Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1570 The finest fragrant quartz

When the giant python saw Yanhu, he shrank back in fear and kept spitting out his tongue, making a strange hissing sound.

Following the sound, there was a sizzling response from the rock crevices in all directions.

I shined a flashlight and instantly got goosebumps on my back. I saw countless snake heads emerging from the cracks in the rock. They were also completely black, with a small red sarcoma growing on the top of their heads. The big snake is exactly the same, just slightly smaller.

The little snakes snaked outwards, and in an instant, they were densely covered with a layer of black and red on the rock wall in front of and behind us, surging constantly.

When I thought about the sea of ​​snakes just now, I immediately felt my legs shaking.

What the hell is this place? How come there are so many snakes!

"Mr. Jiang, what's the use of this fragrant crystal? Well...I mean, do you want to help me?" I said deliberately, trying to retreat.

I don't want to help with this, but Jiang Dayu must be wary of talking about Xiang Jing.

"Just watch it from the side, this thing is mine!" Sure enough, Jiang Dayu had already regarded the fragrant crystal on the python's head as something in his pocket, so how could he allow others to get involved with it, even if he was helping? allow.

Okay, that's it. As soon as I heard what he said, I hid in a place a little far away from the four walls and sat down.

These people invited by William are all masters of martial arts with unique skills. Until now, everyone's abilities have been revealed, but Jiang Dayu has not yet come up with his trump card. I have always been curious about where this guy came from, and now I can take a look.

Little snakes were constantly surging out from all directions, spiraling down from the stone walls, and swarming towards us.

But Jiang Dayu didn't even look at it. He flicked his hand and another stream of smoke flew out.

Before the smoke fell to the ground, it turned into strange birds.

It stretches its wings, its three claws are like hooks, and its beak is like a sharp scythe. He spread out with a gasp and pounced towards those little snakes.

Although these strange birds are all made of smoke, each one looks like a real entity. It grabs a small snake, uses its beak and claws together, and tears it into pieces in two or two strokes. Or grab the snake and throw it from a high altitude, then hit it hard on the sharp rocks, smashing the snake to pieces.

These birds killed the snakes and killed fifty or sixty venomous snakes in an instant.

I was originally worried that these little snakes would crawl to me, but now I feel relieved.


When the big python on the boulder saw the small snakes dying tragically, it roared angrily and rushed down with a roar. Its entire body was tens of meters long.

Jiang Dayu moved forward a little, and Yanhu opened his bloody mouth, and the wind blew under his feet, and he rushed forward with a whoosh.

The violent collision between snake and tiger seemed earth-shattering, but it was silent.

I saw Yanhu grabbing the snake's neck and biting it desperately. The giant snake twisted its thick body and turned back to bite.

The tiger and the snake were entangled together, and the rocks all over the ground were overturned, making loud bangs on the stone walls.

Jiang Dayu sat cross-legged on the ground, smoking a cigarette and watching the fight between snake and tiger.

A long gash was torn open on the big snake's neck by Yan Hu, and gurgling blood flowed out. A pungent smell of blood immediately filled the entire cave.

After the big snake worked hard and kept turning and moving, the white energy on Yanhu's body became lighter and lighter. Although it recovered after several overlaps, it gradually lost its strength. Finally, there was a snap, and when he was swept by the python's tail again, he fell into pieces and could no longer regain his white tiger body.

After killing the white tiger, the giant python stared at Jiang Dayu with two big blood-red eyes, and then rushed towards him.

Jiang Dayu acted as if he hadn't seen anything and puffed out another puff of smoke.

This puff of cigarette turned out to be black.

As soon as the black smoke came out, it condensed and took shape instantly, turning into a monster whose whole body was covered in black.

The body is as strong as an ox, with a pointed head, wings on both sides, and four claws like hooks!

As soon as this guy suddenly appeared, he pointed the sharp horns on his head towards the giant python, just as the giant python rushed in front of him.

With a pop, the sharp horn was firmly inserted into the snake's belly. Then the monster stretched out its two claws to grab the snake's wound and violently tore it to both sides.

With a crash, the entire giant python was split in half!

The snake corpses fell to both sides, causing a huge cloud of smoke and dust.

The black smoke monster rushed forward, pulled out the snake gallbladder from the snake corpse, swallowed it in one gulp, and then licked the snake's blood greedily.

What kind of monster is this?

Not only had I never heard of it, but his strength was even more amazing. He completely killed the giant python with just one move.

And what is the origin of Jiang Dayu? There are such amazing means!

When Jiang Dayu saw that the giant python was dead, he knocked on the cigarette pole and stood up happily. He trotted forward and touched the snake's head with the cigarette pole.

It was like a sharp blade, cutting open the big sarcoma.

A small, shiny red stone the size of a fist was exposed inside.

"Not bad, not bad! The best fragrant quartz stone! Hahaha..." Jiang Dayu held the stone and looked at it over and over, laughing wildly.

Looks like this guy finally got what he wanted.

"Senior Jiang, what's the use of this thing?" I stepped forward and just wanted to take a closer look.

When Jiang Dayu saw me approaching, he seemed to be afraid that I would snatch him away. He didn't even have time to wipe the snake blood on the stone, and put it into his arms with a swish. He stared at a pair of small yellow eyes and said: " What's the use? Great use! This is mine, it has nothing to do with you."

I was speechless for a moment. I'm not trying to steal it from you, so why don't I just ask?

"Okay, okay, don't eat it!" Jiang Dayu turned around and patted the black smoke monster who was still lowering his head to lick blood: "With your current skills, you can't digest much. No matter how much you eat, it's useless. Hurry up. Go back." Jiang Dayu said with half care and half rebuke, then he pinched his fingers with one hand and shouted: "Go away!"

With a bang, the black smoke monster became invisible, and the three-clawed strange birds hovering around also disappeared.

A group of little snakes screamed in shock and scrambled to crawl into the cracks in the rocks.

Snake corpses of all sizes were overwhelming, and the smell of blood was blowing in the wind.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine what happened just now.

"Okay, let's keep walking!" Jiang Dayu patted the chest containing the fragrant stone with satisfaction and strode forward.

This guy has finally reaped the benefits, and seems to be eager to get some more benefits.

I waved the flashlight and looked around, but didn't find anything special. I was just about to catch up with Jiang Dayu.


Suddenly, a loud roar came from the depths of the cave!

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