we go back or rush forward?" I nervously drew out my double swords for killing ghosts and gods.

"Those snakes in the back have already smelled the anger. I'm afraid it will be more dangerous if you retreat! Before the snakes in the front wake up, kill them first." After Jiang Dayu finished speaking, he lit the pipe and took a long puff. He said in one breath: "Brother Zhang, be careful not to get bitten by a snake. It will be very troublesome to deal with. Follow me and leave quickly!"

As soon as he said "go", he rushed out in a swish.

Although this guy is thin and withered, as if he could be blown down by a gust of wind, his movement is extremely fast, and he has jumped three meters away in one leap.

His whole body was wrapped in thick smoke, and when he stepped on it, everything from bones to poisonous snakes became pitch black!

Every pitch black foothold seemed to have become a forbidden area for venomous snakes. The snakes fled one after another and spread out in all directions, revealing the terrifying corpses below.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and catch up!"

Seeing that I was still hesitating, Jiang Dayu turned his head and urged loudly.

There was a snake chasing behind me and a mountain of corpses in front of me. I couldn't think about it any more. I swung my swords and chased after him.

I spread my legs and jumped wildly, trying my best to land on Jiang Dayu's footing with every kick.


As soon as the two of us broke into the mountain of corpses, the thousands of venomous snakes coiled among the corpses all woke up, screamed, and swarmed over.

Although the snakes were quite taboo about the dark marks under Jiang Dayu's step and did not dare to move forward, they surrounded us on the only way we could pass. They kept leaping up and pounced on us one after another. flutter.

The group of snakes stirred up in chaos, causing the corpses to rattle, as if the thousands of dead corpses had come to life, each one baring its teeth in a horrifying smile.

Mountain of corpses! Sea of ​​snakes!

Everywhere you look you see white bones with sharp teeth, and everything you see is a venomous snake with its venomous mouth!

Jiang Dayu flew and leaped, blowing out white smoke.

The smoke lingers, surrounding the whole body like a protective umbrella.

The snakes were very afraid of the smoke and did not dare to get too close, so they moved to both sides.

Soon a passage filled with bones appeared in front of Jiang Dayu.

But those snakes were not afraid of me, they all turned and rushed towards me!

I hurriedly waved my swords wildly, slashing in all directions.

The broken snake was torn into pieces, and the remaining blood was like rain. The fishy smell became even stronger, making me almost unable to breathe. I really regret not bringing an oxygen bottle with me!

There were many snake shadows, one after another, completely blocking my sight.

I was like a human meat grinder at this moment. Every time I took a step forward, dozens of broken snakes flew out in all directions, and little bits of residual blood kept splashing on my back and back, making a large area soaked in an instant.

Whoop! The snakes surrounding me suddenly dispersed.

As the smoke filled the air, my eyes temporarily regained clarity for a moment.

It turned out that Jiang Dayu stopped and threw a long smoke towards me.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, hurry up and follow me!" Jiang Dayu shouted urgently, and jumped forward again.

I took advantage of this opportunity to take out a few explosive talismans and threw them to the left and right.



The red light exploded, and a large area of ​​the surrounding snakes was blown to pieces. Even the pile of corpses was blown up high, and the broken bones of the remaining snakes covered the sky like rain.

Taking advantage of this gap, I hurriedly bowed my waist, jumped quickly, and chased in the direction of Jiang Dayu.

I don’t know how long this snake mountain of corpses is. It’s so dark in front that I can’t even see the side.

I followed the smoke, and every step I took was extremely difficult!

Simply put, after Jiang Dayu deliberately slowed down, I got closer to the smoke, and basically no longer had to worry about attacks from the front.

But even so, the snakes on the left, right and behind me were still attacking me like crazy.

The snakes that emerged from the cracks in the rocks also caught up from a distance and joined the battle group.

The snakes make strange sizzling noises, their noses are full of fishy stench, and their eyes are full of snake shadows...

There is nothing more disgusting than a snake! At this moment, I hate this kind of legless, hairless, cartilage-invisible monster.

Inexplicably, I miss Parker a little bit.

If this guy were here, there should be some way to avoid ending up in such an embarrassing situation, right?

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally set foot on the ground.

Turning around, he saw that he had just stepped out of a stone door.

This stone door is exactly the same as what I saw when I came in. It is extremely thick, and someone has smashed a big hole in the middle.

The snakes and swarms came swarming, but they didn't dare to go beyond the door. They opened their mouths and tongues one by one and screamed. The dense piles were piled up and down, forming a large pile, blocking the entire doorway.

At this time, two snakes were squeezed out of the door and fell to the ground.



Two thunder-like explosions suddenly sounded, and a fire broke out from the snake's body, and then turned into smoke.

I was shocked by this and hurriedly took two steps forward. Only then did I realize that a Heavenly Master Fire and Thunder Talisman was carved above the stone door.

The talisman has long been covered with cracks. It is at the end of its strength and is about to lose its effectiveness. But even so, the power is still extremely amazing!

The snakes in the door dispersed with a cry, and escaped completely in an instant.

Who left this spell? Before I could think about it further, the dirty energy I had been suppressing just now could no longer be tolerated and I spat it out.

The stench was so disgusting that I was lucky enough not to be knocked down just now.

I vomited for a while, then took out a water bottle and rinsed my mouth, which made me feel better.

Turning around, he saw that Jiang Dayu had already dissipated the smoke and was leaning against the wall, smoking. He seemed to be replenishing some energy, swallowing in big mouthfuls. He didn't even spit out a puff of smoke, inhaling it all. In the lungs.

The fire in the pipe flickered, illuminating his old wrinkled face.

Until now, I was more and more confused. Who is this old man?

Including helping me catch crossbow arrows, he has saved me twice. Is he an enemy or a friend?

Jiang Dayu smoked three pots of cigarettes in a row, then he knocked the cigarette rod with satisfaction and stood up. He looked at me with a pair of small yellow eyes and said, "Brother Zhang, I helped you again. Two After all, it’s worth one talisman, right?”

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